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Hyper-scale server farm Amazon, Apple, Google, Switch, Toyota

This article will discuss the new plans of the companies Amazon, Apple, Google, Switch, Toyota regarding the construction of hyper-scale data centers.

Apple The Huckleberry Project


On the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in an area known as Truckee Meadows is the largest city in the northern part of Nevada Reno. As it is also called - the largest small city in the world. It is here that Apple, a consumer electronics company, is planning to build another server farm campus. This project will have the code name of the project “Huckleberry”.


Construction of the first campus (Mills project) in this area Apple began in 2012 and it lasted three years non-stop. The data center was created from scratch to process data from the popular iCloud service, iTunes and the App Store, as well as other popular services. The buildings are located near the motorway, but due to the peculiarities of the local landscape, they are not visible from the road. The data center provides work for the local population.

The security system is “calculated” to the smallest detail: in order to get into the building, you will have to go through several checkpoints, which are called “human traps,” there is a two-meter fence around the campus. Around the perimeter and inside are security cameras, recruited an impressive staff of guards.

The Huckleberry project will be created on the basis of the same principles that were used in the construction of the Mills project. The data center is powered 100 percent using electricity from renewable energy sources.

Amazon. The first cloud data centers in South Korea

Earlier, Amazon had commissioned server farms in the Asia-Pacific region, in Singapore, Beijing, Sydney, Tokyo. The corporation pays special attention to the development of server farm infrastructure in the Asian region, not without reasons, Asian markets have recently shown high growth rates. According to analysts of consulting company IDC, the annual turnover of the cloud computing market in Asia (excluding Japan) will reach $ 16.3 billion at the beginning of 2016. In order to reduce Asian users of data transfer delays and service the Amazon Web Services cloud platform, Amazon has launched several cloud server farms in South Korea.


At the moment there is no exact information on the number and location of the planned data centers. You can only make assumptions that the planned objects will be as hyper-scale and will be located in the suburbs of Seoul.

Google. Tennessee State Farm (USA)

In the Google project, build another mega server farm. It is planned to spend on the construction of the sum of half a billion US dollars. A plant in a small town near the Nashville metropolis in the US state of Tennessee was selected for conversion. At the moment, negotiations are being held on the purchase account of the search giant of the land on which the plant is located.

He already has experience in converting industrial objects into server farms. So, in 2015, a new data center company in Finland grew up on the site of a former pulp and paper mill. The plant was bought for 40 million euros, which ceased operations in January 2008 due to a sharp drop in demand for book products, and in 2009 the plant itself and its territory was bought out by Google. The power and cooling infrastructure has been adapted for use by the server farm. Combine used seawater for production.

Streams of water rush through the pipes, which were laid in the 50 years of the twentieth century. Through these channels, water is delivered directly to the server equipment, where it removes excess heat from it. After that, the heated water is sent to a special intermediate storage, then it is mixed with ordinary fresh water, the temperature is thus reduced. After such manipulations, the water returns to the bay, which minimizes the environmental impact.

Switch. Server farm in Italy

In a short time, the American company Switch will open its hyper-scale data center in Italy. This will be the first server farm outside the North American continent.


Investment companies Orascom TMT Investments (OTMTI) and Accelero Capital Holdings will be the partners of Switch company in this project - the construction of a commercial server farm SuperNAP.

It is planned to locate a new data center near the city of Milan. The total cost of the project will cost approximately $ 300 million US dollars. Lindab Building Systems will be in the role of one of the contractors for the Switch collocation provider and will supply steel structures for the construction of large buildings.

Toyota. Data center for "auto"

Toyota plans to build a powerful server farm specifically for collecting and analyzing data from vehicles connected to the network. The company announced this at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES). The company did not go into details and details. There is still no exact data on exactly where this data center will be located, what the planned area for the project will be, what its capacity will be.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276385/

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