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Podcasting (English podcasting, from iPod and English broadcasting - universal broadcasting, broadcasting) is a way to publish media streams (usually sound or video broadcasts) on the World Wide Web (usually in MP3 format for sound and Flash for video broadcasts ), in which they are announced in a special way to automate the download of new releases to the playback device.
(Based on Wikipedia)
Podcasting walks victoriously on the Internet and settles down very well in RuNet. A lot of things move podcasters: from banal vanity and thirst to be noticed, to idle interest in the technical side of the issue: microphones, filters, amplifiers and other hardware have always been interested in computer people.
In general, for the existence and development of podcasting as a phenomenon, and podcasters as an integral part of this type of creativity, you need a lot of factors:
  1. Internet access medium speed.
    Computer and a set of programs to create a podcast (there are free).
    Microphone and other devices that bring the sound closer to the ideal.
    A platform for publishing podcasts.
    And if with positions Nos. 1-3, a resident of a megapolis and just a small city usually doesn’t have problems, then nos. 4 and no. 5 have questions.
    So, a platform for publishing podcasts. What should they give to the podcaster and what do they expect from him in return? In fact, there are only two services in Runet that can be called podcast terminals: the popular Russian Podcasting and the young but ambitious PodFM. If you are writing audio, both of them will easily place your podcast feed and give it to the user in the most convenient form.
    But, having played enough with microphones, equalizers, filters, programs and web services, a podcaster, nevertheless, having become a popular broadcaster on the Internet, cannot but notice that it takes a very long time to record and maintain podcasts. Even if he skillfully records his voice and the processing time is reduced to almost zero, he will want to receive a reward for his systematic work, to receive money.
    What is the experience of monetization of podcasts and how are podcasters that are popular today?
    It is fair to say that today the podcast terminals do not provide any special assistance in this matter. Their thoughts, and very fairly, are occupied with their monetization, the proceeds of which go mostly to new developments and to pay bills for the frantic traffic that has been caught up by the listeners of these same podcasts.
    Monetization of podcasters in RuNet today is the work of the podcasters themselves!
    For example, the podcast Jocast.lv receives fees from its sponsor Converse for the fact that the presenters regularly mention it in their releases, saying that his sneakers are the best in the world. Podcast No. 1 “Show Tits Pussy” on Russian Podcasting is sponsored by the brand Contex, which is known mainly for its condoms. And it is worth noting that these sponsors were found by the podcasters themselves, and they also established all the contractual relationships. Also note that podcast terminals are still very loyal to such advertising on their servers.

    Monetizing podcasters of the more developed Western Internet is the work of thematic networks that feed the podcasters that are members of these networks, receiving interesting and exclusive content from them. An example of such networks is the PodTech network, on which, for example, the Scobble Show is released - a very popular video caste about startups and IT in general. The sponsors here are the giants AMD and Seagate. Also note how the Revision3 network works, which has brightened up such shows as Tekzilla, DiggNation, Pop Siren and many others. Consolidation of podcasters and video casters around thematic networks is due to the fact that really big money can be obtained only in the corporate sector, where one podcaster is simply not visible - it does not make such a large number of shows that AMD wants to see or Microsoft. Thematic networks provide a huge audience reach, and commodity-contractual relations are much easier to accompany them. And, for example, Revision3 also has a chic studio for its podcasters, where they shoot their shows.

    But there are examples of independent podcasters there. For example, the very popular podcast Dave's Lounge, which began its broadcasting more than three years ago, earns quite a lot by selling music through its shows both from partner sites (CD Baby, mp3.com, etc.) and from its own independent store. music What can we say about the famous DJ, who very successfully promote all their releases on the Internet. Armin van Buuren with his show Armin Only and DJ Tiësto are the brightest podcasters in this field.
    And what can our podcast terminals do to compensate for the TIME that podcasters spend on creating unique content? In fact, once the Internet radio bee.fm made 15-second informational inserts into the Internet broadcasting to users on topics that were selected according to the information in their profiles. The same can be realized by podcast terminals in downloaded podcasts, and simply sharing revenues with the producers of video and audio content.
    By the way, those who release podcasts on PodFM can already today advertise their sponsors in slide shows — flash widgets that display several illustrations while listening to a podcast.
    Despite such a big difference between the monetization methods "there" and "here", one thing is clear - the future belongs to thematic networks and podcast terminals that will fight for producers and listeners, showering all sorts of benefits to the first and delivering intelligent and high-quality content to successful podcasters the second.

    Vyacheslav Baransky
    Source: Royber PC


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27725/

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