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Speech by Steve Ballmer at the ReMIX conference on May 23 in Moscow

ReMIX, Moscow, May 23, 2008
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft
Here is just awesome! Many thanks to all who came here. I am extremely pleased to have the opportunity to meet with you here today. I want to say a few words before we proceed to the questions and answers. I suspect that the questions and answers will be the more exciting part, but before that I would like to tell you something. I have a very busy schedule in Moscow, but you can be sure (and there are people in the audience who are well aware of this) that people who develop software and applications around the world have a special place in my heart. And therefore I am especially happy that I can talk today with software developers. I am very glad to see you all!

Microsoft has evolved as a software company; after all, literally Microsoft means "software for microcomputers." What was the basis of Microsoft’s vision for the future? The most important thing is that the software will become a business and that the software will change our world. And today, in 2008, the very essence of software is changing in some way. The era ends when the software was something very static. You could burn it to DVD. Maybe even post it on a web site, but basically it was immutable and static. A new era has begun, which we call “Software + Services”. In this new world, software lives on the Internet, in PCs, in telephones, in corporate data centers, in televisions. In this case, the application of software products are becoming more and more fantastic.
I love to tell the story of the evolution of a personal computer. When the personal computer first appeared, it was a programming machine. Then he turned into a spreadsheet machine, and then into a word processing machine. Then he began to be used for e-mail. And for games. And for music. And to watch the video. The very essence of that and the idea of ​​what we can do on the computer continues to change. Everything becomes possible, for which only the imagination of software developers suffices. With the evolution of software in the world, “Software + Services” also evolve the types of applications that are used to create software products. Communication tools, content, advertising, commerce, communication through communities - all of this is combined and interacting with each other. Rapprochement of communities, information and commerce occurs in a truly amazing way.
This is a new generation phenomenon. I am very inspired by the present of this generation and perspectives. I think the level of development, the rate of change, the fascination and innovation in our industry in the next ten years will be incomparable with anything that happened in the past. I like to tell people: “In ten years time I will stay at home; Perhaps by that time I will be working part-time at Microsoft. Bill Gates is switching to part-time work this year. I still have about ten wonderful years left. In ten years I will be sitting and probably seeing my favorite golfer Tiger Woods on TV who will make a great blow. And I will scream at the TV: "Hey, Bill, did you see Tiger drove the ball in the hole ?!" At the same time, the intellectual system that understands human speech built into my television will immediately respond: “Bill, Bill ... When he says the name“ Bill ”, who does he usually mean? Bill Gates! Where is Bill Gates now? ” Suppose Bill is not against Steve’s invasion of his privacy; the system will find Bill, wherever he may be: maybe, here in Moscow in a hotel room, or somewhere in traveling around the world. And immediately his TV will switch: "Hey, Bill, did you see Tiger drove the ball in the hole?" Bill will see exactly what I just saw and say: "Steve, what is this new golf ball from Tiger?" I'll take the remote, direct the golf ball, and search the image through the entire Internet. Then he will come back and say, “Steve, this is the Nike Elite golf ball. Want to buy 12 of these? I will say: "Perhaps 24: 12 is better for me and 12 for Bill."
Content, commerce, community. The way we interact. The way we communicate. This process is driven by innovations in software and innovations of the new era of “Software + Services”. The convergence and merging of the best that is on the Internet, in PCs, in corporate data centers, in phones and televisions.
These are not four different worlds of software products, but a single software world, a single integrated architecture. Today, people love the Internet very much. The user simply clicks the mouse and everything is done. But people also love personal computers with their rich interaction possibilities. In the near future, intelligent systems will work both on smart devices and in the Internet cloud. And they will “cooperate” and interact with each other automatically, without user intervention and without labor costs for managing them.
Microsoft is investing all its strength and soul in this vision of the future, in this transformation process, in the concept of “Software + Services”. And we think that we should in a sense build a new platform, like we created Windows for PC, Windows Server, Windows CE for mobile devices and TVs. We are creating a new platform in the cloud to support commerce, content, communities and Software + Services. We called it Windows Live. You have already seen some fragments and pieces, as well as preliminary demonstrations of technology. These are technologies such as Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation. Such as .NET platform. And now it’s also technologies like Windows Live Mesh, for which we have a demonstration of the project’s capabilities. Windows Live Mesh provides synchronization and coordination of devices and information on the network.
Over the course of this year, we will present a range of features of our operating system for the Internet or an operating system in the cloud. These will be storage and computing systems, high-level directory services, real-world interoperability services, authentication services, and, of course, the applications themselves. What are you doing today if you want to create and deploy an Internet application? You need to get your own server, maybe your own site, maintain it, protect and maintain it. We want to make this process easier for you. You just need to work in the development tool. You write the application, and the deployment, caching and management of the application in the Internet cloud occurs automatically. All this is done by services that will be available to developers to create a new generation of applications on the principle of “Software + Services”.
Today, a step that has already been taken in our industry and has been made simply superb is the actual transition of corporate products to the Internet. As developers, we believe that further development requires the creation of a new generation of a platform that truly combines various devices and provides services to developers with powerful functionality. I told you as concisely as possible about the phenomenon that actually occurs in the “Software + Services” generation. How do software developers make money? Are you creating batch products? Do you sell software in exchange for advertising? Charge for transactions? Do you have paid mailings? All business models available to software developers will evolve and create new colossal opportunities for building a business, opening companies, and successful entrepreneurship. Microsoft plans to provide infrastructure, training, tools and support for this purpose so that you create and succeed.
It is a pleasure to be here today. I am also very pleased to be able to announce that we will provide, I think, to every Russian developer in every web studio a free copy of the Windows Server 2008 Web Server. All this will be available to those in this room, because we want to help you in moving towards a new world - the world of “Software + Services”. Thank you for the opportunity to say a few introductory words. I know that Anton is looking forward to seeing behind the scenes the opportunity to join our fascinating communication and the "Questions and Answers" part. So on this I conclude my little speech. If you still have questions that we do not have time to answer, be sure to send me your question by e-mail: steveb@microsoft.com . Your opinion is very important to me. Thank!

On the site www.remix.ru you can also see a full video of the speech.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27636/

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