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Hello, Habr

Tensor has been working in the software market for over 20 years. The accountant who gives you your salary knows exactly who we are and what we do. But in the IT sphere, we did not specifically declare ourselves. It's time to change it and meet.

Electronic reporting, electronic document management, search and analysis of purchases, corporate social network, video communications, personnel management - this is only part of our services. We automate workflows and turn them into "a few clicks."
You can work in VLSI offline, online and in a mobile application.

We will not load you with stories about our product. If interested, here we are in letters and pictures told everything about him.

Why are we interesting and useful?

To develop our products (online services, desktop and mobile applications) we use our own PaaS framework.

Backend framework we write in C ++, while application code can be written both in C ++ and in Python or Javascript, for this purpose bridges are made to all built-in types. In addition to the built-in types and call system (remoting, IPC, inproc), an important part of the framework is the application server, which runs faster than the Node.JS server on a similar hardware, but more on that later in a separate article.

Frontend framework developed in Javascript allows programmers to build an application interface for web, desktop or mobile applications using the component model and MVVM pattern.

When developing, we describe a solution application in our IDE Genie. This is the main application development tool on our framework. It describes the data structures, the facades of services, the layout of the interface, the structure when the service is deployed. This is a cross-platform solution that allows us to work on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Our framework is PaaS, since besides the library code itself, it provides cloud infrastructure, within which inter-service interaction is organized: synchronous calls, MQ, event-based realtime bus.

Our services and applications can store data in different DBMS, with a completely different profile: Postgres, SQLite, Redis, ElasticSearch, Clickhouse.

For balancing and routing requests use nginx in conjunction with c lua. In “peacetime,” our fronts withstand about 10,000 rps and about 1,000,000 simultaneous connections. But in the peaks, these figures increase 5 times.

About 15,000,000 documents pass through our cloud every month, and this number is growing. Every second company in Russia submits reports precisely in our system (We don’t like to be unfounded - these are ROSEU statistics ). Therefore, during the reporting period our servers have peak loads - 635,000 reports per day.

Own data center helps to receive and store incoming information from customers - these are 350 IBM and Lenovo FlexSystem x240 servers with storage capacity of 2 PB.

On Habré we plan to write about how we use all this in the practice of VLSI, about our own developments, share life hacking, talk about our events, about the life of the company and many other things.

We will be happy to give feedback to make each of our posts as useful as possible for you. Ask questions, designate topics of interest to you in the comments, share your thoughts.

In the meantime, we have written an article on how to make your C ++ code cross-platform. Tomorrow we will show.

We found some interesting videos about our developments, about our house and our work. They will make acquaintance with us more alive.

→ Tenzor Company Presentation
→ WEB-Genie: new software development environment
→ About object storage and EMC ECS

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/326804/

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