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What's going on in the development of corporate mobile applications

In 2013, the market for mobile development for business was estimated at $ 245 million. In 2016, our market should have been $ 1 billion, but, most likely, it will be slightly lower due to the economic situation and sanctions. According to some estimates, this is about half of the total mobile development market.

People get used to working with tablets and phones, they get used to having access to corporate services in cafes, on airplanes, in cars — and employers want employees to be in touch outside their offices as well. From here and such growth of the direction.
The Russian segment is also a lot of “improvements in the file” , because turnkey solutions for our big business are not suitable. Plus a sea of ​​integration with zoos of corporate systems, this is also a large share of the development. At the same time, today half of manufacturing companies, retailers and government organizations in Russia do not have their own applications. An example of a complex application is here .

Below is a more technical overview of the situation and a number of rakes. Starting from such obvious ones as the fact that if you are engaged in nuclear energy, you probably should not do the storage of documents through Google.Drive.

Why do we need these business applications so dramatically?

In 2013, the share of office workers using phones and tablets in the case exceeded 50%. And the leaders suddenly realized that when a person has a phone with him, then:

The first swallows were remote workplaces, such as terminals “punching through the base” of rights by traffic police officers and terminals for checking passports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then a business tied up with logistics joined up - first, trucks began to be tracked, and then full-fledged applications for couriers and merchandisers appeared. For example, the courier delivers the order, he notes in the application that the order has been delivered. If the client starts saying that there is no order, you can check the track of the courier via GPS.

Now we already see that the workplace is three screens. Desktop, tablet and phone. Information sharing does not stop. Previously, the office was limited to the LAN perimeter, but now everything has started to change dramatically.

Mobility, of course, is needed by no means to all office workers. Accounting for a long time will work with the desktop. On the other hand, couriers, traveling employees and tops have long and firmly settled on tablets and phones. They were quickly joined by lawyers, insurance agents, and other people who needed a database at hand or some complicated calculator.

Naturally, the staff is not always happy. For example, the adorable chip for Android phones is a remote wipe in case of dismissal. If Blackberry has a well-demarcated corporate memory and ordinary user memory (and the contact of the counterparty cannot be transferred from one to another, for example), then the other OSs are still growing to that.

Employers are happy, of course. You can write a letter or agree a document outside working hours. Personal time? No, not heard. In the US, for example, they do strange things in places using mobile apps. For example, they check that the employee actually went on a business trip and actually stayed at the hotel from where he brought the documents. Or roaming is paid only during working hours.

But, of course, epic failures also happen with incomprehension. Mobilization requires additional costs for the security of corporate resources. First you need to protect the internal Wi-Fi network, then implement microVPN for remote connections, then think about MDM systems for managing profiles and application / certificate updates, blocking and wiping stolen devices and so on.

Another important moment of implementation is that document management should be made secure, and more often than teaching people, it is easier to pick up applications that they themselves can and VPN, and everything else. Prior to this, for example, there were cases when employees did not read the licenses of the same “Google” about the fact that as soon as you upload a document there, you are not sure to complain that it is no longer yours. The security guards already understood that they wouldn’t take away the phones anyway, and they are forced to love mobile document circulation for security. The same SAP seems to be a “foreign aggressor”, and it seems that FSTEC has been certified that they have no bookmarks. In general, there are only a few companies in Russia that are trying in this direction (below), so there is no one to choose from.

Where are these applications put?

Sometimes the company buys iron itself and distributes it to employees. The clearest example is the Russian Railways with their “bulletproof” smartphone, on which you can drop a brick.

The second option is industrial devices, such as tablets, which are tightly welded to the machine tools or are generally part of them.

The third option is personal devices, this is the so-called BYOD concept.

Let's go over each. It is tempting in BYOD that it seems to be cheap to use employees' smartphones, you don’t need to buy anything. But it is necessary to maintain a whole zoo of axes and iron, plus you need to constantly think about security. Both iOS and Android are developing in the direction of supporting special workspaces that are separated from user personal ones, but so far anyway, particularly tricky can do anything on their devices. Although, of course, Android 5.0 took a big step towards business users, in particular, built-in encryption appeared. For BYOD, it is very important to have expensive and multifunctional solutions of the Enterprise Mobile Management class (this is MDM + MAM + MIM), that is, centralized application management, VPN access for mobile devices, software updates, policy policing, and so on.

In the case of their corporate devices, you can provide much tighter control over the data. For example, there is even a domestic development, Shaitan-brick, which works on its own special Linux without any unnecessary skirts. They are going to undergo a full certification so that the devil-brick was available for state institutions. I have already seen the device live (with an incomplete set of software) and I can say that I am most pleased with 70–80 hours of regular work. In the sense - 3 days without charging, simply due to the lack of a heap of background processes like media caching, pushing, and so on.

Russian solutions

Here is a list of domestic and open source vendors:

If you have something to add - write in the comments.

Alternatives to the application

An alternative to a mobile application is either terminal access to the “big” desktop version (I even know people who use 1C: Enterprise so from phones), or a web-snout of the same application.

The problems are obvious:

There was an example when production workers could not work through web access at all: there is no 500 megabyte cache, no offline.

Experience of implementation, the facts in bulk

Specifically, iron on such projects has recently become less, because it has become more expensive in dollars. Sometimes it works when there are many different products on the same piece of hardware. But this is not always good. It is better to save iron on not making a failover cluster - it is better to solve it with virtualization and fast backup. Many even look at our cloud. Previously shunned, and now begins: "Or maybe rent?" Especially those who earn in rubles.

Much can be done generally on open source or free software. The same balancers - please. Above MDM is open. It is clear that all the same money will be spent on implementation. It is clear that taking a free product, it is necessary to take on the implementation of technical support of this free product open source for a year or at least six months. And immediately think: would you need a couple of javistes later to serve all this?

Process: how best to implement

  1. First you need to write a concept or another similar document - which pieces of hardware and what exactly will be used. What data and where will be available. What can that can not be brought to the mobile and so on.
  2. Evaluate budgets and the need for such implementation in general - that is, it is a rational approach to the issue. Evaluate options for the open source and the costs of them (including for development and support). If not the open source, then understand the domestic vendor or the western one.
  3. Understand the architecture and immediately lay scaling.
  4. Once again, consult with pros already on a commercial basis. And not those who made the election above. Two looks better than one.

Actually, at the first stage, all this can suddenly turn into a web-muzzle. Or in an application that contains a web view and VPN stray.

Sometimes it happens that you need exactly, but how and for what - you did not think. It must be said that the bank can write the concept itself, but the mining and processing plant - not always. This is simply not his specificity. There are companies where they have already attacked the rake, and there are - where they still have to learn the words “scaling” and “data protection on mobile devices”. Often, a CIO will still think about mobile workplaces, the only question is how and when. In this case, it is convenient to look at the practices of the western market: ours are still catching up, one year faster there than in Moscow, and one and a half more than behind the Urals (forgive me).

In recent years, the fact that earlier it was necessary to fit into the existing channels has changed, but now they are everywhere good in large cities.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275081/

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