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Redux Tutorial from Library Creator

Habr somehow bypassed the appearance of a video course on Redux, created by Daniel Abramov, the author of the library. The first video tells about the principles of Redux, and then gradually develops a web application on it.

Here it is: egghead.io/series/getting-started-with-redux

Under the cut - translation of the introduction from the course website, egghead.io .

“Managing the state of a web application is critical, but often it is done all the time. Redux provides a status container for JavaScript applications, which makes the logic of their work more consistent.
Redux is an evolution of ideas presented in Flux from Facebook, eliminating the complexity of Flux and inspired by the way Elm has developed applications.

Redux is useful in React applications, but does not require React at all!

In this series of tutorials, we will learn the basics of Redux, so you can immediately use it to simplify your applications.

It is also highly recommended to read the Redux documentation during or before viewing the series.

Also on GitHub you can find community posts for this course . ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275435/

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