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DUMP-2016 Developer Conference: Ekaterinburg, April 8

Developers, designers, testers, managers, do not forget to include in your plans for spring - the DUMP-2016 conference will be held in Yekaterinburg on April 8. Now we are actively looking for speakers (how to become them, read below). Even under the cut: a little about last year’s conference and plans for this year (for example, we have two new sections).

Registration is already open. Join now!

Last year we had the fifth DUMP. Who has not been and does not know what DUMP (Development. Usability. Management. Practice) is - watch the excellent short video above, everything is told there. Videos and presentations of last year’s reports are available here , photos are posted there. And here is the Habrovsky report on DUMP-2015.

Oleg Tsarev from Mail.ru talks about using the social graph of classmates in Target Mail.ru

According to numerous requests to the program of this year, we have added two new sections - Mobile and DevOps. Reports will go in 8 sections: FrontTalks, Serverside. Knowledge, Serverside. Experience, Mobile, Web-design, DevOps, Testing, Management.

The program committee is responsible for the content of each section. We invited people from different backgrounds and from companies of different sizes to it to create a program that is interesting for an employee of a huge corporation and for a specialist from a small web-studio.

The program committee reviews applications, selects the most useful and interesting ones, helps the speakers to prepare for the reports and does a lot more important and big work.

Program Committee DUMP-2016:
• FrontTalks - Oleg Mokhov (Yandex), Vadim Makishvili (Yandex), Alexey Ivanov (Evil Martians), Valeria Atamanova (Yandex);
• Serverside - Alexey Spiridonov (JetStyle), Alexander Kokovin (SKB Kontur), Andrey Fefelov (mastery.pro), Daniil Skrobov (Vostok projects), Konstantin Beklemishev (Naumen);
• Mobile - Dmitry Polishchuk (Yandex), Valeria Atamanova (Yandex);
• Web-design - Alexander Kudymov (Rambler & Co), Daria Prokuda (JetStyle);
• DevOps - Alexey Kirpichnikov (SKB Kontur);
• testing - Ilya Vakhrushev (Exadel), Maxim Zakharov (SKB Kontur), Alexander Akhmetov (SKB Kontur);
• Management - Andrey Zheleznov (Button), Maxim Akhmadinurov (Button).

The program is actively being formed. We are preparing 56 selective reports. People are already traveling to us: Roman Dvornov (Avito), Vadim Makeev (Opera Software), Alexey Androsov (Yandex), Denis Neklyudov (Google Dev Expert), Andrey Karmatsky (Urbica).

Alexander Makarov (Yii Framework) teaches how to speed up PHP

I want to speak at DUMP-2016

Program directors wrote appeals to speakers in which they identified topics that are of interest to us.


This year we will repeat the successful experience of DAMP-2015 with the division of reports in the Serverside sections into Experience and Knowledge.

In the Serverside.Knowledge section, we are interested in reports telling about well-known or, on the contrary, undeservedly overlooked technologies, solutions, rules for organizing code or creating architectures. Everything that will help others use the right tools and approaches in the development.

For example, from this series we would be interested in:
- php7 (who tried, what features, the better HHVM and analogs);
- machine learning;
- what everyone should know, but nobody knows (algorithms and data structures, work with memory, etc.);
- parallel computing on video cards;
- cryptocurrency and transactional services;
- server analytics.

The ServerSide.Experience section is our hall of fame. Here we want to hear true stories from the life of developers. Everything that you have done / done with your hands and in practice, advanced experience in using new or enhancing old tools, inventing your own bikes and stuff like that.

For example:
- security and vulnerability search;
- sip for NAT, WebRTC, calls from the browser and other telephony joys;
- Internet of things;
- automatic bug reports on the work of the web application;
- GrafQL - server solutions for its use;
- isomorphic applications (and any SPA) - how to cook on the back end;
- how to write API (Rest vs everything else).

Section ServerSide.Experience at DUMP-2015


This year, the Fronttalks section promises to be very interesting: Vadim Makeev from Opera, Roman Dvornov from Avito, BEM, application debugging and other relevant topics. So far we have announced only a part of the program, but all the slots are already taken (and very cool performances!). Follow the announcements, by the end of February we will publish the program entirely.


This year, the mobile development section re-entered the conference program after a two-year break. And I - Mitya Polishchuk - a person who takes care of the quality of the section, I am going to please you with only the most interesting and hardcore reports.

On the mobile section, we will talk a lot about reactive programming, new approaches to testing mobile applications, cross-platform development, security, and new programming languages ​​such as swift and kotlin.

If you have topics that are worth telling at the largest conference for developers in the Urals, please contact us at deepol@yandex-team.ru or fill out an application on the site.

Web design

In the web-design section this year we are waiting for slightly less reports about beauty and a little more about solutions that make life easier, about interaction methods and innovations.

We will be glad to hear stories about:
—Atomic Design, all kinds of styled guides, the development of large projects, starting with the design of the stylguide and the drawing of elements;
- interactive installations, projections, promo projects;
—Material Design;
—Design in code;
—Service design;
—Experience in working with foreign customers (how to find, how to start, what difficulties and differences);
—Project design under Force Touch and new methods for entering information;
—VR implementation and non-trivial use in everyday reality;
—Optimization of teamwork, or how not to waste time on trivialities, and make various tools such as Spech king and others do it;
—Speed ​​product design and hypothesis testing on beautiful semi-prototypes.

The best speaker of DUMP-2015 (based on feedback questionnaires) Sergey Abdulmanov (Mosigra)


It would be interesting for us to listen to the stories of people who __ deal with:
—Automatic configuration management (Ansible, Chef, PowerShell DSC, ...);
- microservice architecture;
—New monitoring tools (InfluxDB, Moira, ...);
- operation in containers (Docker, Apache Mesos, ...);
- operating in the cloud (Amazon, Azure, ...);
—Load testing (Yandex.Tank, JMeter, ...);
—Service discovery (Consul, etcd, ...).

To bring something new into the production service is only for risky ones :) We are waiting for those in our section!


This year we decided to hold a section under the slogan "Good, bad, evil testers."

Traditionally we will raise the eternal themes:
- self-determination and self-identification of testers in this world;
—Development of larvae and possible tracks of this development;
—Insertion of a tester in a new product;
—Who are we, and why are we needed?

And from those who want to speak, we will welcome applications that fit into this canvas:
- keep a hand on the pulse: trends, books, people;
—Bagdrive development;
—Mobile testing in all its manifestations;
—As a manual tester can climb into adjacent pieces and do everything himself;
—Hardcore and pentest;
—Holivar with managers and programmers about the ideal tester;
- how to live after the missed bug;
—The system of continuous integration as a project rhythm and method of communication.

And any other topics asked by the tester's soul! Write to.

Alexey Lupan talks at DUMP-2015 about simple approaches to the competent work of the tester with the requirements


This year the section will be devoted to the problems of assessing their own work. It is very easy to evaluate your work when you have one customer - if he is satisfied and signed the act, then you are great. But how to evaluate the product development? How to evaluate it before the product has already taken place? Financial and non-financial metrics and assessment methods allow us to receive information on whether we are going or whether it is time to make decisions about changing course when working on a product.

We will talk about the factors - obvious and indirect - that affect the market success of a product. It will be a question not only of “for sale” products, but also of such internal projects of companies as training or motivation of employees - after all, they also have economic indicators.

We are waiting for development team leaders, team leaders, project managers, developers who are interested in management problems, as well as business owners and / or those who are already planning to start their own business. We want to hear personal examples of how you measured the success of your work, how you managed to change your shoes (or failed) in the process.

Dmitry Kalaev (FRIA) hypnotizes the audience

If you want to speak - write to us. Applications for reports are accepted until March 1.

Any format of performance is possible: section report (40 min), blitz report (10-20 minutes), master class.

I want to become a sponsor

We are looking for sponsors and partners for whom the love and respect of thousands of IT professionals are important. Here is a beautiful file with details. Write, tell and show everything.

We love that sponsors move on in a fun and unusual way. For example, like this.

Programming for speed from the general sponsor of SKB Kontur

For those who love to drive

Fruit Ninja in reality

Mobile planetarium for space lovers

I want to participate!

Well, the most important thing. Registration is already open. Until February 15, a ticket costs 4,000 rubles, then it is more expensive.

Come to Ekaterinburg on April 8th - it will be useful and interesting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276939/

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