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IT infrastructure, information security and telecom: Events in 2016

Last week, we gave examples of our solutions, which allow us to optimize a number of business problems by switching to cloud technologies. We spoke about some of them at thematic conferences in 2015, and today we decided to collect a calendar of events to be held in 2016.

We propose to jointly bring this list to mind, complementing it in the comments.

/ Photo by Taqirumi CC

02/04/2016 - Infoforum-2016

Venue: Moscow Government Building
Address: Moscow, st. New Arbat, 36
Website: infoforum.ru

During the forum, 12 full-scale thematic meetings will be held on the most pressing issues of information security in the global information society, including data storage systems and data center security.

02/09/2016 - Cyber ​​Security Forum \ i-SAFETY

Venue: Digital October Center
Address: Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6, p. 3
Website: runet-id.com

International Forum on the security of digital technology and the digital environment with the broad participation of leading Russian and international experts. The sections of the forum are devoted to software and hardware, training and legal issues of security in the digital environment, as well as the role of specialists and users in information, mobile and cyber security.

02/11/2016 - Cloud growth of the Russian IT market in 2016

Address: Moscow
Website: cnews.ru

What are the results of the cloud market development in Russia in 2015? How interested are large, medium and small businesses in the clouds? What are customer requirements for cloud services? These and many other issues will be addressed at the conference “Cloud Growth of the Russian IT Market 2016”.

02/18/2016 - Seminar "Real Virtual Data Center"

Venue: MOD Design Modern Design Center
Address: Moscow, Small Konyushkovsky Lane, 2
Website: i-teco.ru

As part of the discussions, participants will be able to ask questions that interest them, analyze real-life cases, share experiences with colleagues, and see data center equipment live. The seminar is addressed to CIOs, IT managers and leading technical experts of medium and large businesses.

02/19/2016 - Telecom of the two capitals 2016

Venue: AZIMUT Hotel St. Petersburg
Address: St. Petersburg, Lermontovsky Prospect, 43/1
Website: comnews-conferences.ru

Regional and federal telecom operators operating in the markets of St. Petersburg and Moscow, vendors and integrators of telecommunications solutions, representatives of regulatory bodies, industry media and industry experts will discuss effective ways to increase the competitiveness of telecom operators in megalopolises.

Last year, we were the platinum partner of this major industry event. IT-GRAD Development Director Sergey Chukanov told the forum guests about the current situation on the cloud services market in Russia.

Other forum participants touched upon the development of ICT projects "smart city" in two cities, and assessed the level of efficiency of domestic telecom operators in the current economic environment.

02/19/2016 - Cloud & Digital Transformation 2016

Venue: Digital October Center

Address: Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6, p. 3

Website: cloudmobility.ru

The forum platform invariably unites all key market participants: from cloud application developers and environments to end users. Here they will discuss the prospects for the cloud model of the implementation of individual services and discuss various approaches to the implementation of IT services in general.

02/19/2016 - 02/21/2016 - GoToHack: Big Data

Venue: BC Silver City
Address: Moscow, Serebryanicheskaya embankment, 29
Website: goto.msk.ru

Three-day team competition for schoolchildren and students on the analysis of open data of users of the social network VKontakte, age 15-18 years. Participants with the help of data analytics experts and sociologists will be able to investigate their generation based on the open data of the VKontakte social network, test various hypotheses and find interesting facts. As part of the hackathon, open lectures from industry experts will be held.

03/23/2016 - BIT-2016: Moscow

Venue: Business Hotel "AZIMUT Moscow Olympic"
Address: Moscow, Olympic Avenue, 18/1
Website: ciseventsgroup.com

The event will cover all issues related to data centers, modern information and communication services, cloud computing and the Internet of things. Efficient approaches to the storage and analysis of corporate data and practical applications of IT solutions in business processes will be considered.

03/23/2016 - Big Data 2016

Venue: Event Hall "InfoSpace"
Address: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky Pereulok, 4
Website: osp.ru

An event in Russia to share experiences, openly discuss current issues and learn about the latest advances in big data and business intelligence. The use of big data to solve various business problems and practical experience in the use of advanced analytics in Russian companies.

04/06/2016 - BIT-2016: St. Petersburg

Venue: Hotel "Holiday Inn Moscow Gate"
Address: St. Petersburg, Moskovsky Prospect, 97a
Website: ciseventsgroup.com

The event will address issues related to data centers, modern information and communication services, cloud computing and the Internet of things. Efficient approaches to the storage and analysis of corporate data and practical applications of IT solutions in business processes will be considered.

04/12/2016 - DataCloud & IoT 2016

Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Moscow
Address: Moscow, st. Okhotny Ryad, 2
Website: eurasiandatacloud.ru

Presentations of international leaders of the IT industry, interactive discussions, training. The conference will consider new opportunities for supporting business processes using cloud computing, as well as the topics of design, construction and optimization of infrastructure.

04/19/2016 - 04/21/2016 - Expo Comm 2016

Venue: VDNH, pavilion 75
Address: 119 Mira Avenue, Moscow
Website: expocomm.ru

International exhibition and conference of advanced information and communication technologies, during which such topics as ICT accessibility, digital services, communications infrastructure and communications will be covered.

04/27/2016 - Data Center Design & Engineering 2016

Venue: Digital October Center
Address: Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6, p. 3
Website: dcdeforum.ru

During the conference, approaches to building an efficient scalable data center infrastructure will be considered. Leading Russian and foreign experts will speak.

05.2016 - IT breakthrough

Address: Moscow
Website: tvoystart.ru

This is the fifth stage of the All-Russian competition of breakthrough projects in the field of information technologies. The purpose of the Competition is to form the basis for the development of intellectual potential and competitiveness in the field of information technology.

In 2015, IT-GRAD acted as an expert jury of the regional stage of the IT-breakthrough competition. Note that the submitted projects were distinguished by their diversity. A variety of topics were touched on, ranging from cloud services for distance learning programs on managing brain activity through mobile non-invasive neural interfaces to digital devices of precise tube amps for a guitar.

Representatives of IT-GRAD and SDN Data Center made a choice towards the best, in their opinion, StudyTime project, the essence of which was to create an up-to-date school schedule for universities and a convenient system for exchanging materials between students and teachers.

05.06.2016 - Cloud Day 2016

Address: Moscow
Website: tadviser.ru

At the conference, industry experts will discuss the creation and use of cloud infrastructure. In particular, it will be discussed in what cases it is necessary to create a private cloud on the basis of its own infrastructure, and in which cases on the basis of a leased one.

05/10/2016 - 05/13/2016 - Communication-2016

Venue: Expocentre Fairgrounds
Address: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 14
Website: sviaz-expo.ru

According to the organizers, this year the Svyaz exhibition will demonstrate not only the latest innovative developments, but also show the full spectrum of development of the entire telecommunications industry over the next few years. There will be presented solutions for cellular, satellite and fiber-optic communications, as well as solutions in the field of information security, virtualization, etc.

05/17/2016 - 05/18/2016 - PHDays VI

Venue: World Trade Center
Address: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya emb., 12
Website: runet-id.com

The conference brings together leading security guards and hackers from around the world, representatives of government agencies and big businessmen, young scientists and journalists. The main principles of PHDays are the minimum of advertising and the maximum of useful knowledge in reports and seminars.

05/19/2016 - IDC IT Security 2016

Venue: Ritz-Carlton Hotel Almaty
Address: Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 77/7
Website: idc.com

IDC IT Security 2016 is the most pressing issues related to information security. This year, the whole range of topics will be covered there: from data centers and data storage systems to big data and the Internet of things.

05/19/2016 - 05/20/2016 - HighLoad ++ Junior

Venue: Crocus Expo
Address: Moscow region, st. International, d.16
Website: highload.ru

Special training conference HighLoad ++ Junior, where the best Runet experts will give a series of lectures on the basics of developing high-load systems.

05/24/2016 - Forum “WORLD Datacenter. Infrastructure"

Venue: Event Hall "InfoSpace"
Address: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky Pereulok, 4
Website: ospcon.ru

Forum “WORLD Datacenter. Infrastructure ”will be devoted to the issues of choosing infrastructure solutions, designing, building and operating a data center.

06/07/2016 - The future of the telecom industry: Cross-industry business models and strategies

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Belorusskaya
Address: Moscow, st. 3rd Yamskogo Fields, 26
Website: telco-forum.com

The main emphasis at the event will be made on the development of new opportunities for the telecom operator as a service provider and integration platform. Separately, the topics of start-ups and venture financing will be covered.

06/23/2016 - Optimization of costs for IT infrastructure 2016

Address: Moscow
Website: cnews.ru

How to optimize the cost of IT infrastructure? What indicators can be achieved? What simple solutions can help reduce IT costs? What services can I get from the public cloud? These and many other issues will be addressed in the framework of the thematic conference.

07/08/2016 - Cloud Services Russia

Address: Moscow
Website: comnews-conferences.ru

Annual conference dedicated to the development of cloud technologies in Russia and abroad. The forum will bring together representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the leading companies of the Russian and foreign ICT market.

09/14/2016 - International Conference "Data Center-2016"

Address: Moscow
Website: dcforum.ru

Dialogue and exchange of best practices among all data center market participants - owners, operators, manufacturers and designers - with the aim of solving specific practical problems that arise at different stages of the data center life cycle.

09/15/2016 - Communication in a big city

Address: Moscow
Website: comnews-conferences.ru

Heads of telecom operators from all major cities of Russia, representatives of major vendors, system integrators, equipment suppliers and developers will discuss the specifics of the work and interaction of participants in the telecommunications market.

In 2015, we made a report on the peculiarities of keeping a subscriber in a changing market situation. IT-GRAD Project Manager Artem Tereshchenko spoke about the problem components and solutions.

Colleagues from the telecommunications industry gave a comprehensive overview of current trends and made some predictions for the near future.

09/16/2016 - Managed Services 2016

Address: Moscow
Website: comnews-conferences.ru

This is a conference where market participants and experts will discuss what the communication market is like today and how it has changed lately.

In 2015, Sergey Chukanov, a representative of IT-GRAD, and Peter Shapovalov from Deitery made a joint report in which they touched on the important topic of sharing the responsibility of the service provider and the customer during PCI DSS certification.

09/20/2016 - IT Forum of the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia

Address: St. Petersburg
Website: comnews-conferences.ru

Industry expert platform for the exchange of experience in key issues and solutions to current problems of ICT in the oil and gas sector. The dense business program of the forum will include several sessions, during which more than 60 representatives of oil and gas companies, government agencies and the IT sector will speak.

Last year IT-GRAD acted as the general participant of the event. The uniqueness of the forum was to discuss topics at the junction of information technology and the oil and gas industry. We initiated the implementation of some exploration tasks based on our own cloud-based IaaS platform.

10/04/2016 - Forum “WORLD Datacenter. Services. Clouds

Address: Moscow
Website: ospcon.ru

Forum “WORLD Datacenter. Services. Clouds ”is devoted to the aspects of providing various services - from the placement of equipment (colocation) to cloud services. Among the topics of the event are also listed: the choice of commercial data center, hybrid clouds and data security.

10/17/2016 - 10/20/2016 - VMworld 2016 EU

Venue: Fira Barcelona Gran Via Conference Center
Address: Barcelona, ​​Av. Joan carles i
Website: vmworld.com

One of the largest IT-activities in the field of virtualization. At sessions you can get acquainted with new VMware products, as well as listen to the company's customers.

We participated in the exhibition and conference VMworld last year. This is a very large-scale event that lasts for several days: the first day is for VMware partners, and the remaining three days are available to absolutely everyone.

One of the main innovations covered at the event last year was the Docker container virtualization management solution. At the conference, it was possible to meet and try out any product live.

If you're interested, we have prepared a detailed report from the conference - you can read it in our blog .

12/01/2016 - Around Data: Infrastructure

Venue: Business Center "Japanese House"
Address: Moscow, Savvinskaya Embankment, 15
Website: ciseventsgroup.com

The International Forum “Around Data-2015” is an important event in the domestic infocomm market. The event covers issues related to the infrastructure for storing and managing corporate data: solutions, services, products, technologies and expertise.

Of course, this collection does not claim to be a full collection of events. If you already have a conference marked in the calendar that you would like to attend in 2016, share information in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276293/

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