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The unit accepting DASH will be shown at a Bitcoin conference


DASH (privacy-oriented cryptocurrency) enthusiasts intend to demonstrate the capabilities of this digital currency at the upcoming Annual North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami . They decided to do it in an intriguing way - to install a vending machine that accepts DASH as an instant soda payment.
Named as “Dash N 'Drink”, this device is designed to demonstrate the Dash “InstantX” technology, which ensures the security of instant transactions without having to wait for confirmation of transactions by miners (according to the traditional blockchain technology).

“Dash N 'Drink” is the brainchild of Dustin Eward (Dustin Eward) and Jeremy Maus - two longtime supporters and users of the DASH digital currency. Bitcoin.com contacted Dustin and Jeremy and asked them about the details of this project.

Launch of Dash N 'Drink

Bitcoin.com (BC) : What inspired you to start the Dash N 'Drink project?
Eward / Maus (E / M) : At the Dashtalk.org forum , we began to discuss with each other the need to create a “point-of-sale” project that could highlight the uniqueness of the InstantX DASH technology. We had to choose a platform for development that would not conflict with the Point-of-Sale systems of existing businesses. A device for the sale of soda was chosen as the Concept, on the basis of which you can clearly demonstrate the idea and from which you can move on to implement more global ideas.

BC : Who funded the Dash N 'Drink project?
E / M : “Dash N 'Drink” was financed with the decentralized voting and budgeting system built into the Dash protocol. We have placed our proposal on the DASH network for voting. During the week, our initiative received the required support from the DASH community, and we received money for the implementation of our project - directly from the Dash blockchain.


InstantX technology

BC : How is “Dash N 'Drink” different from other vending machines that accept cryptocurrency payments?
E / M : The fact is that “Dash N 'Drink” does not rely on the unprotected mechanism of “ transactions with zero confirmation ” and does not accept money “on faith”, as other devices do (i.e. there is no transaction protection through blockchain). At the same time, our device does not need to wait for confirmation of the security of the transaction by miners, which usually takes a few minutes. The machine uses in its work the technology Dash “InstantX”, which provides instant check and protection, without the need to confirm the payment in the DASH blockchain.
In addition, the commission for making an instant payment in the Dash N 'Drink machine is one of the lowest cryptocurrencies in the world - in terms of dollars, this is only 3 cents for an InstantX transaction. And after the upcoming release of the next generation of the Dash Evolution system, there will be no commission for money transfers on the Dash network for most transactions on the network (there will be no commission on the Dash network for all “ordinary” users with a small number of transactions).

BC : How does InstantX work?
E / M : InstantX uses the Dash network feature — the second level of its masternode decentralized network — to block transactions. This blocking covering the entire DASH network prevents the possibility of “double waste” attacks and ensures the irreversibility of completed transactions, similar to the traditional blockchain inclusion mechanism. In our tests, we received a 100% transaction confirmation rate in less than 1 second. This DASH technology will provide merchants with an obvious advantage over all other types and means of accepting payments due to the fact that they can accept payment without risks and without having to rely on third-party processing companies.

BC : How do you plan to demonstrate your car at a conference in Miami?
E / M : We plan to show that InstantX Vending Machine can safely and in real time accept payments decentralized, without the participation of intermediaries. We made the current realization of the machine in such a way that payment can be made using smartphones by scanning the dynamic QR code on the display of the machine. During the conference, we will distribute DASH pre-filled paper wallets to participants. We made a custom Android application that can quickly import these paper wallets into phones, and then make a DASH payment and use the InstantX function. The user, using our application, scans the QR code on the machine and buys a drink in less than 1 second.
We also plan to demonstrate a remote purchase using InstantX by a user at a great distance from the car.

Future plans

BC : What are your plans for the Dash N 'Drink project after the conference?
E / M : This machine will be used primarily as a billboard aimed at retailers. We are in a unique position, in the sense that we are not affiliated with any current suppliers, which will allow us to place this device in many strategic locations. Our future plans include the discovery of the source code of the project “Dash N 'Drink” with the support of InstantX and other ambitious projects related to the technology of “points of sale” and aimed at retailers.

BC : Where can people who are interested in the Dash N 'Drink project find more information?
E / M : Dash Digital Currency Website - www.dash.org

What do you think of it?
Will the Dash N 'Drink vending machines be a real solution for “points of sale”?
Does InstantX DASH technology solve the problem of double spending with “zero confirmation” in Bitcoin?
Share your opinion in the comments!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275133/

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