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The book "Head First. Programming for Android »

Hi, Habrozhiteli! We have replenished the series “Head First O'Reilly” with a new book:

image In this book, we will teach you how to develop your own applications, and also show you how to build a simple application and run it on an Android virtual device. You will learn how to structure applications, get familiar with the design of interfaces, learn how to create databases, make your applications run on any smartphones and tablets. Along the way, the main components of Android applications will be reviewed, such as activities and layouts. All you need is some basic knowledge of Java.

Who is this book written for?

If you answer yes to all of the following questions:
1. Do you already know how to program in Java?
2. Do you want to achieve mastery in the development of applications for Android, create the next bestseller in the field of software products, earn a fortune and buy your own island?
3. Do you prefer to engage in practical work and apply this knowledge instead of listening to boring hours of lectures?

Then this book is for you.

Who this book is not suitable?

If you answer yes to one of the following questions:
1. Do you need a short introductory course or guide to developing Android applications?
2. Would you rather go to the dentist than try something new? Do you think that there should not be funny people in the book on Android, and if the reader dies with boredom, even better?

... this book is not for you.

This book is for those who want to learn.

How do we know something? First you need to understand this “something”, and then not to forget. To shove more facts into your head is not enough. According to the latest research in the field of cognitive science, neuroscience and psychology of learning, to master the material requires something more than simple text on the page. We know how to make your brain work.

The basic principles of the series "Head First":

Visibility . Graphics are remembered better than regular text and significantly increase the efficiency of information perception (up to 89% according to research). In addition, the material becomes more understandable. The text is placed in the drawings to which it relates, and not under them or on the neighboring page - and the probability of successfully solving problems related to the material is doubled.

Conversation style . Recent studies have shown that with the conversational style of presentation of the material (instead of formal lectures), the improvement of the results on final testing reaches 40%. Tell a story instead of giving a lecture. Do not take yourself too seriously. What will attract your attention: an entertaining conversation at the table or a lecture?

The active participation of the reader . Until you begin to strain the convolutions, nothing will happen in your head. The reader should be interested in the result; he must solve problems, draw conclusions and learn new knowledge. And for this you need exercises and tricky questions, which involve both hemispheres of the brain and different feelings.

Attracting (and maintaining) the reader's attention . A situation familiar to everyone: “I really want to study it, but I fall asleep on the first page.” The brain draws attention to the interesting, strange, attractive, unexpected. Studying a complex technical topic doesn't have to be boring. Interesting is learned much faster.

Appeal to emotions . It is known that our ability to memorize largely depends on emotional empathy. We remember what we care about. We remember when we feel something. No, sentiment has nothing to do with it: it is about such emotions as surprise, curiosity, interest and “Yes, I’m cool!” Feeling when solving a task that others consider difficult - or when you understand that you understand the topic better than the know-all. Bob from the technical department.


This is a tutorial, not a reference book. We deliberately removed from the book everything that could interfere with the study of the material on which you are working. And when you first read a book, you should start from the very beginning, because the book assumes that the reader has certain knowledge and experience.

It is assumed that you already have programming experience in the Java language.
We will build Android applications using Java and XML. It assumes that you are already familiar with the Java programming language. If you have never written a Java program, read Head First Java before you start this book.

We start building applications from the first chapter.
Believe it or not, believe it or not, but even if you have never programmed for Android, you can still start building apps. At the same time you will get acquainted with Android Studio, the main integrated development environment for Android.

Examples were created for training.
While working on the book, we will build several different applications. Some of them are very small so you can focus on specific aspects of Android. Other, larger applications show how different components work in combination with each other. We will not complete all parts of all applications, but nothing prevents you from experimenting with them yourself - this is part of the learning process. The source code for all applications is available at: tinyurl.com/HeadFirstAndroid .

Exercises are MANDATORY .
Exercises are part of the main material of the book. Some exercises contribute to the memorization of the material, others help to better understand it, others focus on its practical application. Do not skip exercises.

Repetition is intentional.
The books in this series have one fundamental feature: we want you to really understand the material well. And so that you remember everything that they learned. Most reference books do not aim to memorize successfully, but this is not a reference book, but a textbook, so some concepts are presented in the book several times.

Brainstorming exercises have no answers.
In some of them there is no right answer at all, in others you have to decide for yourself how correct your answers are (this is part of the learning process). Some brainstorming exercises provide hints to help you find the right direction.

About the authors

Don Griffiths began with studying mathematics at one of the leading universities in the UK, where she received an honors degree. She then continued her career in software development; Her experience in the IT industry is 20 years.
Before you take up the book Head First. Programming for Android, Don has already written three books from the Head First series (Head First Statistics, Head First 2D Geometry and Head First C), and also participated in the work on other books in this series.
When Don isn’t working on the Head First books, she usually improves her tai chi skills and enjoys reading, running, lace making and cooking. But most of all she likes to spend time with her wonderful husband David.

David Griffiths became interested in programming at the age of 12, after a documentary about the work of Seymour Papert. At age 15, he wrote the implementation of the programming language LOGO, created by Papert. After studying theoretical mathematics at the university, he began to write programs for computers and articles in journals. He worked as a teacher of flexible development methodologies, a developer and a garage attendant (albeit in a different order). David writes programs in 10 languages ​​and prose in one. And when he is not busy with programming, literary work or teaching, he spends his free time traveling with his charming wife - and co-author - Don. Up to head first. Programming for Android David wrote three more books from the Head First series: Head First Rails, Head First Programming and Head First C.

Twitter authors.

Scientific editors

Edward Yu Shun Won has been keen on programming since he wrote his first line of Haskell code in 2006. He is currently working on event-driven trade management in central London. He generously shares his passion for development with the London Java Community and Craftsmanship Community. In his spare time, Edward can be found on the football field or preparing game reviews for YouTube ( @arkangelofkaos ).

Tony Williams is a developer with Java programming and application development on Android.

More information about the book can be found on the publisher's website.
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/277023/

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