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Yandex Server somehow quietly became free

This is definitely not news, but I just recently got the same determination to buy Yandex search for our site and ... was very surprised to find the only license option: “free” company.yandex.ru/technology/products/Yandex-Server/conditions.xml
A cursory study showed that the product was not yet massively used; this information was not found in the Habré either.
Installation and configuration "in a quick manner", in general, was not a problem; the local Yandex rather quickly indexed over 300 thousand documents (in the “Big” I index there are no more than 100 thousand of them) and took about 2.6 gb under the index.
I am pleased; The quality of the search is quite, xml is given without problems.
We are looking only for html, txt - small trouble.

The only bug noticed (apparently, o / c-dependent is FreeBSD 6.2): ​​the server does not know that it is running :-)
$ / usr / local / etc / rc.d / yandex.sh start
Starting Yandex.Server (/ usr / local / sbin / yandex)
$ / usr / local / etc / rc.d / yandex.sh status
Yandex.Server: / usr / local / sbin / yandex is not running
... and messages about the successful launch of the server, starting the indexer and searching the log
do not pay attention, check the browser


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27507/

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