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The book "Swift. Basics of developing applications for iOS »

Hi, Habrozhiteli! We have a new book:
image This book contains comprehensive information for all who wish to learn how to program in Swift language in order to create their own iOS-applications (as well as OS X-, watchOS-and tvOS-applications). In the course of reading the book, you will find not only theoretical information, but also a large number of practical examples and tasks, performing which you will deepen your knowledge in the material being studied. Despite the fact that you have a long way to go, this will be a useful and very important experience. The book does not show how to write iOS-applications, it is designed to learn the programming language Swift itself. The book will give you the opportunity to learn a new language and soon begin to write your own applications for the App Store or Mac App Store. After studying the language, in the future you will be able to choose for which platform to create programs - for iOS, OS X, tvOS or watchOS.

The code examples in this book correspond to Swift version not lower than 2.1, iOS version not lower than 9.1 and Xcode version not lower than 7.1. If you have newer versions, do not worry, all the described material is more likely to work for you without any errors.

Who is the book written for?

If you answer the following questions positively
- Do you have at least minimal knowledge of programming in any high-level language?
- Do you want to learn how to create programs for the iOS operating system (for your iPhone and iPad gadget), OS X, watchOS or tvOS?
- Do you prefer practical training to boring and monotonous theoretical lectures?
Then this book is for you.

The material studied in the book is supported by practical homework. Together we will go from the most simple concepts to solving interesting problems. Do not be afraid, Swift does not scare you away (as Objective-C could do), and the process of creating applications will be very exciting. And if you have an idea of ​​a great app, then very soon you will be able to develop it for a modern mobile iOS system or a fixed OS X system.
It is very important that you do not let your hands "stand idle." Test all the proposed code and do all the tasks, as learning to program, just reading the text, is not the best way. If in the course of studying a new material you will have a desire to “play” with the code from the listings - do it without delay. Comprehend Swift!

Book structure

The book consists of four large parts:
Part I. Introduction to Xcode . In the first part, you will begin your journey into the world of Swift, follow the most important and necessary steps before starting to develop your own applications. You will learn how to create your own Apple ID account, how to connect to the apple developers program, where to get the Swift development environment, how to work with it.

Part II. Basic Swift features . After becoming familiar with the Xcode development environment, which allows you to begin learning a programming language, you will learn the basic features of Swift. You will learn what Swift syntax has, what are variables and constants, what data types exist and how to use all this when developing programs.

Part III. Fixed assets Swift . The third part focuses on the consideration and study of the most simple, but very interesting means of Swift. You may not have heard of some of them (for example, tuples), others (for example, arrays) you probably used in other languages.

Part IV. Nontrivial Swift features . The fourth part describes in detail the techniques for working with the most powerful and functional tools Swift. You will use the material in this chapter with enviable regularity when creating your own applications in the future.

More information about the book can be found on the publisher's website .
Table of contents

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276793/

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