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We often change the content of the site.

It's no secret that search engines love sites that frequently update content. Whether it is a 100 page sapa website, a client’s website being promoted, or a project of its own under its context. The site must be alive, I used to suffer with the news, but not all the news will be added, and it’s necessary to sit back, it’s not necessary for anyone to use it.

How to make the content updated frequently - the output is simple, make several copies of the site’s content and begin to work with it. It is advisable not to rewrite, but to completely change the content on these copies, well, or to change only a couple of blocks of content, as you prefer and see what the site is for.

Then the matter of technology, with a certain periodicity we change them and get an updated website for a search engine. How many copies there should be and how often to change, it is up to you to decide if there is a programming skill, the whole thing can be automated as two and two.
The source of the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27541/

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