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Online audio advertising: everyone will be heard

Hi, Habr!

Advertising is everywhere: on the street, in print, on TV, on radio and even in books. And, of course, on the Internet. Advertisers seek to use the opportunities online to conquer their audience: banners, interactive, branded pages, videos. The audience, dissatisfied with the fact that it interferes with viewing the content, resists sensory attacks: sets a blocking of advertising, closes the video, minimizes the window and simply does not notice the banners (the term "banner blindness" has already appeared). So, AdBlock conducted a survey among 6000 respondents from France, Germany and the United States, according to which pop-up and animated banners and video ads were recognized as the most annoying. Playgrounds around the world are looking for optimal playback formats - such that the user does not have the desire to miss the advertising message. Meanwhile, there is a solution and it has already proved its effectiveness more than once.

In this post we will talk about online audio advertising. It is a great way to monetize, equally taking into account the interests of users, advertisers and site owners. First of all, this is a post for those who create websites and applications and earn money on an advertising model.

How do you hear?

Is the sound good? Absolutely. Since the mid-20th century, the largest companies have sought to create not only a visual, but also an auditory image of the brand. The first thing that comes to mind is the sounds of Windows and the Nokia call. In fact, it is still more difficult: the consumer industry has come up with and continues to come up with association sounds: characteristic sounds when closing doors of luxury cars, opening a pack of chips or a lid of chocolate paste, and even the sound of a plastic tube piercing a cross-cut cap of a glass of fizzy drink at McDonalds. Another type of sound is advertising jingles, which are so eroding into the consciousness that you can walk down the street in a good mood and sing something like “Knorr is tasty and scorched” or “As sly as a fox,” "From the advertising of Windows 8. That is why many companies for the big money buy cool and catchy melodies for their advertising.
We in Intrimatik have been engaged in audio advertising for a long time and have accumulated serious experience. At the request of our partner, TNS Global conducted a study that fully confirms all of our findings. More than half of the audience is ready to listen to videos not only in exchange for free content, but also in exchange for special offers, promotions and discounts. 60% of the experimental audience heard and remembered advertising, 19% of them heard and accurately remembered, 41% heard and seemed to remember, and 41% heard, but did not remember exactly. Attitude to audio advertising on the Internet is also very loyal: 52% is not annoying, and 30% like it. 11% rated it as the least annoying type of advertising.

In addition, the study showed that listeners use a variety of devices for playing audio to play audio content: in the top three, a computer (96%), a telephone (71%), a car stereo (68%). It is obvious that the audience overlap, that is, one listener can use different devices. 71% of those who are familiar with audio advertising are ready to take more than 1-2 videos per hour of listening to music.

The same study deals with the case of adidas, according to which 61% of the audience liked the advertisement, 92% of the ads are understandable. Brand memorization level - 61%, 42% - reacted to advertising. This is how users reacted to adidas advertising:

In my opinion, these are amazing numbers. And for good reason.

What is good audio advertising?

The bottleneck in the online advertising business is exactly where and how the advertising is delivered. When an advertisement becomes a barrier to interacting with a product (game, film, book), it causes irritation. And if advertising allows you to convey a message to the user, while retaining the opportunity to use the product without stopping, then the attitude towards it becomes radically more positive, which we saw in the study.

Advertising that does not overlap the screen and does not block access to the content does not affect the outflow of customers. The user does not get annoyed because of the need to urgently search for a cross to close the pop-up window or banner, which limits his access to the website interface, the game, the news application, etc.

82% of developers monetize their applications at the expense of advertisers. Which, in turn, want to advertise where the user is guaranteed to accept the message. Advertising that falls into the zone of “banner blindness” or missed after 3-5 seconds does not suit anyone. In the case of audio advertising, users are loyal to advertising messages, and the advertiser can target campaigns, select interesting audiences for him, and even conduct remarketing on other media formats (banners and videos).

At the same time, objectively, there is much more money and desire to invest in the advertising market than the developers get now. This is largely due to the use of low-effective and constantly becoming cheaper banners. A lot more money comes from media formats: video advertising and audio advertising. Provided proper integration, of course.

Video advertising is one of the fastest growing formats of recent years. But it has one noticeable flaw: it completely blocks the ability to interact with any product. Online audio advertising, in turn, allows 100% to take into account the interests of sites seeking to maintain retention, and advertisers willing to pay for guaranteed advertising contacts. Audio advertising is uncompetitive, it easily integrates into content and has the widest possibilities for conveying the brand message to the consumer.

Audio format in Intrimatics is of two types:

  1. Only audio up to 30 seconds is a standard commercial format.

  2. Audio with synchronous banner. Banner delivery may occur later with respect to audio to preserve user comfort.

Audio advertising allows you to earn an average of 1.5-3 times more compared to display advertising. Audio advertising is a media tool for both big brands and medium-sized businesses. This gives service owners another bonus - it’s not competitors that are advertised in the application, but well-known companies with excellent reputations (BMW, adidas, Starbucks and others). By the way, if we collected the logos of our clients, the incomplete collection would look like this:

If we talk about the interest of major players, then Apple is already in the game and Google is just around the corner, who will need to monetize Google Music and YouTube Music.

Get connected!

Our task is to collect audio traffic, that is, to connect to the Intrimatik a maximum of developers who have websites or applications with sound content (be it a fitness app or a casual game with background sounds ). We offer all the most popular ways to include audio ads for publishers who want to monetize traffic and at the same time not lose users due to annoying formats:

Our SDK was done in the spirit of Plug & Play - installed and working right away. Therefore, it is very easy to integrate with us. At the same time after the inclusion of audio advertising on any of the partner sites there was no drop in traffic.

The main advantage for application developers and websites is that your users will not quit because of the broadcast of advertising, will not be annoyed and will negatively assess contact with your product. And this pool of loyal users will bring you a steady income without the risk of losing your audience. This is advantageous difference from annoying banners and video advertising closing access to content.

Since the audio format is often perceived as an image, the payment goes for the display, and not for the obligatory action of the user inside the application or on the website. As a result, guaranteed income from the audience. In this case, we play fair - the system determines the fact of connection and activity of the audio device (speakers, speakers, headphones) and only then the display counts.
All statistics on advertising campaigns available in your account - in real time, you can see the total volume of ad impressions and the money you earn. Temporarily withdrawal occurs once a month. Later intervals will be reduced to a minimum.

To summarize and highlight the benefits of audio advertising for application developers and websites.

Intrimatic is an international technology company that makes it possible for any type of sound platform to make money on audio ads. Our goal is to make audio advertising comfortable and easy for product developers, while attracting the most prestigious advertisers around the world. And of course, this should be the best that users can hear among advertisements.

In general, welcome to join!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276567/

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