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DevFest Kaliningrad-2015: photo report

On December 12, all Kaliningrad fans of Google technology came together to meet, listen to the speeches of guest speakers, exchange ideas and knowledge.

At the conference there were about 300 participants, speakers from Kaliningrad, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh. The organizers were the GDG-community of the city ​​and the Chemical and Biological Institute of the Baltic Federal University them. Kant, with the active participation of the company SmartHub .


check in

All participants were waited by memorable souvenirs from Google and partners of conference.

After the welcoming words from the organizers went to the speakers. All presentations and presentations of speakers can be found here .

The first part of the reports

“Experience in designing UI and UX mobile and web applications with live examples”

The first speaker was Kirill Rostovtsev, a system interface designer at System Technologies.

Kirill graduated from the British Graduate School of Design and the University of Hertfordshire and has been engaged in design for more than 10 years.

Theses of the speech:
- The process of application design from sketches to testing;
- How the designer to interact with developers, analysts, sales, support and all the others, and why;
- Adaptation of the application under the Material Design;
- Is Material Design as good as it is told;
- In what situations a UI / UX designer is needed, and in which it is not needed.

Not a single report was dispensed with by the speaker.

“Featured on Google Play”

Sergey Sheleg, Seniour Android Developer from Ultimate-Guitar, followed the stage.

Sergey has been developing applications for Android for over 3 years.

Theses of the speech:
- Types of features on Google Play;
- Requirements for the interface and design of the application;
- Requirements for functionality;
- Work on reviews;
- Quality Review;
- Support Android Wear and TV.

"Isomorphic java-code for Android"

Before the lunch break, we had time to listen to another reporter who flew in from Moscow, Kirill Danilov.

Kirill is the head of amoCRM mobile applications department.
A full-cycle product developer, has extensive experience in developing mobile applications for various platforms. A fan of hackathon traffic, open web technologies and wearable technology. Earlier, an evangelist of Tizen and Android platforms in Samsung Russia.

Imagine that you need to display large amounts of data in a mobile application. To do this, we need a REST API interface and a pagination code for data. But the same can be done by saving all the data in the local database. How to do it effectively, Cyril told in his report.

Lunch break and networking

After 2 hours of absorbing useful information from the speakers - it's time to refresh. :)

Those who did not have time to ask questions to the speakers during their speech, could do it during lunch.

The second part of the reports

“Using RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit Libraries to Build an Android Application Architecture”

The second part of the conference was opened by Dmitry Suzdalev, the technical direction of KODE’s Android business.

Dmitry worked for several years at the Parallels company (Moscow time) as a UI-developer, then became interested in Android programming. He has been doing this for 4 years, working with private companies on several applications.

Theses of the speech:
- use of the Dagger 2 library for the modular organization of the application components;
- simple and visual access to the Backend API using the Retrofit library;
- the use of the RxJava library for flexible task management;
- reducing the number of boilerplate-code with the help of Java Annotation Processing technology and various libraries that use it.

Mobile Vision API in Google Play Services

The next speaker was the speaker from St. Petersburg - Grigory Dzhanelidze.

Grigory developed applications for Yandex, Odnoklassniki, Tele2 and other companies. (nicosi!)

Theses of the speech:
- Recognition of objects - what it is and why it is needed at all;
- Review of old Android solutions;
- Mobile Vision API - description, comparison and pitfalls.

"DeviceHive: IoT in Android"

After a 20-minute coffee break we went over to reports on IoT.
Nikolai Khabarov flew to us from Voronezh (hello, GDG Voronezh!).

Nikolai works as Senior Embedded Developer for DataArt.
Over 8 years of experience in the development of embedded systems and application software. He is a radio engineer by education. Most of his completed projects included radio engineering devices and digital signal processing algorithms.

Theses of the speech:
- IoT in the modern world;
- BLE devices and Android;
- DeviceHive platform;
- connection of BLE-devices in the cloud;
- DeviceHive firmware for ESP8266;
- control ESP8266 with Android.

“IoT from google. Physical Web. Platform beacon »

And another Muscovite finished the conference - Zviad Kardava.

Zviad works for RusBITech as a Software Engineer, writes his Ph.D. N.E. Bauman.
Since 2012 he has been engaged in research and development in the field of distributed systems, high performance middleware and Industrial IoT. These are mainly technologies such as HLA (IEEE 1516-2010) and the OMG Data Distribution Service, as well as everything related to them, such as MQTT, which is very often used in the consumer IoT.

Zviad brought with him visual material of his speech - beacon.

Theses of the speech:
- IoT from Google;
- The concept of Physical Web. Why is this important and what does it give?
- Beacon platform and protocol specification Edystone (Eddystone format);
- Proximity Beacon API;
- Nearby Messages API;
- Places API.


At the end of the DevFest in Kaliningrad - thanks and a small report on the future plans of the GDG-community of the city.

The report is also posted on the GDG Kaliningrad Photos page in VK and FB.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275417/

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