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Does Google promote me sell kidney meme in Russia?

Try typing the word “Sell” in the search query google.ru (namely .ru). If you have not noticed anything strange, you can not go under the cut.

But quite possibly, you will see the following there:

Pay attention to the second paragraph.
We turn on the browser “browsec” plugin (via the Netherlands), specify the domain google.com (not “.ru”) in the line. We will automatically be transferred to the .nl domain and we will get:

Now we go through Thor, specify the domain "google.com". Result:

Finally, we go by the same Thor on google.ru. We get:

I did these experiences, changing the system language, proxy, domain login. The search engine offers to "sell a kidney" if I use the google.ru domain. If you came from a Russian provider to .com, you will be transferred to .ru automatically and will offer the same. If you enter, for example, google.nl, * .it, *. (Something else) from a Russian provider, you will receive less exotic offers. (Another proposal for a kidney will also appear for .kz (Kazakhstan), only apartments will be sold nearby not in Moscow, but in Astana).

We know that issuing search prompts, as well as sorting its results, can be used as a way to advertise goods and services. (This is in addition to the "natural" sorting, when the most frequent requests are made up). Here, for example, apartments and houses in Svetlogorsk are not sold so often in our country that this request just hit the first hint, right? Hope that the kidneys are sold even less often.

I am far from the indecent assumption that the “corporation of good” cooperates in this area with the figures of the business in organs that is banned in the Russian Federation. But how then did this clue get there? Still, such a thing is a very strong advertising move. In terms of “clarity”, it is probably comparable to the roller on the central TV channels in “prime time”, and it should be expensive. If someone pays for it, it's a crime. If someone does it "just like that," it's a vulnerability.

This topic was raised by geektimes two days ago. In the discussion, many interesting assumptions were made. I will list some.

- As if the people of Russia are often looking for exactly this in the network, wanting to earn in this way. It is very doubtful, but for accuracy it should be mentioned.
- As if Russians are often looking for it, not for business, but for fun (also unlikely, there are fewer pathological pranksters than those who sell used equipment or, for example, cars).
- The fact that Google (supposedly) cooperates on the sly with criminal organ traffickers and promotes their services (also doubtful).
- The fact that Google does it not for personal gain, but guided by a perverse sense of humor (“promotion meme”, “search bomb” and the like). Who knows, maybe so?
- Finally, the promotion of this hint is “dirty viral advertising.” That is, some hacker-botovod, by the motives known to him, organizes corresponding queries to the search engine. Due to this, the tooltip reminds all users of the Google search engine what else can be sold.

The last item looks the most likely. If so, this incident can be seen as a serious hole in the Google hint system. At least, in other search engines (for the same Yandex) nothing like this has been found. Other hypotheses are not on the topic of the info-security hub. Probably they should not be considered here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276755/

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