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New podcasts about professional development for Android

Hi, Habrahabr! We thought for a long time how to please the largest Dev-community of the runet, and decided that Russian-speaking podcasts about Android-development from the best developers in the industry - that’s what. It was not easy to collect speakers, prepare topics and find a platform for accommodation, but we managed. Meet

Android Dev is a podcast about Android development and everything connected with it. Guests of the program are developers with great experience and experience, who remember Android still young and green when it was still version 1.5. Over the years they have written applications for millions of users around the world. In the podcast, we are talking about development in all its aspects, from cutting the design to assembling our own firmware. Each issue is dedicated not only to the latest news from the world of Android developers, but also to a specific topic that each of us faces in the process of creating applications.

The podcast topics cover all areas of development that every programmer has to deal with on the Android platform. We lovingly discuss all its advantages, timely announce news and new libraries, violently but convincingly criticize bugs and flaws. But most importantly, we answer the question of how a modern high-quality mobile application should be built.

Podcast members

Presenter of podcasts - Denis nekdenis Neklyudov , Google Developer Android Android, has repeatedly published useful articles on the development of Habré. Tim lead in the company M2B.
Denis likes to introduce new technologies into the discussion and find the answer to the question of whether they should be paid attention to in production projects.

Dmitry dpolishuk Polishchuk , the leading developer of Yandex Taxi.
Dmitry adept convenience in the design. All that was created to simplify our lives, Dima has been known since the days of alpha releases. Rx, Dagger, Kotlin - you can talk about this and other things forever.

Maxim MaximEfimov Efimov , lead developer RedMadRobot. Gde android.
Maxim with a share of skepticism with pleasure and academic pedantry will decompose any approach to development and a library into all positive and negative qualities.

Daniel dev_troy Serdyukov , CTO E-legion.
With all the responsibility of the technical director, Daniel will tell you why this or that solution is poorly suited in production applications and will give advice on how to act correctly in long-term projects.

Nikolay Kudashov , Telegram developer.
If you have ever watched the source code of the Android client for the Telegram, then you are already familiar with Nikolai in absentia. His approach “It’s better to write optimally yourself than to use a ready-made solution” is not close to everyone, but you can’t argue in one thing - his application works perfectly.

What can you listen to?

Release one: "SDK 23: How I picked up the version and did not break anything"

In this podcast, we discussed successful application updates with millions of users (Telegram, Yandex.Taxi, AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile), which brought users compatibility with the new Android M features: Doze, Standby, Runtime Permissions and smaller changes.

Second release: "I have AsyncTask and no MVP"

In the second issue we talk about modern architectural solutions. In particular, it will be about MVP: how it is in life, in large and small projects. In addition, we will touch on the question “How will DI, Rx help us?” And “Which databases are now in vogue?”.

Future plans

The general plan is more or less lined up, but we are always ready to listen to your suggestions in the comments. In the meantime, we want to go through the following “checkpoints”: build a project from scratch and surround it with automated testing, discuss working with the version control system and auto-deploy to stores after checking the quality of the code.

We will also describe in detail everything you wanted to know about the reactive approach, Kotlin, and dependency injection in Android, dive into the depths of the native code, talk seriously about security in our applications, and touch on the increasingly popular topic of the Internet of things and wearable electronics.

We plan to invite leading developers of well-known banking products, people from Jetbrains, developers and technical directors of large mobile development companies to visit: it won't be boring!

Subscribe, comment, share ideas: we read everything and try to follow interesting topics for the community, in the end, we are trying for you. ;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275421/

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