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2 ^ 74207281-1 - a prime number

The mathematicians of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) found a new record high prime number: 2 74207281 -1, in which 22,338,618 digits , on a university computer that used Curtis Cooper for the GIMPS project.

The new prime number, also known as M74207281, is nearly five million more digits than the previous largest prime number M57885161 . This is a special class of rare prime numbers, known as Mersenne primes. M74207281 - only 49th is such a number, and every new thing is harder to find. The Mersenne numbers are named after the French mathematician Maren Mersenne, who studied their properties in the 17th century. In the framework of the GIMPS project, launched in 1996, all 15 of the largest prime numbers of Mersenne were found. Anyone can join the project by downloading a free program and taking part in the calculations, with a cash reward to the one on whose computer will be lucky to find the next number: $ 3000 or $ 50,000 .

Checking that the number found is really simple, took 31 days on a computer with an Intel I7-4790 processor. For a guarantee, check was carried out on different software and hardware. Colleagues Andreas Hoagland and David Stanfill used CUDALucas software on NVidia Titan Black graphics cards (2.3 days). Then David Stanfill launched the ClLucas program on the AMD Fury X video card and got the result in 3.5 days. Mathematician Serge Batalov tested in the MLucas program using a server based on Intel Xeon 18 on Amazon EC2 hosting, which took 3.5 days.

All checks confirmed that 2 74207281 -1 is a truly new Mersenne prime number.
Dr. Curtis Cooper is a professor at the University of Central Missouri. For him and the university, this is the fourth record large Mersenne prime number, and he can claim the $ 3,000 reward from the GIMPS project. Dr. Cooper set the first record in 2005, then updated it in 2006. He lost the championship in 2008, but returned it in 2013, and now he improved the result. With a university computer, Dr. Cooper is the main contributor to computer time, which is donated to the GIMPS project.

In fact, the number M74207281 was detected on September 17, 2015, but the verification procedure turned out to be very long. In general, the official opening date is considered the day when a person noticed a number, so, for example, M4253 was never considered the largest Mersenne prime number: in 1961, Hurwitz was looking at a computer printout from the end and first noticed M4423, and then saw that M4253 simple.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275541/

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