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AngularJS adaptation of ui-select under x-editable with the additional ability to add objects on the fly


I recently had the opportunity to adapt ui-select for x-editable in Angulyar and since I had to spend a certain amount of time for this, collecting the most acceptable option bit by bit, today I decided to share my work with you, in the hope that it would save someone time.

In short, the resulting directive replaces the standard editable-select, plus the additional ability to add objects on the fly.

Now more.
To begin, let me start from the end and give the directive code that allows you to add a button to ui-select. A function is hung on this button, in my case, a function that calls a modal window (ui-bootstrap modal) with a form for adding a new object:
app.directive("addNewItem", function($timeout) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, e, attrs) { var method = attrs.addNewItem; var template = "<div class='add-new-item-container'>"+ "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-default pull-right'></button>"+ "<div class='clearfix'></div></div>"; e.find('li.ui-select-choices-group').append(template); e.find('div.add-new-item-container button').bind('click', function() { // workaround for closing ui-select $timeout(function() { e.trigger("click"); }); var searchResult = e.find('li.ui-select-choices-row').length; if ( ! searchResult ) { var value = e.find('input.ui-select-search').val(); scope[method].apply(null, [value]); } else { scope[method].apply(); } }); } } }) 

In principle, the code is extremely simple, so I’ll stop on a couple of moments. First, ui-select does not close after pressing a button, but closes if you click somewhere on the modal window. Therefore it was necessary to add a crutch with $ timeout.
Secondly, (regarding the last if else): if no elements were found in the ui-select search, I pass the search value to the method in order to auto-fill the form with this value in the future and thus save some time.

Now the main directive:

 app.directive('editableUiSelect', ['editableDirectiveFactory', 'editableNgOptionsParser', function(editableDirectiveFactory, editableNgOptionsParser) { var dir = editableDirectiveFactory({ directiveName: 'editableUiSelect', inputTpl: '<ui-select></ui-select>', render: function() { this.parent.render.call(this); var parsed = editableNgOptionsParser(this.attrs.eNgOptions); this.inputEl.attr('ng-model', 'editable.entity'); //  ,  , //  - ,          this.inputEl.attr('add-new-item', 'addNewItem'); //     ,     this.inputEl.attr('on-select', 'setModel($item)'); this.inputEl.attr('theme', 'select2'); this.inputEl.css('width', '200px'); var html = "<ui-select-match><span ng-bind='$select.selected.name'></span></ui-select-match>"+ "<ui-select-choices repeat='" + parsed.ngRepeat + "'>" + "<span ng-bind-html='" + parsed.locals.displayFn + "'></span></ui-select-choices>"; this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-options'); this.inputEl.append(html); } }); return dir; }]); 

The directive was made in the image and likeness of standard xeditable directives, and then slightly redone.
One of the main problems I encountered while writing a directive was the impossibility of changing the model, so an additional method was added for on-select.

You can use all this as follows:

 <span data-pk="{{ entity.id }}" editable-ui-select="entity.property" ng-model="entity.property" e-ng-options="obj.id as obj.name for obj in objects | filter: $select.search track by obj.id" e-form="rowform"> {{ entity.property.name }} </span> 

And finally, a bonus. If you use this case in table-responsive (bootstrap), then the drop-down list can be blocked by a table (especially if it consists of a pair of rows). You can fix this by adding css:

 .table-responsive .ui-select-dropdown { position: relative !important; } 

Conclusion There are many options for implementing this directive, and there are probably better options than mine among them. I published my work only because there is no mention of support for ui-select in the official xeditable documentation , and also because I found little information on the topic, and the one that I found differs from each other.

I hope that the guru of the angulyar will help me to improve my directive, and also that this article will be useful to someone.

UPD . A small example: plnkr.co/edit/5dPKCnzbKE8D9XIR8ocX?p=preview

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/277001/

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