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Cross-platform IDE for .NET / C # from JetBrains

Today announced a new product from JetBrains platform IntelliJ. The code name of the project is Project Rider. It is reported that the IDE contains a large number of features corresponding to the capabilities of ReSharper.

For its work, the IDE uses Resharper, which runs in a separate process and serves as a backend for the code editor. The IDE supports .NET Framework, Mono and DNX / CoreCLR, and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms. It is reported that the release of this product is associated with the movement of Microsoft in the direction of Open Source, as well as with the growing popularity of alternative platforms in the world of .NET.
Estimated release date - autumn 2016, but users will have the opportunity to test the product earlier, using the Early Access Program.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275053/

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