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"Gateway" (from parallel reality chronicles)

"... The first groups of gatekeepers were formed in the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS in the first decade of the century, when experienced users began to master software that allowed for a quick search and structuring of information contained in the Internet. This software was the result of the evolution of Internet search engines. Possessing advanced search request for the necessary information, these search engines also facilitated the process of structuring information from various sources. nshe to your inquiry received by a long list of references, but now with the proper use of this software is it can get a ready text (or complex document consisting of video, audio and graphics).

The use of these packages was complicated by the fact that it required quite serious preparation and a certain worldview. Independent development team websites contain not only software files, but also philosophical texts designed to prepare the user for full-fledged work with these packages. The leitmotif of these texts is the fight against “informational chaos”, which, according to the developers, was provoked by the growth of the Internet and the powerful upsurge then experienced by the computer technology industry. The “software” they developed had to partially solve the problem of “information chaos”. This philosophical background in the future has played an important role in the development of gatekeeper itself.

The period of 2000-2003 is characterized by an active dialogue between developers and users of “filtering software” and led to the formation - mainly in the territory of the CIS - of several teams that were able to implement this new generation of search engines into life. In other words, “for the chosen” software has found commercial application. Gatekeeper users start working on the information services market, actively developing in the sector traditionally owned by newspaper publishing houses - the middle class of the urban population. The main product of that time was the so-called “individual newsletters”, which GK individually formed for each individual person. Naturally, according to his tastes and needs. With the help of “filtering software”, GK managed to increase the speed of information structuring and reduce its cost price to the price of regular print publications, which continued to form their texts for a hypothetical consumer in the old manner.
From 2003 to 2006, the dialogue between GK-developers and GK-users can be characterized as determining in the future fate of the movement. The boundaries between "developers" and "users" are gradually erased. The ideological program GK is also crystallizing. Pathetic texts about the “world informational chaos” are intertwined with pragmatic and ironic Zen postulates, all together giving very specific programs of action. The basic ideological texts of GK, such as the “Cycle Protocol”, the “Copy History”, and “+ infinity”, appear precisely during this period. The principles outlined in these texts later become the basis of the original corporate culture of the gatekeepers.
In 2006, this process of interpenetration finds its logical conclusion. In Berlin, the first GK conference is organized, in which leaders of European and "Eastern" GK clans take part. At this conference, a decision is made to merge clans into a hierarchy of consortia under a single “GK” logo. The answer to the first part of the question is why are the clans united? - should be sought primarily in the external conditions in which the gatekeepers were at that time. Tough competition with traditional media, which sometimes echoed shots (which concerns, of course, the "eastern clans"). Under these conditions, it was possible to survive physically and financially only by pooling resources and coherence of actions. Of course, not all GK clans have signed the “Berlin Code”. Some preferred free swimming, and, as the future showed, for many it turned out to be a strategic mistake. They either fell apart or dissolved in competing structures. Units, like the [Scram] clan, were able to maintain their independence and grow into strong companies.

The conventional wisdom that the increase in GK turnover after the sixth year is due to infusions from the funds of the European Commission, with a closer look, does not hold water. The amounts allocated by the Community for gatekeeper projects were significant, but an order of magnitude less than the figures that were found in the balance sheets after 2007. The main reason for this growth is due to the conclusion of the so-called "main contract" between GK and the European Center for the Development and Coordination of Information Policy (also known as "Silver Hill" or "Hill"). Under the terms of the contract, a number of information technologies developed by gatekeepers were planned to be used in the so-called “new network” project. In what this initiative of the European Union resulted, every schoolchild now knows - this project marked the beginning of a new round of evolution of the virtual world of the Internet. Cybernetic Globe, CG, "CJ" (slang, distorted pronunciation of English abbreviations). The compact data presentation technology (“cast of reality”, “dys”) was the locomotive that brought gatekeepers to the leading positions. The content of the "new network", technical support, the development of new software products designed to work with the "dysom" - all this and much more is the main reason for the financial growth of the corporation ... "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27559/

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