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50 quotes about programming all time

Translated after reading the comments on the article "On the hatred of C ++ . " In the quotes, you can find answers to most of the questions raised there.

50. Programming today is a race for software developers seeking to write programs more and with better idioto-stability, and a universe that tries to create bigger and better idiots. While the universe is winning.
- Rick Cook

49. Lisp is not a language, but a building material.
- Alan Kay
48. Walking on water and developing programs, following the specification, is very simple ... if they are frozen.
- Edward V Berard

47. They no longer do bugs, like Bunny (Bugs Bunny).
- Olav Mjelde.

46. Low-level language is when attention is needed to things that are not related to programs in this language.
- Alan J. Perlis.

45. C programming is similar to fast dancing on the newly polished floor of people with sharp razors in their hands.
- Waldi Ravens.

44. I always dreamed that my computer could be used as easily as a telephone; My dream came true: I can not figure out how to use my phone anymore.
- Bjarne Stroustrup

43. Training in programming cannot teach to be an expert, just as the study of brushes and paints cannot turn anyone into an artist.
- Eric S. Raymond

42. Do not worry if something is not working. If everything worked, you would be fired.
- Mosher's Law of Software Engineering

41. I think Microsoft called .Net technology so that it does not appear in the Unix directory listings.
- Oktal

40. Well, Java MAYBE a good example of how a language should look. But then Java programs are a good example of how NOT to write programs.
- pixadel

39. Given the current deplorable state of our programs, it can be said that programming is definitely still black magic and, for now, we cannot call it technical discipline.
- Bill Clinton

38. Using COBOL cripples the mind; based on this, teaching this language should be a criminal offense.
- EW Dijkstra

37. The object-oriented version of “spaghetti code” is, of course, “lasagna code” (there are a lot of layers).
- Roberto Waltman

36. FORTRAN is not a flower, but a weed: it is hardy, sometimes it blooms and grows in every computer
- Alan J. Perlis.

35. For me, for a long time, it was a mystery how something very expensive and technological could be so useless. And soon I realized that a computer is a stupid machine that has the ability to perform incredibly smart things, while programmers are smart people who have the talent to do incredible nonsense. In short, they found each other.
- Bill Bryson

34. In my selfish opinion, most C programs should be formatted indented 2 meters down and covered with earth.
- Blair P. Houghton.

33. When someone says, “I want a programming language that can do everything I can say to him,” then I give this person a candy.
- Alan J. Perlis

32. The evolution of languages: FORTRAN is not a strongly typed language, C is a weakly typed language. Ada is a strongly typed language. C ++ is a highly bloated language.
- Ron Sercely

31. In a good design, adding things costs less than this thing itself.
- Thomas C. Gale

30. If you call Python a replacement for BASIC, then the Optimus Prime transformer is just a replacement for a truck.
- Cory Dodt

29. Chatter is worth nothing. Show me the code.
- Linus Torvalds

28. As can be seen, perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when nothing can be taken away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exup Ă©ry

27. S is a bizarre, imperfect, but incredibly successful language.
- Dennis M. Ritchie.

26. In theory, theory and practice are inseparable. In practice, this is not the case.
- Yoggi Berra

25. You cannot create good programs without a good team, but most software teams behave like a problem family.
- Jim McCarthy

24. PHP is a small evil created by incompetent novices, while Perl is a large and insidious evil created by skilled but perverted professionals.
- Jon Ribbens

23. Programming is like hitting your face, sooner or later your nose will bleed.
- Kyle Woodbury

22. Perl is the language that looks the same both before and after RSA encryption ...
- Keith Bostic

21. It is much easier to port a shell than a script on a shell.
- Larry Wall

20. I invented the concept of "object-oriented", but I can say that I did not mean C ++ at the same time.
- Alan Kay

19. The study of programming has the same relevance to the design of interactive systems as blind typing training to writing poetry.
- Ted Nelson

18. The best programmers are not a little better than the good ones. They are an order of magnitude better by any measure: conceptual thinking, speed, ingenuity and the ability to find solutions.
- Randall E. Stross

17. If McDonalds were a software company, then one of a hundred Big Macs would have been poisoned, and their answer to that would be: “We're sorry, here’s another two Big Mac coupon.”
- Mark Minasi

16. Be wary of bugs in the code above; I only proved it correct, but did not run it.
- Donald E. Knuth.

15. Analysis of computer systems is like parenting; great harm can be done, but success cannot be guaranteed.
- Tom DeMarco

14. I am not interested in whether it will work on your machines! We do not give them to the customer!
- Vidiu Platon.

13. Sometimes it is better to stay at home at home on Monday than to spend the whole week debugging Monday-written code.
- Christopher Thompson

12. To measure the productivity of programming by counting lines of code is the same as evaluating the construction of an aircraft by its weight.
- Bill Gates

11. Debugging code is twice as difficult as writing it. So if you write code as smartly as you can, then you are by definition not smart enough to debug it.
- Brian W. Kernighan.

10. People believe that programming is the science of the elect, but in reality it’s the other way around - just many people create programs that use other people's programs, as if building a wall of small bricks.
- Donald Knuth

9. First, learn the science of programming and all theory. Next, develop your programming style. Then forget everything and just program.
- George Carrette

8. Many of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are only three of them, and of course it is: laziness, impatience and pride.
- Larry Wall

7. Most programs today are like the Egyptian pyramids of a million bricks on top of each other and without constructive integrity - they are simply built by brute force and thousands of slaves.
- Alan Kay

6. The difficulty with working with a programmer is that you cannot understand what he is doing until it is too late.
- Seymour Cray

5. Iteration is human, recursion is divine.
- L. Peter Deutsch

4. I was asked twice [by members of the Parliament]: “Tell me sweetly, Mr. Babbage, what happens if you enter the wrong numbers into the car? Can we get the right answer? ”I can’t even imagine what kind of confusion in my head could lead to a similar question.
- Charles Babbage

3. Most good programmers do their work not because they expect payment or recognition, but because they enjoy programming.
- Linus Torvalds

2. Always write the code as if it would be accompanied by a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
- Martin Golding

1. There are two ways to create a program design. One of them is to make it so simple that there will obviously be no flaws in it. Another way is to make it so confusing that there will be no obvious flaws in it.
- C. AR Hoare

Original (English): Top 50 Programming Quotes of All Time ( www.junauza.com/2010/12/top-50-programming-quotes-of-all-time.html )
Translation: © Alexander MAZUROV , Sergey Leschina , mkatsev , partizan , LaggyLuke .
translated.by translated by the crowd

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275841/

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