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Announcement of the sixth meeting of the Java User Group EKB

Hi, Habr!

JUG.EKB - Java User Group in Yekaterinburg, at JUG.EKB meetings, we discuss various technologies from the Java world, share experiences and drink coffee in the name of Java!
We regularly hold JUG.EKB meetings with lectures by Java experts on the most interesting topics (and yes, we record video of each meeting!).
Our website jugekb.ru , community in VK - vk.com/jugekb .

We invite all java developers to the sixth meeting of JUG.EKB!

This time the meeting promises to be particularly interesting, so we will have as many as 3 speakers, and with very diverse topics!


1. Andrey Kargapolov, Naumen, “Optimizing GWT Applications”

GWT allows you to write client code in Java, and the translation of Java to Java Script happens automatically. But there are various features and pitfalls that need to be considered when developing.
In his story, Andrei will share his experience in optimizing and tuning the GWT application.
The following questions will be addressed:
- analysis of the volume of client application code
- minimization and optimization through GWT compilation keys
- comparison of dependency resolution in runtime and at compile time
- separation of client code into parts and their pending loading

Andrew is an expert in the development of Java applications, 9 years of development experience. He has a PhD degree at the junction of mathematics and programming.
Andrei is the chief software engineer of Naumen, the head of the Chelyabinsk development team, and is responsible for the development and optimization of Naumen Service Desk 4.

2. Dmitry Polishchuk, Yandex, “ Kotlin + Android: practical educational program”

The whole world is waiting for the release of the first version of a new programming language from JetBrains called Kotlin. But in the world of mobile development for Android, we expect it with even more trepidation. This language is already solving a large number of our problems, which are not very beautiful or nontrivially solved by standard means. Using the standard library of the Kotlin language, we get rid of all that baggage of java libraries that we had to carry from project to project. Kotlin has great potential for development in the reactive paradigm, which is now constantly gaining popularity in the entire industry, including in the development of mobile applications. But since Since the language is new and the community is very young, all the bumps are not yet full. I will talk about the pitfalls when writing UI, reactive programming, DI and why even now you can switch from Java to Kotlin for Android. The report will be of interest not only to mobile developers, but also to all who are interested in modern JVM languages.

Dmitry Polishchuk - Yandex.Taxi developer. Engaged in software development for 10 years, mostly embedded and mobile applications. Under Android writes since the release of the very first SDK. Came to Yandex in 2015, participates in the development of Taxi and other interesting projects.

3. Alexey Ragozin, Deutsche bank, “What should every Java developer know about networks?”

TCP has been around for over 30 years. Network communications are an integral part of almost any modern application. However, network programming continues to be a zone of problems and dangers. But despite the simple interface, programming "sockets" is not an easy task.
The topic of this report is “proper” use of TCP / IP and Java socket API.
Do you know what happens when you close a socket? How do TCP options affect performance? What exceptions can throw a socket in java? - Not sure, then this report is for you.

Alexey specializes in the development of high-load distributed systems on the Java platform. For more than 10 years in the industry, he has gathered experience in developing information systems in such verticals as finance, telecom, e-commerce and healthcare. From 2009 to 2011, he led the practice of implementing in-memory data grid solutions at GridDynamics. In October 2011, he moved to Deustche Bank, where he is a leading expert in the field of distributed caching technologies. Active participant in Russian conferences devoted to software development and high-performance information systems.

4. Afterparty (the place is specified)

The meeting is free, you must register .

Videos from past meetings can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We are waiting for you on February 11 in the Co-working "Salt" (Chemists lane, 3, 4th floor), start at 19-30.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275285/

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