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We read the container of the private key CryptoPro by means of OpenSSL

We will talk about the files primary.key, masks.key and header.key, which lie in the xxxxx.000 directory on the USB flash drive. These files are part of the cryptocontainer of the private key of the electronic signature of the crypto-provider CryptoPro, the format of which is not published anywhere. The purpose of this article is to read the container and convert the private key to a format that can be read in the OpenSSL library. For a long time, an erroneous proposition was spread that it is enough to do something like (primary_key XOR masks_key) and we get the private key in a raw (raw) form, but looking ahead, it can be argued that a more complex transformation was used in CryptoPro, in the worst case consisting of more than 2000 (two thousand) hashing operations.

It is worth mentioning the existence of the P12FromGostCSP utility which allows you to convert the key to the P12 format available for working with OpenSSL, but the utility has the following significant drawbacks:

File primary.key

It contains 32 bytes of the key in Asn1 format. This is only half the key; the full key is obtained by dividing this number modulo Q by the mask. The field storing the Q module in the OpenSSL library is called order. The mask is in the masks.key file:


Masks.key file

It contains 32 bytes of the key mask in Asn1 format, encrypted in the pwd_key storage key. Then, 12 bytes of the “seed” information for generating the pwd_key storage key, if the cryptocontainer is password protected, then the password also participates in the storage key generation.
Next, the checksum (imitation) 4 bytes. For simplicity, we will not use control information, the general control will be implemented by generating the public key and comparing the first 8 bytes of the received key with the corresponding field from the header.key file:


Header.key file

From this file, we need the CryptoProParamSet electronic signature parameters (underlined in red).

As well as the first 8 bytes of the public key (underlined) to control the correctness of reading the closed one.


Read the private key and convert

Privkey.c file
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <openssl/pem.h> #include <openssl/cms.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include "gost_lcl.h" /* Convert little-endian byte array into bignum */ BIGNUM *reverse32bn(char *b, BN_CTX *ctx) { BIGNUM *res; char buf[32]; BUF_reverse(buf, b, 32); res = BN_bin2bn(buf, 32, BN_CTX_get(ctx)); OPENSSL_cleanse(buf, sizeof(buf)); return res; } void xor_material(char *buf36, char *buf5C, char *src) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { buf36[i] = src[i] ^ 0x36; buf5C[i] = src[i] ^ 0x5C; } } int make_pwd_key(char *result_key, char *start12, int start12_len, char *passw) { int result; int i; char pincode4[1024]; int pin_len; char current[32]; char material36[32]; char material5C[32]; char hash_result[32]; gost_hash_ctx ctx; init_gost_hash_ctx(&ctx, &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet); memset(pincode4, 0, sizeof(pincode4)); pin_len = strlen(passw); if (pin_len*4 > sizeof(pincode4)) { result = 1; goto err; } for(i = 0; i < pin_len; i++) pincode4[i*4] = passw[i]; start_hash(&ctx); hash_block(&ctx, start12, start12_len); if (pin_len) hash_block(&ctx, pincode4, pin_len * 4); finish_hash(&ctx, hash_result); memcpy(current, (char*)"DENEFH028.760246785.IUEFHWUIO.EF", 32); for(i = 0; i < (pin_len?2000:2); i++) { xor_material(material36, material5C, current); start_hash(&ctx); hash_block(&ctx, material36, 32); hash_block(&ctx, hash_result, 32); hash_block(&ctx, material5C, 32); hash_block(&ctx, hash_result, 32); finish_hash(&ctx, current); } xor_material(material36, material5C, current); start_hash(&ctx); hash_block(&ctx, material36, 32); hash_block(&ctx, start12, start12_len); hash_block(&ctx, material5C, 32); if (pin_len) hash_block(&ctx, pincode4, pin_len * 4); finish_hash(&ctx, current); start_hash(&ctx); hash_block(&ctx, current, 32); finish_hash(&ctx, result_key); result = 0; //ok err: return result; } BIGNUM *decode_primary_key(char *pwd_key, char *primary_key, BN_CTX *bn_ctx) { BIGNUM *res; char buf[32]; gost_ctx ctx; gost_init(&ctx, gost_cipher_list->sblock); gost_key(&ctx, pwd_key); gost_dec(&ctx, primary_key, buf, 4); res = reverse32bn(buf, bn_ctx); OPENSSL_cleanse(buf, sizeof(buf)); return res; } BIGNUM *remove_mask_and_check_public(char *oid_param_set8, BIGNUM *key_with_mask, BIGNUM *mask, char *public8, BN_CTX *ctx) { int result; EC_KEY *eckey = NULL; const EC_POINT *pubkey; const EC_GROUP *group; BIGNUM *X, *Y, *order, *raw_secret, *mask_inv; char outbuf[32], public_X[32]; ASN1_OBJECT *obj; int nid; order = BN_CTX_get(ctx); mask_inv = BN_CTX_get(ctx); raw_secret = BN_CTX_get(ctx); X = BN_CTX_get(ctx); Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx); if (!order || !mask_inv || !raw_secret || !X || !Y) { result = 1; goto err; } obj = ASN1_OBJECT_create(0, oid_param_set8+1, *oid_param_set8, NULL, NULL); nid = OBJ_obj2nid(obj); ASN1_OBJECT_free(obj); if (!(eckey = EC_KEY_new())) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!fill_GOST2001_params(eckey, nid)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!(group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey))) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!BN_mod_inverse(mask_inv, mask, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!BN_mod_mul(raw_secret, key_with_mask, mask_inv, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!EC_KEY_set_private_key(eckey, raw_secret)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!gost2001_compute_public(eckey)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!(pubkey = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(eckey))) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pubkey, X, Y, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; } store_bignum(X, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)); BUF_reverse(public_X, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)); if (memcmp(public_X, public8, 8) != 0) { result = 1; goto err; } result = 0; //ok err: if (eckey) EC_KEY_free(eckey); if (result == 0) return raw_secret; return NULL; } int file_length(char *fname) { int len; FILE *f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (f == NULL) return -1; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(f); fclose(f); return len; } int read_file(char *fname, int start_pos, char *buf, int len) { int read_len; FILE *f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (f == NULL) return 1; if (start_pos) fseek(f, start_pos, SEEK_SET); read_len = fread(buf, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if (read_len != len) return 1; return 0; //ok } int get_asn1_len(unsigned char *buf, int *size_hdr) { int n, i, res; int pos = 0; if ((buf[pos]&0x80) == 0) { *size_hdr = 1; return buf[pos]; } n = buf[pos++]&0x7f; res = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { res = res*256 + buf[pos++]; } *size_hdr = n+1; return res; } #define MAX_HEADER 20000 int read_container(char *fpath, int flag2, char *salt12, char *primary_key, char *masks_key, char *public8, char *oid_param_set8) { int result; char primary_path[1024+30]; char masks_path[1024+30]; char header_path[1024+30]; char header_buf[MAX_HEADER]; int header_len; int i, len, pos, size_hdr; if (strlen(fpath)>1024) { result = 1; goto err; } sprintf(header_path, "%s/header.key", fpath); if (flag2 == 0) { sprintf(primary_path, "%s/primary.key", fpath); sprintf(masks_path, "%s/masks.key", fpath); } else { sprintf(primary_path, "%s/primary2.key", fpath); sprintf(masks_path, "%s/masks2.key", fpath); } if (read_file(primary_path, 4, primary_key, 32)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (read_file(masks_path, 4, masks_key, 32)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (read_file(masks_path, 0x26, salt12, 12)) { result = 1; goto err; } header_len = file_length(header_path); if (header_len < 0x42 || header_len > MAX_HEADER) { result = 1; goto err; } if (read_file(header_path, 0, header_buf, header_len)) { result = 1; goto err; } //------------- skip certificate --------------------------- pos = 0; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { get_asn1_len(header_buf+pos+1, &size_hdr); pos += size_hdr+1; if (pos > header_len-8) { result = 2; goto err; } } //------------------ get oid_param_set8 ----------------------- #define PARAM_SET_POS 34 if (memcmp(header_buf+pos+PARAM_SET_POS, "\x6\x7", 2) != 0) { result = 2; goto err; } memcpy(oid_param_set8, header_buf+pos+PARAM_SET_POS+1, 8); //------------------ get public8 ----------------------- result = 2; //not found pos += 52; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { len = get_asn1_len(header_buf+pos+1, &size_hdr); if (len == 8 && memcmp(header_buf+pos, "\x8a\x8", 2) == 0) { memcpy(public8,header_buf+pos+2,8); result = 0; //ok break; } pos += len+size_hdr+1; if (pos > header_len-8) { result = 2; goto err; } } err: OPENSSL_cleanse(header_buf, sizeof(header_buf)); return result; } #define START_OID 0x12 #define START_KEY 0x28 unsigned char asn1_private_key[72] = { 0x30,0x46,2,1,0,0x30,0x1c,6,6,0x2a,0x85,3,2,2,0x13,0x30,0x12,6,7,0x11, 0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,6,7,0x2a,0x85,3,2,2,0x1e,1,4,0x23,2,0x21,0 }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; char *container_path; char *passw; char salt12[12]; char primary_key[32]; char masks_key[32]; char public8[8]; char oid_param_set8[8]; BN_CTX *ctx; BIGNUM *key_with_mask; BIGNUM *mask; BIGNUM *raw_key; char pwd_key[32]; char outbuf[32]; ctx = BN_CTX_new(); if (argc == 2) { container_path = argv[1]; passw = ""; } else if (argc == 3) { container_path = argv[1]; passw = argv[2]; } else { printf("get_private container_path [passw]\n"); result = 1; goto err; } if (read_container(container_path, 0, salt12, primary_key, masks_key, public8, oid_param_set8) != 0 && read_container(container_path, 1, salt12, primary_key, masks_key, public8, oid_param_set8) != 0) { printf("can not read container from %s\n", container_path); result = 2; goto err; } make_pwd_key(pwd_key, salt12, 12, passw); key_with_mask = decode_primary_key(pwd_key, primary_key, ctx); OPENSSL_cleanse(pwd_key, sizeof(pwd_key)); mask = reverse32bn(masks_key, ctx); raw_key = remove_mask_and_check_public(oid_param_set8, key_with_mask, mask, public8, ctx); if (raw_key) { BIO *bio; store_bignum(raw_key, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)); memcpy(asn1_private_key+START_OID, oid_param_set8, 8); memcpy(asn1_private_key+START_KEY, outbuf, 32); //bio = BIO_new_file("private.key", "w"); bio = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE | BIO_FP_TEXT); PEM_write_bio(bio, "PRIVATE KEY", "", asn1_private_key, sizeof(asn1_private_key)); BIO_free(bio); OPENSSL_cleanse(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)); OPENSSL_cleanse(asn1_private_key, sizeof(asn1_private_key)); result = 0; //ok } else { printf("Error check public key\n"); result = 3; } err: BN_CTX_free(ctx); OPENSSL_cleanse(salt12, sizeof(salt12)); OPENSSL_cleanse(primary_key, sizeof(primary_key)); OPENSSL_cleanse(masks_key, sizeof(masks_key)); return result; } 

A small comment.

The main work is performed by the following 3 functions:

1. Create a storage key based on a 12-byte “salt” and password.
 make_pwd_key(pwd_key, salt12, 12, passw); 

2. Decrypt the primary key on the storage key.
 key_with_mask = decode_primary_key(pwd_key, primary_key, ctx); 

3. We divide the key with the mask on the mask.
 raw_key = remove_mask_and_check_public(oid_param_set8, key_with_mask, mask, public8, ctx); 

But since the modulo division operation is traditionally absent in the OpenSLL library, we use the operation of taking the inverse number and multiplication.
 if (!BN_mod_inverse(mask_inv, mask, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; } if (!BN_mod_mul(raw_secret, key_with_mask, mask_inv, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; } 

Key Conversion Utility Build

Further the assembly of source codes is described for Linux version.

The Windows version can be downloaded from here. There are also certificates and a private key for testing, the assembly will require a free Borland C ++ 5.5 compiler

Compiling OpenSSL Library

After downloading and unpacking the openssl source code in the target directory, execute the commands:

 ./config make 

We get the library libcrypto.a in the current directory.
You will also need header files from the engines / ccgost and include directories.

Compile privkey.c

 gcc -o privkey -Iengines/ccgost -Iinclude privkey.c libcrypto.a -pthread -ldl 

Formation of the private key file private.key

 ./privkey /mnt/usbflash/lp-9a0fe.000 

You can take a test private key in a crypto-container lp-9a0fe.000, a certificate of a public key signer.cer and other files for testing from here

We get the result of the work:

We save in private.key

We use the private key private.key to sign the file file.txt

 openssl cms -sign -inkey private.key -in file.txt -CAfile CA.cer -signer signer.cer -engine gost -out test.sign -outform DER -noattr -binary 

We check the signature

 openssl cms -verify -content file.txt -in test.sign -CAfile CA.cer -signer signer.cer -engine gost -inform DER -noattr -binary 

Everything works just great!

Thanks for attention. This was my first article on Habré.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/275039/

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