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Last.fm - for music, Alexa.com - for sites. What else?

... and there are similar projects for software!

Nowadays, when people are totally obsessed with privacy, there are many living services, to work with which you need to voluntarily install a program (guard, trojan!) That sends different private information to a BIG BASE. It would seem that the idea of ​​creating such a service is doomed to failure, but no, these services have enough users. Why so? Yes, because you can get interesting statistics :)

I decided to consider 4 services accumulating data about the software used by users.
The primary goal of such projects is to accumulate data from the maximum number of users in order to analyze this data and isolate the most popular programs from hundreds of thousands of existing ones. The secondary goal is to unite people into groups on their preferred software in order to solve common problems and create a thematic IT community.


Software informer is an absolutely simple and practical service. An elegantly made client tells the server which programs are installed on your computer. The same client will remind you if any of the programs you have installed is updated and will give you a comment.

software.informer client for Windows

The site is a very high-quality software catalog, categorized and containing all the necessary information about the programs. Global statistics, however, is very limited: it shows only what program is installed in how many users, this parameter determines its popularity. Those. Informer does not take into account how much time users spend in the program, which does not always allow a reliable assessment of its usefulness. You can also see a list of the most "prolific" developers and a list of their programs.



Ybex is a Russian project. The client does not have such a plan at all as in the informer and does not provide any functionality to the user, but only sends data to the server. Ybex takes into account the work time in various applications in detail, so you can not only see how many users use this or that program, but also get information about work time for any period of time, so that it can be used as a personal time tracker. For each program, you can see the popularity of the versions used by other users and find out if it’s time for you to be updated.


Ybex Rank is the position of the program in the popularity rating calculated using a simple formula, as the ratio of the total duration of use and number of users, something like alexa rating for software. Wherever possible, programs are sorted precisely by this rank.

The main signs of the social network are also present: there are groups and blogs, and descriptions of the programs, links and tags are added and corrected by the users themselves. Thanks to the privacy settings, any user can specify who should show the data about what he does at the computer, and who does not. The search function is convenient for finding people who, say, work with Photoshop for more than 10 hours a week.


Interestingly, you can view a list of programs that you do not use, in order of decreasing their popularity. On the main page, pages of users and groups are the corresponding tops of the most popular programs with trends and graphs, as well as related discussions.


Wakoopa is essentially the Dutch equivalent of ybex. One of the advantages is a more cheerful appearance (of course, Holland, Amsterdam!), The availability of icons for programs and avatars for users, clients for Windows and Mac OS X.


It is possible to compare on the chart the popularity of any two programs.


A Windows client may inform you about various events - for example, if your friend has installed a new program. Of the minuses - the statistics here are not as detailed as in ybex, so reports by hours and days, the popularity of different versions and some other interesting data will not be possible to see.


RescueTime is a purely personal time tracker, it does not provide any global statistics, but it will help you figure out where your own time is running. Of the projects under consideration, only rescuetime can accumulate information on which sites you go to and for how long. You can group the programs you use (more precisely, put down tags for them) and then build reports on these groups. For example, you can add a “work” tag to all applications and sites related to work and then see how much time you spent working at any time.


The analytical capabilities of this project are very advanced, so if you do not want to pay money for a full-fledged desktop tracker such as Smart WorkTime Tracker, RescueTime may well be enough for you. By the way, for the money you can get an account with the ability to view data from a group of users (a feature is clearly for the authorities :).

Resume writing leave you :)

Ps. I have to do with ybex, I will not hide it, but I tried to consider the services as objectively as possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27512/

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