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Business Studio System Analysis

Today IT systems have become so tightly embedded in all spheres of our life that it is difficult to separate the study of a system from the process for which it is needed. Various gadgets, software products, information and analytical IT-systems are tightly integrated into real life.

As a result, the programmer is forced to become in some way a specialist in manufacturing, warehouse, and accounting, he must be able to automate sales (online stores, CRM systems, their integration and automation), must understand various areas, at least at the level of choice and software settings. However, this situation is far from new, programmers have often very often been forced to study different types of accounting and production processes.

And now I have decided to help a little those colleagues who are faced with business intelligence, because today the business is also described with the help of IT tools. Such an approach sees the organization of the business as a whole as a kind of system operating in accordance with the specified algorithms. There is no place for the human factor, but there is a rigid framework of job descriptions. Business analysts, business consultants, managers of large, medium, and sometimes even small enterprises are interested in this approach in order to identify erroneous actions, duplicate structures, logistical and other errors and shortcomings. And they often turn to IT specialists with a request to select and / or customize software for such work.

Here I decided to describe business systems as software products, as IT tools, to help colleagues understand what are the different versions of such systems, what they can consist of, what they recommend to customers, and what opportunities they can really get after implementing such software.

In this article I will try to answer these and other questions related to the operation of IT products for business modeling. And I propose to consider these issues on the example of the software product Business Studio.
Business modeling is the process of developing and implementing business models of an organization (strategy, business processes, organizational structure, quality, etc.) in order to formalize and optimize its activities.

Why Business Studio?

Firstly, because it is this software that I studied the most deeply. I met him about 8 years ago, when I needed the opportunity to describe business processes and create convenient and visual documents.

At first, I used the western development of BPwin, described the processes in IDEF 3, and did functional models in IDEF0. For a while this was enough for me, but then I needed the ability to quickly generate the necessary documentation, and I began to look for a convenient solution. So I came across the Business Studio website and began to study this system.

For starters, I downloaded the product, created a functional model in IDEF0, and formed a job description in the Business Studio program at the third level (in that project I had 3 levels). I remember how glad I was when I drew a 5-page documentation at the output after drawing the process. But then everything was so good. Why? This is what I want to tell below.

Moreover, I even attended the official courses of Business Studio, I will talk about them a little below. Now I just want to clarify that I conducted the study of a software product quite deeply. First, in practice, using information from the official site, and then in courses. But still, working with this system turned out to be quite difficult.

At once I want to say that in my personal opinion, Business Studio is a very complex system, overloaded with opportunities, including redundant ones for business analyst to work, difficult to understand because of the constant use of abbreviations, even where it would be possible to do, but at the same time limited in those opportunities that may be needed for business analysis. However, this and other Russian counterparts sin.

Business systems: focused tools or an all-in-one project?

Today, there are and are developing in parallel two areas in creating IT tools for business intelligence:

In the first case, the creation of narrowly focused tools is practiced, each of which is used to carry out specific work. From this list, we can recall, for example, BPwin and other similar systems that are concentrated on some rather narrow segments, i.e. rather, they are a set of tools that can be used separately, but it’s almost impossible to put together different directions.

With this approach, business modeling is perceived as a rather narrow concept. And the ability to use different tools in different cases can significantly increase the flexibility and simplicity of modeling certain processes, while not overloading the system with complex structures.

In such systems, you can separately develop a business process, specify some data. But at the same time, based on this information, it is impossible to create some kind of regulatory documentation or to combine different directions into something whole.

Complex business modeling systems, which include Business Studio, as well as many large CRM systems, try to combine everything at once. On their websites, they are positioned as solutions to a wide range of business problems, ranging from the preparation of documentation and staffing and ending with business modeling and other business intelligence tools. They write not just about the set of tools, but about a complete restructuring of the enterprise’s work, the formation of the most varied documentation, etc. etc.

And using the example of Business Studio, I will try to consider the features of such complex business systems, tell you where they can be used, and what difficulties may arise. At once I will make a reservation that in this article I will consider Business Studio, first of all, as an IT system, and not as a system for business analysis.

What is Business Studio?

Business Studio is a Russian development designed for integrated work with business processes, as well as for the formation of various documents, reports, business models and much more.

What does business process modeling in Business Studio consist of:

With these basic components, you can perform a wide range of actions, ranging from modeling and ending with the creation of various documents, reports, instructions, etc.

How does modeling work in Business Studio?

So, Business Studio business modeling begins with listing the subjects, i.e. divisions of the company and employees. For example, if we are talking about the financial department, then this will be the financial director and chief accountant.

Next, you need the objects of activity. In our case, this is, first of all, documentation. More precisely, in the example I proposed, the objects will be the system used by company employees, for example, 1C, as well as some paper documents.

Now in the processes tab you need to create a process. The first thing to do is to develop a root model of the entire enterprise or one of the directions. Next, decompose the processes as necessary.

For example, if we had the IDEF0 format and the process was called “Financing activities”, then it would be possible to decompose it into the following parts: “Payment for goods”, “Payment for materials”, “Treasury activity”. And now we can already with the help of arrows and dragging from subjects and objects to form entrances and exits, to create control flows for different processes.

Such actions can be done an unlimited number of times, create different units and processes. In addition, with the help of this tool we can make the work as transparent as possible, since all processes will be described in the form of simple and understandable diagrams.

It would seem that the idea is wonderful, and it should work well. But, as is often the case, in the process of implementation, difficulties arise that later become problems for users.

Cumbersome system

When modeling the work of the enterprise, we are faced with the fact that if we begin to prescribe every process, every function of the enterprise and decompose, then for any change, we must carefully make the appropriate changes to all processes that are above the level at which changes occurred. And if your system is quite complex and extensive, this work will require a lot of time, effort, and care. Naturally, the human factor in this has a very noticeable effect on the work of the entire system.

For example, if there are 3 levels in the business model that we developed, it will look like this:

And if we change the inputs at the second level, then the first level will not “know” about it, i.e. the system does not control such changes. It is very important.

Just think how much strength and attention will be required from a person if he makes changes at level 3 or even level 4. After all, you will need to manually check all the upstream processes!

Another important factor. In the future, if you wish, we will be able to use all the described entities for the formation of technical specifications and other documents. And what a business analyst looks like an arrow, for a developer and an employee will be a real process that needs to be described and correctly executed. Those. the business analyst simply removes the arrow, but in practice some document is withdrawn from use, as a result it is very important to coordinate these actions with other objects, and it turns out that there is a certain “tangle” in which it is very easy to get confused.

For example:

It is necessary to describe the process of warehousing of goods, and on its basis to create a job description. The Business Studio system allows you to perform these actions. But in case of making any changes in the business process, the instruction becomes irrelevant.

It would seem little things? But in fact, this is a serious problem, as the business analyst is constantly forced to remember processes that have nothing to do with his work. In addition, business analysis and the creation of regulatory documentation are two different things. And here they are together.

Technical deficiencies of the system

The Business Studio system does not have its own business modeler, i.e. your graphic component. The developers used the standard Microsoft VISIO component, with the result that users have some difficulties in creating the model.

The fact is that drawing a model and modeling are slightly different processes. You can draw very different things in Business Studio. And company representatives say that with arrows you can draw almost anything, and even present it as a plus system.

But what about the reality? For example, a business analyst uses arrows in different colors. Technically it is quite possible. But in fact, if we model the process, all incoming and outgoing flows should be equivalent. And if different colors of arrows appear in the model, there are questions about what they mean and why this arrow was made in red and the other in green. And if the business analyst who created this scheme no longer works and cannot answer such questions, a wide variety of incidents may arise.

In the case of using their own tools, the company-developer can add a ban on such actions of users. But the developers of Business Studio saved their time and effort, took advantage of a ready-made third-party solution, and the result is this: the user gets access to redundant features, which, in turn, can lead to misunderstandings.

Function overload

How does the business modeling process usually take place? Personally, I conduct a survey of company employees, get information about the systems used, about people, job descriptions. Based on the information received, I model the business process in BPMN 2.0 notation or create a model in IDEF0 notation.

Here, just draw a model does not work. If we want to simulate something, then we are faced with a large number of possibilities that entail, the need to remember about the various connections and functions.

Any arrow, any object associated with other objects, the emergence of new data allows you to create new documents and reports. As a result, when working with this system, any user begins to wonder why this opportunity is needed here, and what will happen if you try differently, if you specify additional information or vice versa, do not specify certain data.

As a result, users instead of drawing a model, begin to understand all these possibilities. In general, the excess overloading with functions of business processes distracts and prevents modeling.

Inaccuracy of wording

In fact, IDEF0 is not a process, it is still a functional model. Each function has inputs and outputs, functional arrows, i.e., when modeling, we obtain a functional model. Here it is called a process. In fact, it would be correct to call such objects functions or functional models.

As you know, any inaccuracy of the wording introduces additional confusion, and for people who switch to Business Studio from other systems, this confusion can be a problem.

So, with the business modeling more or less figured out, you can read more about how to create objects and processes on the official site of the system. We turn to other opportunities.

KPI - key performance indicators

KPI collection allows you to collect key performance indicators of the enterprise and determine the effectiveness of the work of employees and / or departments in the context of these indicators.

In a simplified form, working with KPI looks like this:

  1. We take one or another indicator;
  2. We enter its boundary values ​​(minimum and maximum);
  3. We collect statistics;
  4. We form a report that shows the effectiveness of work on the basis of this indicator.

For example:

Suppose that the maximum number of transactions that a single employee can conduct during a month is 12. With a larger number of transactions, the efficiency of an employee’s work decreases. And the minimum number of transactions will be equal to 5, i.e. with a decrease in this indicator even more, the employee is underloaded by work.

Thus, we get the "green zone" - from 5 to 12 transactions per month. And less than 5 or more than 12 transactions - this is a red zone. So it will look like in the diagram.

Specify the boundary data, enter the figures obtained by the employees for the month, and observe a summary scheme with the results. So you can visually see how often deviations from the “norm” occur, which employees work at a level above the maximum, and who find themselves below the bottom line of efficiency.

The system seems to be convenient and very useful. But it also has certain disadvantages.

Collection of information for reporting is implemented within the enterprise, while indicators are not decomposed, and there is no opportunity to collect grouped data.

Ideally, such reports should be collected from the transaction system both by employees and by divisions, as well as for the company as a whole. And on the basis of the consolidated report, the opportunity to see which department and employee is most effective and who works poorly should be implemented. Unfortunately, such a general report with subsequent details in this system is not implemented.

Here, if we want to collect data, we need to create each time a new indicator for these groupings, and they will not connect with each other. Those. in order to create an indicator for the company as a whole, for example, re-applying customers, we will need to separately create an indicator for the employee, separately for the department, separately for the company. And they will have to collect separately. Which is not very convenient.

Another disadvantage of KPI implementation is the impossibility of implementation without the purchase of an additional system. To enter and control information, an additional component is needed, called Cockpit, i.e. information input and control tool to be purchased separately.

Balanced Scorecard

Another possibility that exists in the system is called the Balanced Scorecard. What does it mean? It used a strategic system developed by Robert Coplan and David Norton.

To obtain balanced indicators, you first need to specify the indicator that you need to make the highest in the hierarchy, then set the indicators with a lower hierarchy, and specify the methods of their interaction.

For example, the main goal of a company is to increase profits. Very common situation. We indicate this indicator as a goal. And the main indicator is profit. And, accordingly, we determine how profit growth depends on increasing customers and saving costs.

All this must be indicated in the system, after which it will be possible to create a beautiful scheme in which the numbers will be transformed into visual graphics.

All this initially surprises and delights. But practice shows that in order to get such a beautiful and three-dimensional image, it will take a very long time. You will need to specify each of the indicators and determine their interaction with each other.

For example, if reducing costs gives only a 10% increase in profits, and an increase in customers - the remaining 90%, this dependence should be indicated in the system. Those. to get not just a beautiful, but realistic picture, you will have to enter a wide list of indicators and accurately indicate all the options for their interaction, which is quite difficult.

In addition, in practice it is very difficult to determine what exactly is the goal of the company, what indicators are most important for it, after which these indicators need to be collected and what also is not easy at all.

As a result, this opportunity is useless for small and medium businesses. By the time you manage to collect and enter all the data into the system, the situation has changed and the results of your work will not be relevant.

The design of the organizational system of the enterprise

For this type of design in the subjects, it will be necessary to introduce some units, a hierarchy of subordination in the company, employees, after which you can automatically create a structure of subordination in the company, i.e. staffing schedule. We can use these same subjects in the design of business processes.

It would seem that everything is simple: add the subjects and place them on the map, which is generated automatically. But you have to understand that the work of the business analyst and the work of the personnel management department is very different. And in this case, the idea of ​​combining these things in one product is very doubtful.

You can, of course, give this part of the work with the system at the mercy of the HR department, but they have their own software products and their own tools. In addition, participation in the work of such a system of HR-managers interferes with business analytics. The analyst may see this or that position a little differently than the staff of the HR department, they have different goals and objectives, as a result, the structure is also structured somewhat differently.

Therefore, for effective work, additional approvals will be needed, otherwise, instead of standardization, the company will get the opposite, permanent overlays and conflicts.

Publications on Business Studio

As the employees of Business Studio themselves wrote on the official website, their website is a portal whose knowledge base you can access from anywhere in the world.

With this, you can be not only a reader, but also share your ideas. Those. You can develop a structure, describe processes, create a model and share it with the help of automatic generation of an html page in a given hierarchy. So you can share your business decisions with others.

Here I have no comments, the system works fine and forms the pages correctly and without problems. The main thing is to cope with the work in the system and understand all the nuances, including in order for you to have something to spread on the portal.

QMS - the manager-quality system

I will not cover this system now, since I personally did not use this opportunity and have no idea how to use it at all. I’ll just indicate that this possibility is also implemented in Business Studio, and you can read more about it on the official website of the software product.

Development of technical specifications

There is such an opportunity. You can describe the business process, specify the employee in charge, determine which processes should take place, and based on these data, the documentation is automatically generated - Terms of Reference for the implementation of the information system.

I tried several times to use this opportunity, but all attempts failed. All documentation is based on the information that was provided in Business Studio. As a result, the terms of reference is based solely on a rather schematic business model, many important things are overlooked. As a result, this technical task has to be added, modified, and generally very largely refined, so that the output will actually provide a working tool for a particular business.


I described only the most interesting, from my point of view, capabilities of the Business Studio system. You can find out more about this powerful system on the official website of the software product. But even such selective data allow us to draw certain conclusions. Especially considering the fact that other domestic developments for business analytics are in many respects similar to Business Studio.

The main problem of all integrated business intelligence systems is their scope and point of view on the work of the enterprise. To learn how to work with the system, it will take much more time and effort compared to individual tools. A huge number of functions, their interconnection - all this needs to be studied, and only then you can do something really useful in such a system. As a result, the business analyst has to spend a lot of time studying the business product.

Moreover, on the 3-day courses in Samara, which I visited at my own expense, in order to study this system more deeply, I observed quite a depressing picture. If I, a business consultant, an experienced specialist in working with various software in the business sphere, could not independently learn from the books and the information found on the Internet deeply enough about this product, then what about business analysts or different heads of business units?

By the way, on the very courses in Samara, all the participants, except me, were employees of large organizations, I alone decided at my own expense to undergo training, others were sent by organizations. And to use this system, most of these people were going to misbehave, or even after training came to the conclusion that the introduction of Business Studio in their organization came to nothing. And the reason for this attitude to the software product lies precisely in its complexity and unclear positioning.

Business Studio is trying to show their vision of the model of the company as a whole. But in fact, any business is much more complicated than what the developers offer. In the structure of any company there are many more different nuances, and it is simply not realistic to fit them into the framework of a single IT product. As a result, a company whose work needs to be analyzed with the help of this tool is placed in a kind of “Procrustean bed”, where a lot of important things are forcedly cut off and remain “behind the scenes”.

Thus, we see that with an abundance of different specific capabilities, the developers did not sufficiently work out the methodological base, which makes it difficult to work with the system and reduces its quality and usability. At the same time, highly specialized counterparts, recall, no more than a set of separate tools, not combined into a single whole. What and when to use is up to you. The main thing is to make a choice with open eyes and understanding why in a particular case this or that option is more convenient. It is in this issue that I tried to help you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276785/

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