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Collect and use game statistics with Google Player Analytics

Hi, Habr! Proper use of statistics makes it easy to understand user behavior: how they spend money and at what point they stop playing. Today we want to offer you to become players for a minute: test the example of the game application in the developer console and enjoy the new features of the free Statistics: Players tool in the Google Play Developer Console.

The application was created with the team Auxbrain , the authors of the game Zombie Highway 2 . Inside you will find impersonal and randomly selected data from a real-life game. On them you can experience new features, which we will tell you today.

Important: to access the application , you need a Google Play developer account .

New features for analyzing user activity

Predictive analytics: interact with users before they decide to stop using the application

Each user will be happy if the developer can guess his wishes. To do this, we added new forecasting features to the API section of player statistics so that you can better understand the behavior of users.

New APIs allow you to predict the outflow of players: the system will inform you of a similar probability (for example, if the user stops playing your game regularly). This information can be used to create new content in a timely manner, and thereby keep players interested in your application. In addition to this, you can use the method of forecasting costs: you will receive data on the likelihood of funds being made by players, and based on this data you will be able to understand whether it is time to arrange an in-game sale for real currency or to update your personalized advertising.

Create graphs in sequence reports to get a visual demonstration of the chronology of events.

With funnel reports, conversions can create a schedule based on any chronologically organized group of events. These can be game achievements (achievements), spending by players of a real currency or various events. For example, you can register user events for each stage of learning (stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 ...) and then use this report to visualize the exit points and the progress of the training.

Measure the effect of the changes and compare it with the cumulative values ​​from new users using a group report.

Using group reports, you can compare any events with the values ​​of the cumulative events of groups of new users: sessions, cumulative purchases, as well as user events. As a result, you will receive valuable data on the impact of your actions on the player's behavior model. For example, you can measure the effect of your changes by comparing information about user activity before and after editing. Let's say you doubled the cost of each object in the game. Using the details, you will see when the cumulative sessions began to occur: before or after the price increase.

Updated SDK for iOS and C ++, as well as the Unity plugin to support the API user statistics

We updated the SDK for iOS and C ++, as well as the Unity plugin. Now they all support the User Statistics API, which includes basic user statistics, as well as forecasting the spending and churn of players.

Be sure to check out the example of the game application and learn more about the Play game services . We also recommend reading the recommendations from the game developer Auxbrain (a document in English. Language). They will help you with your Google Play gaming services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275415/

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