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GDG DevFest Krasnoyarsk 2015: Photo report

The conference was attended by more than 200 people, among whom were both fans of Google technology and those who are just eyeing them. We received a lot of positive feedback from the visitors of DevFest and we were already set to hold the next event, but more on that later, and now the details of what happened.

What? Where? When?

GDG DevFest 2015 Krasnoyarsk was held on December 12 at MTC Pilot

The main topics were Material Design , various development options for the Android operating system, and nice utilities in the form of Docker. There were so many people willing to attend the conference that there were practically no empty seats in the hall.


All presentations of reports and video speeches can be seen in the official GDG Krasnoyarsk group or in the Krasnoyarsk IT group of the Dev2Dev community.

Problems of consistency "Material Design"

The first speaker was the developer of mobile applications from the company Aspirity - Anton Tarasov. Anton spoke about the basic principles of Google Guidelines, which include descriptions and recommendations on the use of interface components, reflected on some of the problems and told how they were solved in their company.

Elliptics at 24au.ru

The next speaker was Anatoly Basov from company 24au. Anatoly spoke about how the largest open Internet trading platform in Siberia began and how it developed.

The story of a major project aroused great interest among listeners and a lot of questions.

"Isomorphic applications on clojure"

The third speaker was Nikolai Ryzhikov from Health Samurai, St. Petersburg. For us it was an experiment, because the report of Nicholas was in the form of "Livecoding". Nikolai opened the veil in the mysterious world of functional programming, tried to help understand the nature of LISP and learn how to create, using Clojure, practical and topical applications. In general, it was a good experience. Let's say, the experiment was right, a good one, many appreciated the report and its format.

After the story of Nicholas, we had a break. All students were able to communicate with each other, ask questions to the speakers and just drink coffee with rolls. :)

The leader of GDG Krasnoyarsk, Alexei Volkov, did not manage to slip away from the camera lens. :)

"Docker for everyone, everyone, everyone"

After the break, Ilya Beda, technical leader of bro.agancy, spoke. Ilya talked about how to improve the development process and launch applications in production using Docker.

“Web components - the future is already here”

And last but not least, Aleksey Syzko, JS developer Anko Software, spoke. Alexey in his report raised the issue of code reuse in modern software development. In the report, Alexey dismantled the main technologies (Shadow DOM, templates, custom elements), on which web components are built, explained how to create your component on the current technology stack and also using Google's Polymer library.


Here, perhaps, it is worthwhile to say only one better visit once than read a hundred times. =) After the conference, we moved to a bar nearby, where live communication with speakers continued and not only. I would like to say to all the speakers and all the participants many thanks for the excellent conference and for the positive feedback on the event.
See more photos here .

Join GDG Krasnoyarsk in Google + and Krasnoyarsk IT community Dev2Dev in VKontakte see you next year!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275413/

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