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We give debugging SAM4S-EK + Atmel SAM-ICE programmer for publishing on the Internet (the action is completed)

[campaign completed]
Rainbow offers a deal: we will provide you with a SAM4S-EK debug board + a SAM-ICE programmer + a power supply for the board in exchange for promising to publish an overview of the board / microcontroller or device based on this debugging within a month.

You can pick up debugging at our offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.

To participate, write in a personal and on the e-mail sde (dog) rtcs.ru with the indication:

You choose the resource for publication yourself, provided that it is not busy.

SAM4S is a microcontroller based on the Cortex M4 core (1024 Kb Flash, 128 Kb SRAM).
Key debugging features:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275391/

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