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Digest of the best webinars for programmers from GeekBrains

Friends, yesterday was 6 years old from the moment we embarked on the path of development training.

It all started with the dream of graduates of Baumanki to improve the efficiency of training, and in the new 6th year of our life we ​​are entering with half a million users, dozens of courses and an impressive knowledge base, which we managed to accumulate during this time.

We summarized the key results of our activities in a previous article . And in this material we collected webinars, the most highly rated by our users for the year.

So let's start from the end.

10 place

"Basic principles for creating good user interfaces"

Webinar from Ruben Petrosyan from Kaspersky Lab, in which the author talks about the basic principles that help improve service in the eyes of users.

8 and 9 place

"Developing a Text RPG in Java" Part I and II

The webinars of Alexander Fisunov, a GeekBrains teacher in Java courses, are dedicated to creating a text role-playing game. In the first part, the participants work with the “framework”: they create characters, think over the combat system, work with the console and discuss possible options for the development of each game module.

In the second part of the webinar, the primary / secondary parameters of the characters and ways of working with them are thought out, the participants expand the capabilities of the combat system and add artificial intelligence.

The webinar is designed for students with a basic knowledge of Java and an understanding of the basics of OOP.

7th place

“Simple rules for good code”

At this webinar, Yevgeny Kartavets, a graduate of VMK MSU, a developer with more than 5 years experience and a GeekBrains teacher (well-known to many of the author’s course OOP for beginners), talks about what mistakes novice programmers make and how to avoid them, how the professional code differs from amateur code and why is it important to write readable code, and how to do it?

The webinar deals with code style, entity naming and comments. The speaker explains why, when and how much code you should put in a separate method, compares inheritance and composition, and much more.

6 place

“Decorating HTML Elements with CSS”

Webinar for beginners from a teacher of GeekBrains on HTML and CSS, a professional frontend-developer and web-designer Egor Shubin. The event focuses on the basics of programming in HTML and CSS for beginners. The program elements of HTML, font and color, background and borders, the principle of inheritance, identifiers and classes.

5th place

"Career in IT: the path of the Jedi"

Can I become a programmer? What is the minimum knowledge base for employment? First job: how to get a decent wage without experience? IT freelance: the owner himself or how to work effectively, removing the collar from the neck? Questions of motivation, education and personal qualities - on this webinar, a representative of Zartis (online recruitment service in IT) Artem Zyryukin answers all the key questions of novice developers.

4th place

“Why a diploma is not enough for finding a job as a programmer, and how to be”

At the webinar, Skillgrid representative Ivan Nemytchenko talks about how programming differs from software development skills, and how to gain the missing.

3rd place

“Why go to Google and how to get there”

Ex-Product Specialist Googlen Ivan Bout opens the veil of secrecy and talks about the pitfalls of work in the company, and also shares his own experience of interviewing.

2nd place

"Penetration testing: legal hacking"

LukaSafonov, PENTESTIT technical director Luka Safonov , talks about how, for what and with what means one of the security audits is carried out - penetration testing, how vulnerabilities are classified, what are the similarities and differences between pentest and malicious attacks, and also presents some interesting cases from practice.

1 place

“Personal qualities of a successful programmer”

The main problem of freelancers from Russia and the CIS, personal qualities, education and thinking - these questions directly concern a wide range of specialists, and, often, determine their success. Andrei Zharikov, a web developer with more than 10 years of experience and a teacher who has taught the basics of developing more than 1,000 students, shares his experience.

You can find even more free webinars in the corresponding section on the GeekBrains website.

See you again!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275199/

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