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Report on the fourth UX conference of the Russian school of service design

On January 19, the fourth and fourth UX-conference of the Russian School of Service Design was held at the Mail.Ru Group office. Its main theme was the exchange of experience in the design of services and services, taking into account customer focus. At the conference there were a lot of interesting and useful reports. And if you did not manage to visit her personally, then here you can familiarize yourself with videos of speeches and presentations of speakers. Details - under the cut.

Roman Chernykh, Head of RSHSD
"Education in the Russian school of service design"
The report was devoted to what a modern UX-specialist faces in his professional activities and what he should learn in order to overcome the obstacles that arise. Roman also spoke about the possibilities of education in the framework of the School’s educational projects.

Video performance .

Vera Borisova, Roman Karzhonkov, Sasha Blagochevsky
"Social Shopping"

The speakers discussed customer focus as a technology and basis for designing products and services, digital as a key environment for interaction between customers and services, customer-oriented organization of company processes, current trends in service design, and many other topics.

Video performance .

Dmitry Andronov, Product Manager, Alfa Business Online Online Banking for Legal Entities
"User Experience for B2B"

Dmitry spoke about the features of using UX-technologies for the corporate product segment on the example of the Alfa Business Online product. A topic was also raised on how to meet the needs of different users with the help of a universal solution and overcoming the difficulties encountered.

Video performance .


Dmitry Kulakovsky, marketing director of MGTS
"Simple solutions for clients of difficult companies"

Using the example of a number of implemented projects, Dmitry shared his vision of how the final service and usability are related to the business processes and architecture of the company.

Video performance .


Dmitry Satin, Deputy General Director of the National Center for Informatization, founder of UsabilityLab, president of the Russian branch of UPA, executive editor of User Experience Magazine for the CIS and Eastern Europe
"Ethical and personal choices of our profession"

This presentation is a kind of philosophical reflection, which will be interesting for already experienced specialists who had a choice whether to continue this profession in them, how to find a new source of motivation for themselves.

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Igor Nechaev, VimpelCom
"Functional-process design"

Igor's report was devoted to the introduction of functional process design, as well as the experience of its implementation in companies.

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Iskander Mirmahmadov, data analyst at AIC
"UX-analytics: the definition of analytics within the user experience"

Iskander talked about why a design studio generally needs a UX analyst and how it is carried out in his company, how the relevant processes are built.

Video performance .


Evgeny Ovcharenko, Deputy Head of Interface Design at Bank VTB 24
“VTB24 usability lab - how does it work?”

Eugene in his speech described the device and business processes adopted in the usability lab of his company. And with this example, he proposes to assess how gradually the landscape of decision-making is changing on what the final product should be.

Video performance .

Ksenia Sternina, Head of Mail.Ru Group UX-Lab
“Design solutions. Tested by experiment "

In her speech, Ksenia spoke about the search and synthesis of patterns in the studied performance of sets of traditional solutions.

Video performance .


Pavel Manakhov, Associate Professor of Higher School of Economics, Head of Design and Analytics, UsabilityLab
"Search for causes of usability problems"

Before deciding how to look for problems in a product, you need to understand what to look for. In his report, Pavel spoke about the formulation of specific tasks and shortcomings, as well as practical methods for identifying problems in the product.

Video performance .


Alexander Nenashev, Wonderfull partner, BHSAD teacher, leader of design thinking trainings
“Business analysis as a key for service design”

What formats and organization of labor should be within the company? That is, how should business processes be organized that allow flexible interaction with a huge number of people unfamiliar with your corporate culture? The internal business analysis of the existing system will help to answer this question.

Video performance .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/276169/

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