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According to the results of SPIK - report on sections of cms

The sixth of June in the hotel "Olgino", in the suburb of the glorious city of St. Petersburg, was held the St. Petersburg INTERNET CONFERENCE.
What can I say, our city is not often visited by the sharks of the runet, so the decision to go to this event was made instantly.

Already entering the parking at the hotel I was pleasantly surprised by the free parking, since the website still said that you would have to pay 200 wooden ones ... well, I approached the entrance with a smile on my face :)

At the entrance, I was met by shamans ... singing some not very clear spells or something. True, I did not notice that they somehow paid attention to the male sex, we did not exist, but with the girls, they obviously embraced with pleasure ;-)

The conference program was quite rich, but as a developer, I was more interested in reports on cms and similar products. Consequently, I immediately went to the section “Platforms for the development and management of Internet projects. New opportunities, trends for the future ” led by Peter Didenko from Microsoft, he himself spoke on the topic“ Microsoft platform and the future of web services ”. By the way, I was quite amusing, I even found out that small-scale ones also have free programs for web developers :-D
Sergey Ryzhikov followed, from 1C-Bitrix. The topic of his report is “Website as a service. Rental of web applications on the Software as a service model. ” He told a lot of things, including the fact that it is possible to create a mega-professional website without a specialist and the like ...

Margarita Deminskaya from Yumisoft told us about how to choose the right hosting for her future site, boasted that umi.cms had already made friends with some hosting panels and now it can be installed directly from there, also well told about the launch of the site and its further support.

Dmitry Vasiliev from Stork told us about ready-made solutions. He told me beautifully, with tsiferkami, but he did not show anything, and this did not please ..., but promised to release individual lines in the coming months, so we will wait ;-)

Well, and then came out not stated in the program Konstantin Malov from the RBC hosting center. Yes, as he came out ... I think everyone was a little shocked when he began to show his presentation. In the RBC hosting center, the speed of page generation was measured by various CMS and it turned out:

Yes, yes, we don’t see Beatrix here, for some reason he didn’t compare, he’d rather, he compared himself to himself:

And finally, literally yesterday, the craftsmen from the cmslist on the basis of this presentation added Bitrix to everyone else on the diagram. They did it:

Legend: n is the total number of requests per second that will be made; c- the number of simultaneous requests per second; Y-axis - request execution time (in seconds).

What follows from all this? Haha, and the fact that umi.cms is faster than the systems that fight for the market in runet, the bitrix lags behind, but it goes side by side, because cache obviously saves it, but netcat can no longer the previous version, there was talk about caching, but it never came to development, but it’s a shame that the system is good.

Joomla - she was also, but somehow I did not consider her at all. I think so, if a studio wants to make high-quality websites, then it is worth taking a truly high-quality product, developed by professionals, and these same professionals continue to provide support when questions arise. Well, or write your decision to further develop it and improve it so that the end customer, at least, cannot say anything bad.

It’s a pity of course, but all the reports turned out to be rather crumpled, as there was a catastrophic lack of time. The last point in general revived the entire audience. Dmitry Vasilyev tried to protest the results a bit, but somehow it was sluggish. Sergey Ryzhikov almost instantly wrote off everything that there is a lot of functionality, and therefore the needs are high, but it seems to me that this is also just an excuse ... Well, at the very end, everyone was amused by a person from the audience who said that there was no development in the cms market, all crowd in place and do not release anything new :-D

Then there was lunch, or rather, for most, there was an ordinary break, as the lines were everywhere of such size that it didn’t want to stand and wait for the long-awaited kebab, and the sun was hot too ...

The next section was organized by Igor Petrushikhin from Trinet and the topic was as follows: “Master classes. Internet and Intranet Project Management Systems »
There turned out to be a lot of goodies, including Sergey Ryzhikov presented the seventh version of Bitrix , in which the administrative interface was worked out quite substantially, Dmitry Neuimin and Margarita Deminskaya showed umi.cms 2.6 to everyone. in which we also worked on usability, and even the admin panel was redone, now it is possible to localize + add the xml driver, so now you can install the yumi on a server with no mysql database :) Dmitry Vasilyev showed us NetCat as such features and changes from the previous version. 1C: Accounting and Trade in their master class pop Bitrix, although in general, there was no special reason, since all the cms already work with 1C.

Yeah, Yumisoft distributed delicious popcorn and Coca-Cola to everyone in this section, well done, as everyone wanted to eat in the evening :)

It’s probably time to sum up : the organization itself and all the activities I liked, it’s just a shame that I couldn’t get to the section of Alexey Novikov, there the e-commerce sharks from Softkey, Ozone, Trineta and Atlanta gathered to talk about “E-commerce: practical experience” .
It is also a shame that in St. Petersburg this is the only conference ... nothing more is being held like that, and you really want to, and you don’t always have the opportunity to go to Moscow :-(

PS forgot a bit, pictures can be found in the album , though very few of them, since the camera downed :(

The post is posted on the young sportsman’s developer blog.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27518/

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