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A few stories about good customer support or how to create the best service in the world.

Last year I live in the States, and during this time I have accumulated a very interesting system of relationships with many companies, but today I would like to tell you a few stories about the support service of Amazon, which is trying to build the best service in the world (judging by their statements ).
Why do you need this article? It so happened that I worked and work with a huge number of online stores (in the field of online promotion), and 80 percent of my purchases are usually online. It painfully hurts me that people invest millions in the development and promotion of their stores and services, throw in unnecessary chips to anyone, but overlook such an extremely important, in my opinion, element as an adequate support service.


I started collecting correspondence with all kinds of support services after an incident when I had to work for 3 weeks to get a refund for the purchase of a cheap Chinese imitation of Beats Studio headphones in the guise of the original in one rather large (at that time) Ukrainian store, fotomag.com.ua , expertise and all the other circles of hell with a fairly obvious case so struck me that I firmly decided that even batteries for the remote from the TV there is not worth buying.
I’m sure if many of our companies could build a customer service system similar to Amazon, they could significantly increase the effectiveness of advertising investments and gain a loyal audience for many years.

Well, now, a couple of cases in the past few months.

Case # 1. Batteries from Panasonic delivered, but in fact not.

Sometimes it happens that the parcels are lost. As a rule, they are left either in the mailbox, or simply left under the door. Technically, it is likely that they could be stolen from under the door, but in practice this happens so rarely that the hypothesis that the postman messed up something and left the package at the wrong door is more plausible. Regardless of the amount of the parcel, many companies, as a rule, form the application and start the proceedings with the postal company, which can take from several days to weeks.

One day, due to my carelessness, one store sent me a second parcel for 240 bucks, despite the fact that the first one, as it turned out, was also delivered to my home earlier. Despite this, 3 days after the start of the proceedings, the company sent the second (which I later, by the way, returned, but not even because of honesty, but rather out of gratitude for the good attitude towards customers). But Amazon, as a rule, responds much faster.

Initial Question: hello

01:42 PM PST Lyka (Amazon): Hello Denys, my name is Lyka. I’m here to help you today.
I am sorry that you haven't received your pack age yet. I can’t help you.

May you please confirm the order number?

01:42 PM PST Denys: it is the Panasonic batteries,
ORDER # *************************
should be this
01:43 PM PST Lyka: Thanks.
01:46 PM PST Lyka : I’ve checked your order and delivered it successfully.
Have you checked it everywhere?
01:47 PM PST Denys: yep, in the mailbox, at my front desk
there are not any one packages
01:50 PM PST Lyka : Sometimes it’s still a matter of when it’s still delivered on its way. When this happens, the package is usually delivered within the next few business days. ? If you still haven't received it before tomorrow, we can process a replacement or a refund.
To compensate for the delay, I will extend your charge for one month .
01:51 PM PST Denys: thank you very much, sir. It would be nice to have them,
that's why I’m not so bit worried
01:54 PM PST Lyka : No worries Denys rest, assured you have not received your item tomorrow.
01:54 PM PST Denys: thanks, have a good day

Thank you.

For those who speak English only with Google Translate, I’ll add some highlights:
Me: - It is indicated that the item was delivered, but it is not.
Amazon : Hi, I'm Luca. I’m here to help you today (I’m generally getting all these little lefty turns, although in fact there is a steady feeling that they’re really trying to always help). I am sorry you still have not received your order. No need to worry, I’ll be happy to find the best option to help you. Can you please specify the order number?
Amazon: I looked at the order, and I displayed that it was successfully delivered. Have you checked everywhere?
Me: Yeah, nowhere.
Amazon : Sometimes the postman accidentally marks the package delivered when she is still on the way. After this, as a rule, the parcel is delivered within a few working days. Could you wait till tomorrow? If not come, we can send a replacement or refund. To compensate for the delay, I will extend your subscription to Amazon Prime for a month
Me: Ok, I will wait, the refund is not needed, if anything, make a replacement, the refund is not needed.
Amazon: Don't worry, Denis. Rest with confidence that we will take care of everything and help you in case you do not receive the package tomorrow.

As a result, the package did not arrive, and after 2 days new batteries came to me. At the same time, the subscription to Amazon Prime, which cost $ 99 a year, was extended on the same day.

Case # 2. My wife asked her to buy scales for the kitchen . Excellent work, but the material is from cheap plastic.

I decided to return, but at a cost of 12 bucks, the cost of return is 6. Not ok. Asked a question in order to reset the return option to check the shipment via another delivery service.

Hello, can I have my mind?

04:35 PM PST Xavier (Amazon): Hello, my name is Xavier. I’m here to help you today.
4:35 PM PST: Denys:
so I wanna check how much would cost usps. I only get 6 bucks back
04:35 PM PST Xavier : I'll help you with that. May I know what I mean for returning the item?
04:36 PM PST Denys: Well, I’m Wanna Make Up
04:37 PM PST Xavier : Okay. In this case, I'll help you with a free return, Denys.
04:37 PM PST Denys: wow, that would be really awesome
04:38 PM PST Xavier : Just to confirm, are you looking for an Elegant Black?
04:39 PM PST Denys: yep, exactly
04:39 PM PST Xavier: Thanks for the confirmation. Use the label to return the item. *****************
4:40 PM PST Xavier: Once the item is returned you will be fully refunded. Is there anything else?
04:41 PM PST Denys: No, thanks, you are awesome
have a good day
04:41 PM PST Xavier: You're welcome. Thanks for visiting Amazon.com. Again. Bye!

I: Can I start the refund process and then cancel it if I change my mind? The thing costs 12 bucks, the ups dropoff will cost 6, so I want to check how much it will cost with usps. If also 6, do not need to return, since there is no reason to receive them.
Amazon: I will help you with this. Can I find out the reason for the return?
I: I need good scales, but these are made from cheap materials, although the reviews are amazing. I want to buy more expensive.
Amazon: In that case, I will help you with a free refund, Denis.

Case # 3. I rented textbooks. Somewhere lost a bag.

I wrote to ask how much it would cost to repair the damage (textbooks in the States are quite expensive. So, a new textbook on economics cost about 240 bucks, leased for 60 per semester, and another one for 40).

In order not to torment you with originals of correspondence, a summary:

Me: Good afternoon. I took textbooks for rent, unfortunately, I lost a bag with books and abstracts somewhere. What are the options?
Amazon: Ow. I'm so sorry you lost your bag. Imagine how you feel. It should be so unpleasant to recover all the information and notes. Let me take a look at what I can do.
I: Of course.
Amazon: Hmm. Will it suit you if I suggest you close the rental process?
I: Yes, ok. How much is it?
Amazon: What are you. I will do it absolutely free! With all happen unpleasant situations!

Case # 4. I decided to check how awesome they are.

The description for GTA 5 did not indicate Windows 10 support, although I knew for certain that the game would work. Before buying, I decided to ask whether it would be possible to return it if it still does not work (I bought an electronic version that says that it cannot be returned, which is logical. After installation, it’s somehow not ok to accept the game back). I was assured that, of course, in case of the slightest problems, we will be happy to refund your money, just in case, save the dialogue for further reference. Bought. All set. Wrote in support that does not work. They asked why he bought, if it is written that for Windows 10 does not work? Threw off the screen of correspondence (which could be drawn in the FS in a minute). After 30 seconds I received a message that the amount was returned. However, all the same feeling of delight and gratitude did not allow us to use such a generous gift. That's true, when surrounded by awesome customer service, I really do not want to cash in on it and break the system. I bought the same copy of the electronic version, and went to sleep with a feeling of emotion.

I very much hope that domestic companies (especially those that work on the Internet) will eventually reach the realization that a pleasant support service and an adequate system of returns without any obstacles help to build long-lasting customer relationships without any special costs and new features

PS If you have any interesting stories (both positive and negative) related to communication with a variety of support services - welcome to the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275217/

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