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How we provided communication on the coast of the Black and Azov seas of the Krasnodar Territory

Every summer, a multimillion-dollar invasion of tourists collapses on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, the name of which is vacationers.

Holiday season at Arkhipo-Osipovka

From so many tourists, the mobile network is experiencing significant overload. We had to increase coverage on the coast and prepare a mobile network for the next holiday season. I happened to be responsible for the overall technical coordination of the project.

Seasonal statistics

According to a study by Yandex, published in August 2015, the tourism industry in Russia from January 2014 to June 2015 underwent significant changes. Our tourists began to refuse to travel abroad, preferring to rest in the country. At the same time compatriots began to actively organize trips on their own, carefully choosing the region of stay. Such data is contained in the Yandex report, which analyzed user requests in its search engine, as well as in the Yandex.Travel service. From the presented report it follows that Russia is the most popular country for tourism. It accounts for 35% of requests among all countries for travel. In addition, the study states that interest in travel within the country grew almost 1.5 times in one year. For recreation, the Russians most often chose the Black Sea resorts, as well as large cities.

Soon, similar data was announced by representatives of the tourism industry themselves. Tour operators agreed that reorientation to the Russian resorts of Russian tourists was forced, above all, by the economic situation.

And according to statistics from the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Krasnodar Territory, in 2014 the official tourist flow to this region was about 12.3 million people per year. This is almost the eleventh part of the population of our country. Earlier, in 2013, the tourist flow to the region was also considerable and amounted to 11.6 million people per year. For 2015, the official statistics has not yet been published, but it is expected that the number of holidaymakers in the past year was no less. The vast majority of tourists go to the region, mainly on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

Resort Coast Map

And it could not be otherwise. Rest and wonderful moments of stay, this is what the sea is associated with. Often, a trip to the Black or Azov Sea makes for our fellow citizens the indelible impressions with which they live throughout the following year. After all, rest on the sea is primarily summer, sun, clean air, light breeze, and southern greens. Here you want to strive and return, postponing all things for later. So, basically, the idea of ​​a serene, often budgetary, vacation in the South of most of our compatriots, tired of the city bustle during a long exhausting year. And people go to this region again and again.

In 2015, we faced a difficult task to strengthen the VimpelCom network in these regions, providing, if possible, a stable mobile service from Taman to Adler on the coastline of almost 400 km. Moreover, it was necessary to complete all construction work along the Black and Azov Seas by the beginning of the 2016 holiday season. The task received the company status as a priority direction and was allocated to a separate infrastructure project.

The main places on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, where we strengthened the connection, are resort towns and villages, in which there are numerous hotels, motels, hotels, boarding houses, as well as holiday homes, motor homes and tourist bases. For every taste and wallet. In addition, in the vicinity of these settlements (n / a) there are many shops and cafes, and new places of entertainment and recreation constantly appear as “mushrooms”. All this leads only to an increase in the flow of tourists to these regions.

One of the sanatoriums in n / p Vityazevo, where coverage was strengthened

It is even said that almost every local resident of the Black Sea coast has one cherished dream. Many people want to build a mini-hotel here, and any one: big or small, high or low, close or far from the sea - this is not important. The main thing is its own. And in general, this can not fail to please visiting tourists, because the choices, with such aspirations, only increase.

By the way, some tourists prefer quite budgetary rest and settle along the sea in small bays. On the coast there are hundreds of small holiday homes and a private sector with a minimum set of amenities. And for many Russian tourists, the partial absence of civilization is quite suitable, because the main thing is the sea. Conditions are sometimes ascetic, but there is a beach nearby, even if it is not adapted. And in such places is going to a considerable number of tourists. During the season, the number of people in these villages along the sea increases by about 5-10 times. And the load on the mobile network from tourists also increases significantly.

In addition, every year on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas comes a whole army of seasonal workers employed in the service industries. These are drivers, photographers, waiters, fitness coaches, representatives of tourism, catering, health care, and of course trade.

Project support in sales channels

It is interesting that even in the winter on New Year and holidays, people also get out to the Krasnodar Territory on the Black Sea, though in the majority, of course, in Sochi. Walks along the sea make it possible to remember everything that was done during the year, to call relatives and friends in a relaxed atmosphere, or just to let your soul rest, looking at the sea and the incoming waves. And in the large boarding houses on the coast there are even pools in which warm sea water splashes in winter, and the sea can be seen from the windows.

Of course, all these facts and figures could not be ignored. With this, it was necessary to do something, and it was necessary to purposefully engage in enhancing the coverage of mobile communication in these places.

Project planning

Before we talk about how the task was carried out, it is worth highlighting what the initial prerequisites for project planning were. So, as mentioned above, we had to improve mobile communications on the coast in places of mass presence of tourists. Reinforcement was required on the territory, which in the Krasnodar Territory is geographically divided into the following areas: Temryuk, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, Tuapse and Sochi.

Base station in the n / p Lazarevskoe

In essence, it was one of the further vectors of the development of our network in the Kuban, aimed at improving coverage in resort areas, where local residents themselves live in small numbers. It was necessary to optimally establish base stations in addition to those existing in these places so that our network provides the most stable mobile service. Of course, our mobile communication was present in almost all major locations. But in such places as resort areas, due to the growing traffic, it was necessary not only to expand the coverage, but also to increase capacity. In some ways, resort areas can be called "abnormal" zones of subscriber traffic, and this is connected with what.

About 6 summer months in the year, somewhere from May 1 to October 31, tourists from all over the country come to the sea, and the mobile network is experiencing an “avalanche-like” consumption of communication services. And then, the next 6 winter months, mobile traffic on the coast is almost gone, and freezes. Another separate, “extreme” peak load on the network falls on the New Year, from about December 30 to January 1, and that’s all. Until next summer, there will be almost silence on the mobile coast. In such resort areas, perhaps more than anywhere else, seasonality has a significant effect.

Base station in Adler

As part of the project, we planned to build base stations 3G and 2G. 3G base stations were oriented, first of all, to use for the development of a subscriber data service. Base stations 2G - for the development of voice services and coverage expansion. 4G base stations were also thoughtful, but since the entire territory of the Krasnodar Territory, including the coastline, at the time of the design for the 4G 2600 MHz broadband technology was valid for the “Olympic Exclusive”, their construction was postponed until the analysis of all possible spectrum refarming options was completed. We decided to develop high-speed mobile Internet services on the basis of 3G technology using two carrier frequencies in the base station sectors. In the project, it was important to implement additional coverage points and “raise” new positions in resort areas by the beginning of the 2016 season. And the installation of 4G base stations on them, depending on the Internet load, we have postponed for the near future.

When analyzing the existing mobile network infrastructure, we first allocated base stations to the coast, where voice traffic was subject to serious, 3-fold or more seasonal overloads in the summer period. Then, less loaded, but no less significant base stations located in key locations, where a massive influx of tourists and, accordingly, traffic load, were also analyzed. And then in the priority of construction were taken points on the coast, where there was an insufficient level of coverage, or where there were "white spots". At the same time, it was necessary not to forget about the profitability of the deployed coating.

Base station in Sochi

After choosing the location of future base stations, configuration issues have already been considered. In other words, further questions were studied on how many sectors each base station will have, how antennas will be sent to tourist facilities, what should be the antenna suspension heights in foothill conditions, what types of connected antennas to use, what azimuths and tilt angles to design for each sector, what will station capacity, etc. etc.

Thus, when planning coverage on the coast, we solved two primary tasks: 1) expanding the coverage of our mobile network where it was insufficient or absent, and 2) increasing the network capacity in places where there was a significant load and additional base stations were required . This concerned the coverage of both 3G and 2G networks.

Construction of base stations

Next, I would like to talk about the everyday work of the construction part of the project.

Base station in the area of ​​the Lower Imereti lowland

All technical solutions incorporated in the project were implemented in the coastal zone on roofs or pillars, if it was possible to find a place to install them. And a difficult question at first was the rental of distribution points, which we constantly encountered during the implementation of the project. Unlike typical positions, the base stations of the project were seasonal and low profitable, so we had to carefully analyze all the possibilities of renting. In winter, these stations almost do not collect traffic and do not “earn” themselves even with electricity.

Constant search for optimal accommodation options was an important condition for the progressive development of the project. Sometimes, the administration of tourist sites meant quite a lot of money for renting their roofs, and, unfortunately, we had to refuse to deploy coverage.

In general, it can be said that the negotiation process for the lease of each potential site of a future base station is always difficult, especially on the coast. Understanding that mobile communication is a socially necessary thing is not taken from anywhere anywhere, and also that it should be in places of mass presence of people, while slowly taking root in life. For the development of mobile communication, first of all, there must be opportunities to develop it, and first of all - the balance of profitability and unprofitability of the position being created is important. However, explanatory work in this direction is underway, opinions are changing, and therefore there is hope that everything will change for the better, and the general balance of the construction being started, sooner or later, will converge to a common denominator. There are all prerequisites for this.

Base station in n / p Lermontovo

If we talk about the direct construction of positions, then one of the specifics of the project was, at times, the difficulty of driving heavy machinery to the lifting points of the pole supports. For the coastline is not only flat beaches with asphalt paths and cobbled embankments. This, above all, the foothills with mountain streams, which create obstacles to any construction. And it was necessary to take into account when choosing sites, and when transporting poles along narrow roads on machines with a long platform.

On the delivery and on the roads of the Kuban should be said separately. In general, the roads to the coast and along the sea are quite good built in the region. This is due to the fact that the state of the road surface in the Krasnodar region is monitored constantly. In all seasons, the roads are repaired, patched, repaired and updated. In addition, a lot of work on the development of the transport network in the region was done for the 2014 Olympics. Therefore, we had no insurmountable problems with the delivery of poles and mobile equipment. They coped with this, although the process in summer was stretched in time, and here's why.

We constantly had to take into account that every year from June 1 to August 31 in the summer, a moratorium on the passage of heavy trucks and construction equipment to preserve road pavement is imposed in the Kuban. More precisely, it is introduced from 9 am to 9 pm at an air temperature of over 32 degrees for roads with asphalt pavement. And since May 2015, the loaded vehicles of our contractors sometimes stopped the traffic police to conduct explanatory conversations. Therefore, the telecom equipment itself and the base stations were “pulled apart” by small Gaza parties in positions along the sea in small batches. All this increased the construction of our positions on the coast. We had to more carefully plan the use of all possible resources.

Pillar position in the n / p Kabardinka

Neither the forest, nor the shrub, nor the southern vegetation were cut down in principle, especially for the top positions, but the most cleared areas were searched and agreed upon. We did not build base stations "at any cost", but trying to look for points and carry out construction projects in the most optimal way, after weighing everything. And this approach subsequently justified itself. Because it helped us save not only strength, but also time. And not only at the construction stage, but later on at the operation stage.

But sometimes the inconvenience of construction occurred, in particular, due to the fact that there was no place to even put our pillars before installation. After all, they first need somewhere to place for a week, scald and paint. And during this time the pillar could, literally, “interfere” with someone, as if it were not put, and cause concern among local residents. We had to take this into account and not stretch the process of lifting the pillars for a long time.

The base station in the n / p Zubova gap

A separate cornerstone problem for cellular operators in the construction of any new positions is the issue of connection to electric networks. In essence, at the present time, this has become a matter of dilemma. If at the new point there is an opportunity to join the energy sector, then there will be a base station, if there is no constant energy, then the station is not implemented. The project did not build diesel positions, not the case. But, fortunately, we were always able to find the power supply for the points planned for construction, and in other cases - to go to alternative points.

Sometimes, in the selected construction sites, everything seemed to be taking shape with connection to power grids, but the base stations did not have the necessary electrical power. Then, the owners could ask us to build a line “to the load” for placement. And we also had to refuse from such positions, continuing to look for points of location further.

In some places on the coast after the launches of base stations on the air there was a problem of power outages in the autumn and winter. Capacity in small villages is not always enough, and the supply of electricity from the depths of the mainland is hampered. But as a rule, these were always temporary difficulties, as in these places the electricity is turned off for a maximum of an hour or two, and then everything is restored.

Radio relay line to the base station in the n / p Dzhubga

About the organization in the project of communication channels to base stations should be said separately. Unlike cities and flat rural areas in the project it was not so easy to find places in terms of foothills in terms of the height of future positions. After all, the main communication channels with base stations almost always were radio-relay lines, and the height difference was important.

Once we even had to abandon the construction of a high position and continue to search for more optimal points in the planned area further. There was no line of sight and there was no opportunity to “hook” the potential point. She was in a lowland. And it was not possible to provide a binding position to our network in any way. An alternative point of the desired height was found later, and mobile communication was still able to be strengthened in the planned area.

Radio relay line from Mount Gebeus to the base station at Arkhipo-Osipovka

It is important to say that the southern climate significantly affects the construction and operation of base stations on the coast. The influence of the sun is, above all, sweltering heat. The influence of the sea is precipitation, sometimes lingering and intense. And besides, there are still air masses from the mainland - this is hot air in the summer and frosts in the winter. , «» .

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As for the basic packet system, we have also completed the expansion of all the necessary hard drives. In this system, we performed all the necessary upgrades, so we don’t expect problems with congestion with data traffic processing. The capacity of the basic packet system should be sufficient with a margin.

Thus, as part of the preparation for the holiday season, the expansion of the reference networks was also carried out. And all this was important for us, so that on the support equipment of the region there would no longer be service failures due to the growing seasonal traffic.


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Speaking of the coastline, it is also worth saying that it can not always be rest and warm sea, hot sun and serene pastime. On the coast can happen and force majeure, affecting a huge number of people. And then I would like to highlight this point in terms of mobile communications, too.

After all, mobile communication is needed on the coast not only when everything is fine, and vacationers are free to call their families and friends. It is necessary when collapses occur and emergency situations occur. At such moments, everyone needs operational information.

As part of the project, we tried to resolve the issue of providing coverage in the Taman Peninsula area in the Kerch Strait area. Tourism in these coastal areas is still developing in the direction of civilized recreation. But the peculiarity of these areas is that a large number of transit tourists pass here. In 2014–2015, it was especially hot here because the Kerch ferry is located here.

The road to the Kerch ferry

In the summer of 2014, traffic flow increased dramatically at the Kerch ferry, and multi-kilometer traffic jams formed in the district. In July 2014, the waiting time of motorists in traffic at peak hours was about 40 hours. And this is despite the fact that at the Kerch ferry all available ferries operated at full speed. In the summer in line for the ferry waited up to three thousand cars daily. It was assumed that all involved ferries can reduce the waiting time of motorists, and will increase the capacity of the crossing due to a more intensive work schedule. But the flow of arriving cars in that year did not decrease. The summer season of 2014 revealed many common organizational problems on the Taman Peninsula: many had a desire to drive through the Kerch crossing, but the possibilities of crossing themselves were limited.

A year later, in July 2015, after all the measures taken to ensure the passage of transport on the Taman Peninsula, the waiting time for motorists in the queue decreased. In the summer season of 2015, the way of tourists was already made as easy as possible. Catamarans and additional ferries were launched, adjustment of queues at the ferry was strengthened, temporary camps were set up in places where cars were crowded, priority passing of organized columns was organized. And the measures taken to some extent rectified the situation. However, in July 2015, the waiting time was still long and at peak hours was about 15 hours.

Trying to somehow react to what is happening, we tried to increase the coverage of our mobile network in this area, while not forgetting about the tourists who directly come to these places to rest. The project has planned and implemented additional base stations that provide coverage at the entrance to the Kerch crossing. We have tried to develop our coverage here without waiting for the bridge across the strait to be built. As a result, the coverage and capacity of the mobile network in the area have been enhanced.

In addition to traffic collapses, natural phenomena occur in the Krasnodar Territory as well. And then all the usual way of life can change at once. In particular, this happens when storms, rainfall, and hurricanes hit the coast. And sometimes all this can end in sad outcomes.

On June 25, 2015, the strongest cyclone “flew” onto the Sochi district, which accompanied a downpour of such strength that several mountain rivers flowed from the banks. Water streams carried cars, garages, state and public institutions, shops, hundreds of houses and dozens of streets, tunnels, railway station and airport were flooded. The natural disaster in the Sochi region resembled a great universal flood. Due to heavy rains, storm drains could not cope with the drainage of water. An emergency situation was introduced in the city, and emergency evacuation of people was carried out from the flooded areas. In some districts of Sochi, even whole “aquariums” were formed with houses flooded under the roof due to the peculiarities of the coastal topography. Mainly urban areas below sea level were affected.

Consequences of the disaster in the city of Sochi June 25, 2015

Everything looked like some unreal Hollywood film, but it happened in a resort city of the Russian South. Around there were people who were victims of the water element. The water came so quickly that the residents of the sunken areas and the campers did not have time to save almost anything. Finding documents, safeguarding your family, and calling your relatives back - this is practically all that has been done. According to local residents, similar rainfall in Sochi was observed only in the 60s years of the last century.

In those days, city residents and vacationers made thousands of calls per minute in search of friends and relatives, and any information was important and priceless. After all, a large number of people in Sochi found themselves in a situation of uncertainty. The load on our mobile network then increased many times. And in the switching system of voice call processing, and in the packet data transmission system. After all, people not only called, but also actively shared photos and videos in social networks, informing the public about everything that happens.

For our urban mobile network, the weather has become a real challenge and test of strength. On the territory of Greater Sochi, we "laid down" and left the airwaves 28 base stations in the areas of Matsesta, Khost, Kudepsta, Adler, and the Imeretinskaya lowland. On 10 of them, the transmitters were burned out after being hit by lightning. Three container positions as a result of the flood completely drowned in water. The remaining positions remained off-air due to loss of power supply. In addition, in the Greater Sochi, we have "dropped" a radio relay line of 6 spans, providing channels to base stations.

Rescue operation in the city of Sochi June 25, 2015

Despite the spontaneous weather conditions, time of day and vacation, our technical units rushed to quickly "raise" mobile communications in the city in all flooded areas. It was necessary to restore the performance of the base stations in the shortest possible time, applying maximum effort to eliminate emergency sections on the mobile network. And first of all, in those positions where the power supply was not expected in the near future, diesel engines were “pulled up” and temporary power was supplied on its own.

Simultaneously with the restoration of the performance of base stations, a number of comprehensive measures were taken on the modernization of telecom equipment on the Sochi city network. All affected radio relay spans were transferred and reconfigured. Flooded containers with base stations are drained, then raised higher than previously located, or even transferred to new points. A part of the main and additional equipment was replaced with a new, more modern one.

As a result, joint efforts in the affected areas of the resort city during the week completely eliminated all the consequences of the impact of the disaster on the mobile network, and the coverage was reanimated by 100% and restored to working condition. And as a result, all the problems on the network were eliminated, and mobile communications in Sochi again began to function in the usual normal mode.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all the colleagues who participated in the work on the project on the coast, the Krasnodar branch, the Sochi branch, the Novorossiysk branch, the Southern Region Office in Rostov-on-Don, our building contractors, and everyone who helped us build the sea. base stations. Despite the mountainous specifics of the coast, we managed to realize almost all our plans. And we hope that the work done will allow to adequately take a rest on the sea in the next holiday season of 2016.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275303/

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