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DevConf 2015: video of PHP section reports

The annual conference of professional DevConf web developers has been held since 2010. It consists of several sections devoted to the most popular languages ​​and web development technologies. In 2015, Badoo took on an important mission - to record video presentations so that those who could not attend the conference could watch them at any time.

First of all, we decided to post a video with the most interesting section for us, dedicated to our favorite language PHP. Some topics are so close to us that we tried to talk not only about the content of the report, but also about what we are doing in Badoo and think about it. We hope this format will seem interesting to readers and will give a wider view of the topic.

DevConf 2015 PHP Section
First of all, I would like to mention the report by Dmitry Stogov (Zend Technologies) "Release PHP 7: what awaits us in October 2015" . We will not torment you with the translation of the “changelog” of the seventh version , but let's just say: look to everyone who has at least some relation to PHP. If you have written at least a line of PHP code in your life, then, most likely, you have already heard about crazy performance, the JIT and the spaceship operator. JIT did not appear in PHP, but the optimization has been extensive. In the report, Dmitry talks a lot about PHP's internal kitchen, there are graphs of the performance of different versions of PHP and HHVM on real applications. Badoo is now just in the process of transition to PHP 7, we had to “dig up” the testing infrastructure and rewrite a bunch of extensions, but we are at the finish line and can confirm that PHP 7 does show a very serious performance increase. What exactly is the gain? Bye secret. Expect a separate article from us on this topic, when we will overcome the last jambs caught on production traffic.

In light of the rather rich syntax innovations in PHP 7, one cannot but mention the report “Choosing and Implementing a Coding Standard in a Large Team” by Maxim Kochkin (“Mamba”). On the one hand, everyone is familiar with the topic of teeth, and on the other hand, it’s a fairly easy presentation and an interesting analogy with reading plain text. It remains only to offer the help of our own proprietary PHPCF utility , on the basis of which you can configure the formatting rules appropriate for your team and integrate code checking for compliance with the rules in the repository.

I was very pleased with Arvids Godjuks (Areto) with the report “Demonized PHP - before it was cool” - not so much with the advice on the process of developing demons for PHP, how much courage to simply and bluntly say that demons for PHP is absolutely normal, it can be good and useful as any other tool applied correctly. If this topic is close to you, then in addition to the report, we advise you to read our articles "Writing system utilities in PHP CLI" and "Restarting the daemon in PHP without losing connections to it . "

Since we started to write about ourselves, that is, about Badoo, then at the same time we briefly go over the report of our colleague Alexander Krashennikov, “How we transfer millions of Badoo users between data centers” . In it, everyone will surely find something useful for themselves. Despite the specificity of the problem, the approaches used to solve it contain a lot of interesting and useful techniques. In any case, you will at least find out "why not a truck full of discs."

The report “Effective work with Bigdata on the example of the recommendation system for 20k online stores” by Alexander Demidov (“1C-Bitrix”) stands apart. The report is not exactly about PHP, but rather not about PHP at all. In the first part of the report, Alexander spoke in detail about the basic architectural principles of large data processing systems. In the second part we are talking about, in fact, the implementation of the recommendatory system. This topic is close to us, recently we put a lot of effort into collecting and analyzing large amounts of data (see, for example, the report by Alexander Krasheninnikov “Near-realtime event analyst in a high-loaded project” ). We can confirm the effectiveness of the chosen solutions: HDFS, Spark, and Lua nginx. In general, if you are only looking from which side to approach the world of Big Data, then be sure to watch this performance.

The report of our colleague “Continuous Integration in Mamba” by Oleg Koltunov raised many interesting questions from the audience. This is not surprising, because the topic is relevant for many companies, regardless of their size. The guys from the "Mamba" talked about the "samopisnoy" system for continuous integration, how it works. It seems to work fine, although some of the decisions seemed controversial to us (rewriting the history of commits in Git, the lack of a strict test rule after each merge, etc.).

Learn about how continuous integration looks in Badoo, from the reports “Release Management in Badu” by Ilya Ageev and Yuri Nasretdinov, “Continuous delivery in a large Internet project” by Vlad Chernov on LoveQA, Podcast IT-Kompot with Vlad Chernov and Oleg Oyamäe, articles about our assistant robot in many automation processes. Also on the topic a lot of things still posted in our blog .

Further to your attention some more interesting reports of section PHP are offered. Enjoy!

"Sophisticated architecture and other premature optimizations" (Fedor Lavrentyev)

“Tale of how dependency inversion led to DDD” (Ivan Matveyev)

We offer to discuss the speakers and their reports in the comments, and in the near future we will post video presentations from other sections of the DevConf 2015 conference - DevOps, Storage and JavaScript.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276353/

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