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Iosevka - another font for coding

Not quite the news, but there was a new font for programmers - Iosevka . It began to appear in the autumn, but there was no mention on Habré so far.

Iosevka is a slim monospaced font inspired by such fonts as Pragmata Pro , M + and PF DIN Mono . There are options both with serifs and without, styles with different degrees of fat. Cyrillic is, of course. The font is generated entirely from open source code (with the participation of Node.js); by setting, you can change the style of some characters (such as "a", "g", "l" and others).

The origin of the name is not clear, there is something Slavic in it, but this is unlikely, since the main developer is from China. Perhaps this is just an allusion to reducing I / O.
From myself: the font looks great in IntelliJ IDEA (considering not too good render of some fonts in Java).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275045/

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