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Product Design Digest, January 2016

For five years now I have been publishing regular reviews of fresh articles on the topic of interfaces, new tools and collections of patterns, interesting cases and historical stories. From the tapes of several hundred thematic subscriptions, approximately 5% of the worthwhile publications are selected that are interesting to share. Previous materials: April 2010-December 2015 .

Product Design Digest, January 2016

Patterns and Best Practices

A Conversation with Norm Cox, Creator of the Hamburger Menu
A chic interview with Norm Cox, the original author of the burger icon for the first commercial graphical user interface on Xerox. The ideal answers to the topic of one of the most idiotic community discussions in recent years are just one of the patterns that can be relevant or not in a particular screen of a specific product. He masterfully reduces all interviewer's questions to this. An accompanying article describing the issues .
A Conversation with Norm Cox, Creator of the Hamburger Menu

Design solutions. Checked by experiment in Mail.Ru Group (Ksenia Sternina presentation)
Ksenia Sternina analyzes the results of user research of Mail.Ru Group products over many years and tries to compile information from them. The result should be a library of patterns, which are accompanied by conclusions about their usefulness and efficiency in practice. This is the first presentation of the series. Continuing the theme:

The Illusion of Completeness
Excellent tips from KN Flaherty of NN / g on how to show the user that the content continues on the following screens. This is typical for long pages and horizontal scrolling.

Design Principles

Mailing letters

Litmus: State of Email Report 2016

The Curtain Menu - A drop-down menu.
Joe Rabbitt talks about an interesting adaptive navigation pattern that he proposed for the PlayStation site. In the large web, this is the standard menu, and in the mobile - the “curtain”, which allows you to visually explore two levels of navigation at once.

How to Create Visually Effective Calls-To-Action
Simple and visual pictures on how to highlight key elements on the page. Many people constantly forget the simple rule - it is not enough to make the main action button large and noticeable, it should also have a color contrast.

How to Create Visually Effective Calls-To-Action

Baymard Institute Studies

The Crucial Role Deep Linking Should Play in Your Mobile App
A small review of the practice of installing links within the application from Bobby Emamian. This feature has appeared relatively recently and can make products healthier.

Dark patterns

Guidelines for platforms and companies

Microsoft Web Framework
Microsoft published the Web Framework, a visual language for their web services. The language itself, especially the animation , is very well presented and described. But the description of the components is more primitive, pure statics with a not very small set of solutions. It will be interesting to follow its development.

Microsoft Web Framework

Facebook Design Resources: Devices
Facebook Design Resources: Devices
A huge collection of phone templates, smart watches and other devices in perspective.

Apple iOS 9

Understanding the user

The Facebook-Loving Farmers of Myanmar
An interesting story about the ethnographic study of farmers in Myanmar on how they use Facebook. Interestingly, how economics and culture can influence the consumption of digital products.

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction
Jeff Sauro describes in detail the methods for assessing user satisfaction. He identifies four characteristics: attitude to product use, satisfaction with the brand and the product as a whole, as well as its individual characteristics.

Design for children

Phones with large screens

Forming user habits


Design and design of interface screens

Unified animation language
Motion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface Design

Where tools for designers develop
Envisioning the Perfect Design App

Using Visual Loudness for Better Wayfinding
A good approach to building a visual hierarchy in design guidelines from Tom Osborne from Viget, which allows you to make a gradation of patterns in importance and visibility.

The degree of detail of prototypes




Handbook: image sizes for 9 social networks
Detailed cheat sheet for the size of graphic elements on social networks from the team Tilda. Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+ and Odnoklassniki.

User research and testing, analytics

Tobii shows prototype laptop with 6th-gen eye tracking camera
Tobii showed at CES the sixth generation of the IS4, an eye control module built into the computer. Video work (and one more ). The recent Desktop Neo concept just realizes its capabilities .

Classification of user research methods

How To
Ritch Macefield and Janet M. Six actualize the question of how many respondents are sufficient for usability testing. Someone talks about the importance of a wide range of respondents, Jacob Nielsen says that for many situations 5 people are enough. The article describes well different situations and different tasks, and also gives recommendations on the number of respondents for them.

How To

Desk research - The what, why and how
David Travis talks about the desk research method that is needed to prepare for the study with users. A UX-specialist collects information from previous studies, within the company or other industry representatives.

Visual programming and browser design

Creolabs - Native App Design and Development Reinvented
New tool for designers Creolabs is trying to marry the design and development. The output is a native iOS application that uses real data and is well animated. True, the question of the quality of the final code.

Live guidelines and component systems

Getting started with Progressive Web Apps
Addy Osmani talks about a relatively new approach to creating progressive pseudo-applications based on mobile sites. This is an easy to install shell that looks and works in many ways as a native application.

New scripts

Swift for designers

Loud links
JavaScript library Loud Links to add sounds to the interface. By itself, this practice requires extremely careful attitude in order not to frustrate the user. But several well-known UX designers noted their interest in studying sound design more closely in 2016 when describing trends, so there is a high probability of a surge in this topic. The branch will collect materials on working with sound in familiar interfaces.

Web typography

Layer blending modes in the browser

CSS animation

Work with color

Images in responsive design

CSS Grid



Metrics and ROI

Success funnel and its aftermath
Vladislav Golovach writes about the funnel of successful operations in modern interfaces. It has now reached 80%; however, success decreases from task to task and if we take away 20% from each of the following steps, 65% will remain. Good metrics for evaluating design.

UX strategy and management

Leah Buley - The Modern UX Organization
One of the best performances of recent years from Leah Buley, in which she talks about the modern approach to building UX in the company. She recently moved to Forrester, where she is engaged in analytics of the design market, which in itself is an important step for the profession. In this talk, Leah talks about a survey of companies of various levels and sizes, thanks to which she drew conclusions about the success criteria for UX teams. All this is available as a report for $ 499 . Speech is almost a year now, but this is one of the most valuable insights for those who want to move forward design in a company. Very, very, very cool.

Leading Change Through Adaptive Design
The most elegant article by Maya Bernstein and Marty Linsky on the topic of introducing changes in companies. Design thinking is considered a good methodology to come up with a future, but then everything is often sad - it still remains a beautiful visionary. But in conjunction with adaptive leadership, a modern approach to management, you can realize your plans. Maya and Marty offer a “responsive design” methodology at the intersection of design thinking and adaptive leadership, which allows for the implementation of bold ideas and changes. The name, however, is not very good, because it is responsive and adaptive-technicians working with a string of devices and screens.

Leading Change Through Adaptive Design

Building a design culture

Excerpts from Jamie Levy’s “UX Strategy”

Corporate Software Interfaces

Product management and analytics

Statsbot for Slack
Analytical bot for Slack, working with Google Analytics. Soon full support for Mixpanel will be added.

Why Day 1 Retention Matters
Luke Wroblewski writes about the importance of returning users the day after installation. The figures show that after this period the chances of returning the user are rapidly falling, and given the complexity of their involvement, this is especially painful.

Apps against mobile web

Methodologies, procedures, standards

IBM Design Thinking
IBM published a training manual on its version of design thinking. In its pure form, the methodology is more useful in pieces, but here an excellent working tool is assembled from it for real companies. IBM has been talking about this for the last couple of years, but now there is a good and clear guide. Announcement .

IBM Design Thinking

Design Criticism


Uninvited Redesigns

Redesign Cases

Adobe portfolio
Released Adobe Portfolio, portfolio tool. Andrew Couldwell talks about working on the product .


The study of the location of the phone buttons from Bell


Forecasts for 2016
The Future Is Near: 13 Design Predictions for 2017

Design law
Sarah Burstein collects fresh design patents. Physical devices, interfaces, industrial design.

Design law

Small is Beautiful - Why Desktop UX still has something to teach Mobile
Scott Jenson very well described the problems of mobile and tablet interfaces that prevent them from going far beyond consumption devices. These are the most basic things that we take for granted, like doing a good job with the clipboard or highlighting text. That's why I'm sitting on MS Surface is a good compromise between two worlds, from which the iPad Pro is very, very far.

Conversation as Interface - WSJ & Dow Jones Mobile Weekly Presentation
The voluminous and interesting presentation of Nicolae Rusan on the current state and trends in messengers, bots, personal assistants and everything connected with it. Current players, development directions, patterns, effects on interfaces, etc. Textual liner . Continuing the theme:

The Most Important Design Jobs Of The Future
Designers of famous studios and food companies fantasize about the design professions of the future. Something sounds sensible, but much of what is described will be done rather by people from other industries, and not designers who lack the specialized skills in the same biology.

No ui

The virtual reality

Car Interfaces

Internet of things

For general and professional development

Alan Cooper - About the interface The book by Alan Cooper, Robert Reiman, David Cronin and Christopher Nossel “Interface. Basics of interaction design " (4th edition)
Publisher Peter released a translation of 4 editions of one of the main books for interface designers from Alan Cooper and the team. Alexey Kopylov, who was a scientific advisor to the previous translation, was not involved this time. By the way, Mikhail Zislis, translator of the third edition, has property and copyright to translate.

Yandex Design School
The Yandex Design School has formed a video lecture course based on last year’s program. The first entries are available on YouTube channel , the rest will gradually appear. The creators of the school Lola Kristallinskaya and Taras Sharov told about the results of last year’s recruitment .

Articles for the Ergonomist Newsletter
Earlier this year, Alexei Anokhin is preparing a thematic issue of the Ergonomist newsletter dedicated to user interfaces. He will be happy to publish your materials. Considering that the bulletin is not a scientific journal, there are no requirements to the format of the materials, rigor of presentation and scientific novelty. Welcome (but not limited to):
  1. a statement of their own successful solution (preferably with an explanation: why this solution is good);
  2. a review of technology, tools and solutions (the review may be personalized);
  3. historical essay on the interfaces of the past and their evolution;
  4. information and reports on events (conferences, seminars, exhibitions) on the subject of the user interface;
  5. information (maybe even advertising) about your company developing user interfaces (no more than 1 page);
  6. personal information about you personally as a developer of user interfaces (information format - see the section “Personalia” in the Ergonomist newsletter, p. 34);
  7. analysis of failed user interface examples (it is desirable that the example be impersonal);
  8. professional ads.

What does this give? First, the dissemination of information among more than 300 subscribers of the newsletter - professional ergonomists and usabilityists. Secondly, the practice of more or less strict, but at the same time popular presentation and reflection on their results.

What will it give to our discipline? First, if you personally respond, as well as many others, we will receive a useful exchange of information and achievements. Secondly, this contributes to the convergence of the "traditional" ergonomists and computer usability, which, believe me, is now very necessary.

Materials can be sent to Alexey Anokhin by e-mail anokhin@obninsk.ru with the topic: “Ergonomist” edition on PI. Naturally, all for free.

The Problem With Dribbble
Tobias van Schneider encourages everyone to finally breathe out about Dribbble. This is primarily a tool for leveling skills, and the fact that someone sees in it something else is a personal problem of perception.

Why are all sites the same?

Interface debt

100 100

Product Designers

Jokes about designers for 400

O'Reilly 2016 Design Salary Survey Report
, O'Reilly 2015. , .

People and companies in the industry


Conference proceedings

Upcoming Web Design Conferences (January—June 2016)
- 2016 . 2016 .

Upcoming Web Design Conferences (January—June 2016)

Forge Conference 2015
Forge 9 2015 , . UXMatters .

Fresh links can also be tracked in the Facebook group of the same name or received once a month by mail . Thanks to everyone who also publishes links in it, especially Gennady Dragun, Pavel Skripkin, Dmitry Podluzhny, Anton Artyomov, Denis Efremov, Alexey Kopylov, Taras Brizitsky and Yevgeny Sokolov. More and more materials in reviews appear thanks to them.

Subscribe to the newsletter ! A letter arrives once a month.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276469/

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