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Yii 1.1.17

The MVC PHP framework framework Yii released version 1.1.17. You can pick it up either through Composer, or download from yiiframework.com/download/ .

This release has 36 fixes and improvements. Full list can be found here .

Important : The release includes a breaking compatibility change in working with the APCu cache. If you use it, read the instructions .
Thanks to everyone who participated in the preparation of this release. Without you it would not be.

It is worth noting that 1.1.17 is the latest version in branch 1.1, which includes improvements . The team is actively developing and supporting the current 2.0 branch. You can follow the development on GitHub . Also read our twitter and join the group on Facebook .

The main improvements of this release are as follows:

- Compatible with PHP 7.
- CHttpRequest learned to parse JSON in requests of type application / json.
- Implemented StatePersister, working with a database.
- The autoloader now does not swear at non-existent classes in namespaces, which allows other loaders to work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275065/

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