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Records from the Web Standards Days conference - Moscow 2015

Kremlin icon - Kremlin by parkjisun from the Noun Project
WSD Logos - github.com/web-standards-

In December, we helped our friends from the Web Standards community to organize the Moscow conference of the Web Standards Days series. Today we are pleased to offer you the conference recordings and the results of the survey of conference participants on their preferences in choosing technologies and development tools.

Opening - Vadim Makeev (Opera)

Conference reports

Presentations for the reports can be found on the event page: wsd.events/2015/12/13
All videos separately - in Channel 9: channel9.msdn.com/Events/Web-Standards-Days/Web-Standards-Days-2015-Moscow (and soon on YouTube in the web standards channel).

Microsoft Edge, escape from the past - David Rousset (Microsoft)

Even better than the real ones! - Vadim Makeev (Opera)

Avito frontend - Alexander Lobashev (Avito)

WCAG 2.0, or the “pain” of the accessible web - Stanislav Zubovich (EPAM Systems)

Debugging Connected Devices on Vorlon.js - David Rousse (Microsoft)

Creating an image editor in the browser - Vsevolod Shmyrov (Yandex)

The dark side of the SVG - Irina Rudenko (Hackraft)

CSSO - Minimize CSS - Roman Dvornov (Avito)

Everyone stand and do not move! - Alexey Okhrimenko (Acronis)

Shower 2.0 - Denis Hananein (AIM TECH)

Closing - Vadim Makeev (Opera)

Poll results

(The numbers on the graphs are absolute from the number of people who filled in the questionnaire.)

Let's start with a simple - conference audience. We asked the participants what they were doing - here without any special surprises: most of the participants are developers focused on the frontend, and even those who are involved in the server side are also mainly engaged in the client side. This is precisely the target audience of the conference from the point of view of topics, so nothing surprising.

Business area (multiple choice)

Maker-ups developers in two times more than designers, engaged only in typesetting. At the same time, only one third of the developers who came came to consider themselves to be the layout designers, 1/6 of the developers are also architects, and 1/10 are heads. Designers at the conference in two times less than professionals involved in design.

Role in the company (multiple choice). Highlighted the breakdown of developers by other roles.

Now let's look at the tools used. Let's start with the operating system: approximately the same number of participants use Windows and OS X. Linux fans are two times less, but they are the most heterogeneous: 82% of conference Linux users also use other operating systems, for Windows this figure is 46%, and among users OS X supporters diversity - 39%. The most popular bundle is Windows + Linux. More than half of lichens are preferred by Ubuntu, Debian comes second.

OS used (multiple choice).

Preferences in code and IDE editors are different among users of different operating systems. For example, among the conference participants with OS X, the most popular IDE is WebStorm, then Sublime Text, Atom, IntelliJ IDEA and vim come with some lag. But Windows users have three clear leaders and “all the others”: in addition to the mentioned WebStorm and Sublime Text, Visual Studio also leads, along with Visual Studio Code, Adobe Brackets and Atome. For Linux users, the same leaders are WebStorm and Sublime Text, while the rest are approximately evenly spread over the tail.

Preferred IDE or code editor (multiple choice). Highlight the selection of Windows users.

The next sacramental question is: what programming languages ​​do participants use (besides obvious javascript)? In second place is PHP, followed by C # and Python. In the traditional "enterprise" battle among the front-end C # leads. Among the intermediate languages ​​compiled in JS, TypeScript today is already significantly ahead of CoffeeScript (there was one more vote for the babel, but only one). And among the "fashionable" languages, forgive me Perl fans, - and once he was like that - Python bypasses Ruby and Go.

Used programming languages ​​(multiple choice).

Then we decided to find out what means of testing and automation are held in high esteem by web developers. Here preferences are expected: we check the code and styles using JSLint and CSSLint, respectively. We install packages using Bower (recall that we mostly polled front-end vendors), assemble modules via WebPack, automate with Gulp, overtake Grunt, process Saas (we should mention the grown PostCSS!) And finally, we test browsers in Selenium, and if not , then BrowserStack or Browsersync.

Testing and automation tools (multiple choice).

Finally, we asked about the hosting used ... and won ... traditional hosting. Among the cloud platforms with a two-fold advantage of Microsoft Azure, then on equal clouds from Google and Amazon. It is interesting to note that on average, developers using public clouds try solutions from different vendors.

Used cloud platforms (multiple choice).

And ... to be continued - soon there will be another post with secret interviews with speakers. Thank you for your interest in web standards! Join the twitter , vk , fb or g + community to keep up with the news.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276307/

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