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Personal account for dealers in 5 minutes

About 3 years ago, once again faced with the IT-backwardness of one of the suppliers of my online store, I wondered how to fix it. It was a supplier of Malaysian furniture, which completely refused to normally inform us about the current stock and prices. All information was provided "by call" or, at best, once a week by email. A warehouse balance changed every day. Of course, it was extremely inconvenient to work with such a supplier, but we could not refuse him, he had an exclusive product at very attractive prices.

All my proposals to automate the process of informing dealers were followed by the answers: “expensive”, “difficult”, “now there is no time for this”. As a result, I had the idea of ​​an online service that would allow suppliers to make personal accounts for their dealers CHEAP, JUST and FAST!

For more than two years, the idea of ​​"collecting dust in the table," and then we finally decided to implement it. So at the end of last year, the online service ANVE.ru was born .

In short, the service allows suppliers to create a portal for their dealers, where the current warehouse balances and prices will be presented. For each dealer, you can individually configure access rights to groups of goods, types of prices and stock balances. In addition, directly in the service, dealers will be able to create and send orders to the supplier.

Really in 5 minutes?

I made a short video on how a supplier using ANVE.ru to create personal accounts for their dealers. The whole process, including registration, I missed in 5 minutes. Of course, an unprepared user will need a little more time, but nevertheless ...

For those who have no time to watch the video, I cite a phased timekeeping.

In my example, the supplier stores warehouse balances and prices in an Excel file (it is assumed that he received this file by unloading data from his accounting system, for example, from 1C) and manually loads them into the service. Surprisingly, at the moment most users do, although there is an opportunity to automate this process (in fact, this is the essence).

What can dealers

Now, the dealer will see information about the supplier’s products, current stock and prices in his personal account. Of course, not all the information, but only the one to which access is permitted by the supplier. For all data, you can see the date of their last update, which allows you to assess how relevant they are. Of course, there is a quick search that makes working with data easy and convenient.

In addition, the dealer will be able to send orders to the supplier directly from the personal account, using the well-known principle of the "basket".

If the dealer renames the goods when selling to the final customers, he will undoubtedly appreciate the opportunity to load his own product mix into the service and link it with the supplier's goods . After that, you can use your own names to search for data, which greatly simplifies the work.

And advanced users will be able to synchronize supplier data with their own site . To show buyers the latest information on the availability of goods, hide the supplier’s missing products and / or automatically adjust prices on the website. But this is a story for a separate article ...

In secret

In fact, "dealers" can be much more. In their personal account, they will be able to collect information from all their suppliers, both those presented on ANVE.ru and not presented. Dealers (online stores and not only) can use ANVE.ru without any direct participation of suppliers, independently downloading price list files and balances to the service. This will allow to collect all the information in one place in order to maximize the possibilities of the service!

By the way, the division into dealers and suppliers is conditional. Each user can act both in one and another role, and even in both at once.

About the development of the service

We are looking for partners and will be glad to any mutually beneficial cooperation. For example, we are ready to offer an affiliate program for 1C franchisees and other integrators who are ready to connect their customers to our service.

We need an employee to help tell people about us. We are sure that we have a great product, we use it ourselves. But few people know about him yet. We are looking for a person who is ready to comprehensively solve this problem, who is able to think adequately and who knows how to properly express his thoughts on paper. Such a person is NOT obliged to work in the office, it can be done remotely. If you are interested in this kind of work, send your ideas and summaries by personal message or to ak@anve.ru.


I would like to thank the administration of Habrahabr for providing a free corporate blog in the framework of the program "Help for startups." Our service does not bring money yet, and such help came in handy for us. Thank!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275267/

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