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Android application development contest for students

Hi, Habr! Do you know that there are more mobile devices on our planet than people? Already in 2014, there were 7.4 billion [1] devices and about 7.2 billion people in the world (according to Cisco). Internet access via a cell phone is rapidly gaining popularity: now we spend more time on mobile than on PC [2] . All this leads to the growth of the mobile ecosystem: on average, people use applications for about 37 hours per month [3] .

Features of mobile operating systems and usage scenarios lead to the fact that complex websites and services get their applications, and the popularity and prevalence of platforms even created some extremely expensive and successful companies, whose business model was originally built on the foundation of smartphone capabilities. Mobile applications occupy an increasingly significant place in our lives, and now is the time to learn how to develop them.
To do this, we are launching the AdMob Student App Challenge, the second international student application development contest.

If you are studying at a university, you love programming and you have a great idea of ​​the application, then this is a great chance to prove yourself, as well as the opportunity to learn how to earn money on this and win great prizes. And there is something to fight for: the winning team will have the opportunity to go to San Francisco for a week, visit our headquarters at Googleplex, and, of course, will become the creator of a successful and sought-after application that will make money.

What do you need to win?

In order to become a winner of the competition, you need to develop a cool application (based on Android or iOS) and make a high-quality business plan. It should include a work plan, strategies to attract users, as well as ways to make money on it using the AdMob advertising platform. The projects of the contestants will be evaluated by leading experts in the field of mobile application development. Detailed information on the composition of the jury can be found here .

What are the awards for the winning team?

AdMob Student App Challenge 2015

Last year, the competition was won by Fanny Haddipati, the author of Stacks Flashcards , a tutorial application for creating electronic cards. In it, users can make sets of cards on any topic, memorize words, and then test their knowledge. More information about Fani and his project can be found in this video .

Not only the winner, but also each finalist from four regions of the world (North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, as well as countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa) will receive Google gadgets and feature applications on the AdMob website.

The competition started on February 1 and will run until June 28, 2016. Enough time to develop a great app and become a winner! You can register for participation and learn more on the AdMob website. Follow the contest news on Google+ page on AdMob and on Twitter .

Good luck and look forward to your applications!

[1] Cisco , Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update 2014–2019 White Paper ( Cisco Visual Networking Development Index: Global Mobile Traffic Forecast for the period 2014-2019), February 2015
[2] eMarketer , US Time Spent with Media ( Media Time: United States), April 2014
[3] Nielsen , Smartphones: So Many Apps, So Much Time (Smartphones: so many apps, so much time), July 2014

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275419/

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