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Chrome add-on PushAll returns the capabilities of the Alert Center and complements it

Many probably saw the notification area in Chrome? We previously wrote that Chrome removed it.

At the same time, all services using push notifications received a number of problems.

We made a section for missed alerts, which collects those alerts that have disappeared and those that were not delivered (for example, if your ports were blocked)

Link to the updated extension

Clearing on-screen alerts

If you receive a lot of alerts when you start your computer, then you’ve probably already tired of shutting them down. Now you can click on the widget - and all the notifications from the screen will fall into the section skipped, where they can be conveniently read.

What gets into the missed?

You can not think and just use, the system will try to show those alerts that you have not seen and not show you not, which you have already seen or opened.

Cleaning and counter


When clearing, a notification appears for updating the counter, which counts up to 1000 missed push notifications.


Later it will be possible to set the Do Not Disturb mode for alerts of different priorities.

Some more news

We grew by 50% from 10 to 17k users (at the time of this writing, up to 15k, already 17k)
The growth was due mostly to the arrival of the Prankota Canal

We also made a blog.

What are push notifications? - Also this article can give an idea of ​​what our service is doing.

Simplified mirror of this article about Chrome

We will publish there the latest information about the service and articles on the subject of Push-notifications. By the way, I remind you of the Push-channel, where you can receive even more news about the service.

Polymer 1.0


We switched to Polymer 1.0, which accelerated the work of the site by 5-10 times (such a brake was polymer 0.5, yes) Now everything loads quickly and flies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275181/

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