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Results of 2015: IT industry

Experts and executives of companies named the main trends of 2015 in the IT industry. What startups, technologies and trends were most noticeable in Russia and in the world, and what to expect in the future?

Key events and trends

The “takeoff” of the Periscope service is one of the most notable events of the outgoing year, which has already managed to influence the scope of online marketing and cause a resonance in connection with the threat to privacy. No less obvious trends were the development of the Internet of things, virtual reality and the popularization of online recruiting. Also, long-playing trends are supposedly the automation of instant messengers and the improvement of blockchain technology.

Denis Shelestov, Founder WillDev:

I think that Periscope can be called one of the leaders of the trends, it was he who took off right after it appeared in the public domain. Before him was Meerkat (he is now, but he did not have the same rise). Nothing prevents this product from developing; those who are shy about streaming themselves into the network, watch how others stream themselves. We just prepared a new product on this topic - Periscoper.

Another key trend I would like to mention bots for Telegram , and automation of messengers in general. When sales go through messengers, then there will be a BOOM. Many bots passed through me personally, at least 12 bots were written by myself. The thing is really cool.

Here we come to the final trend, but, most likely, inaccessible from the outside - Online recruiting, I think that this is the most profitable trend and the most useful. Is it not a miracle when you are looking for an employee for you or are offered a job?

Igor Demidov, Software Engineer in Google (responds thesis):

1. Financial and technical sphere - technologies related to bitcoins and blockchain . Sberbank also decided to use this technology.

2. Virtual reality . Virtual reality helmets, such as the Oculus Rift, are gaining popularity, and behind them, in my opinion, the future of the gaming industry.

3. Internet of things . This also includes Apple Watch smart watches.
Technology Trends: Expectations and Reality

Anton Piskunov, Founder TeamKay and CEO HellsHamsters:

First of all, I was waiting for a qualitative breakthrough in the technological stack of the frontend - we have long been mired in hundreds of standards, we have tons of draft, but we didn’t give birth to a qualitative leap.

It was also interesting to observe the development Golang ecosystem. I expected much more significant growth. In general, it is interesting, so far one of the coolest ecosystems remains available only to enthusiasts or experienced professionals - the Golang middle-layer leaks very, very gradually.

The virtualization market has made a qualitative step forward, Ubuntu MAAS and Ubuntu Juju have made themselves very serious. OpenStack finally matured, figured it out in itself and began to systematically issue quality releases. There are startups like Last Backend. Clearly visible is the transition to the harsh automation of all processes related to both the development and maintenance of clouds.

Now very rapidly developing cross-platform, native, development on mobile devices. Every month there is a new startup that makes it "stronger, higher, faster." I want to see in the new year the same struggle for our long-suffering frontend. For example, to see the transition of all browsers to WebKit - this will make the development and implementation of standards transparent and predictable. I also want to see a good development speed from the Edge team - by coincidence, I touched Edge in a deep and deep beta and now I look at the release version and I see serious progress, I want the guys to keep this pace.

Full and final integration of frontend and backend - React does a good and necessary thing, solving, in fact, the main problem of development - reuse of code. I would like the “reactor” ecosystem to calm down and become more transparent for beginners in order to provide a simpler entrance so that the situation that is now evolving around Golang does not work out :)

I would also like to see the growth of integration between services - for us the future of universal convenience. IFTTT has long proved that there is a need to bind the logic of heterogeneous services, and this is claimed by many. Good projects appeared that deal with the binding of devices and various disparate APIs for smart home systems and other Internet-things. It seems to me that it is too early to lay off the standardization of interfaces, but I want to see the first step in this direction.

And every year I expect that the guys from IBM / Intel will launch artificial intelligence, but somehow everything does not add up.

What is in Russia?

Experts believe that the main trends in the domestic market are savings, the policy of import substitution and localization of personal data bases. The growing trend of security threats for websites, which, due to cost optimization, leads to the fact that “Internet security monitoring and protection services are gaining popularity, which allow you to remove the main risks of financial losses and downtime for the microbusiness and small business for affordable money. ”, - says Maxim Lagutin, an expert on information security and director of SiteSecure.ru and B-152.ru.

Maxim Andrianov, Head of Softline Solutions Sales:

If we talk about the Russian market, then, as in all crisis periods, the business focuses on cost optimization . Savings are a major trend. For example, retail looks in the direction of Click & Collect, energy - to collect overdue debts, and finance - to optimize / automate business processes and reduce transaction costs.

In the public sector, as before, there is a trend towards the close integration of departments and the automation of the process of collecting significant information, monitoring the execution of instructions and spending budgets.

Maxim Lagutin, an information security expert and director of SiteSecure.ru and B-152.ru:

One of the most notable trends of the year - import substitution . Replacing Western software with domestic software, if it is in its category. Especially in government, municipal institutions and the banking sector.

This will increase the need for developers who know PostgreSQL and open source specialists.

In connection with the entry of September 24, Federal Law 242-fz, all companies that process personal data of Russians are required to collect and store personal data bases of Russians in the territory of the Russian Federation. The main regulator in the field of personal data, Roskomnadzor, checks the fulfillment of this requirement before January 1, 2016 in a sparing mode, but after the new year promised to tighten the checks.

New requirements, first of all, will affect foreign companies. We already notice their actions to localize the collection and processing of personal data in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Also, the law that came into force increases the demand for Russian hosting and services to meet the requirements in the field of personal data.

The number of security incidents has increased over the year and this is the trend of recent years. This is due to three things: the lack of protection or monitoring of security on sites, outdated versions of CMS and a significant reduction in the cost of targeted and non-targeted attacks. So, according to Imperva, the cost of ddos ​​attacks fell to $ 35.

So compared to the study of the year before last, our study of the security of commercial sites last year showed that 10% of commercial sites have critical security issues affecting traffic and sales from the site.


Such trends as virtual reality and the Internet of things will set the direction for the development of the IT industry for a long time, transforming the world we are used to. For example, in the foreseeable future, greater integration between services is expected. In the Russian market, the main trends were savings due to the crisis and the policy of import substitution.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/277125/

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