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Vladimir Vladimirovich will teach you to knock

Programmers have a prayer.
“Lord, reboot this world!”

Yes, the programmer's prayer. We always restart the computer when it hangs.

And if we do not like the world in many ways? ..
I'll learn

I am now worried about the problem of computer illiteracy.

For several years I gave the creation of the course " SOLO on the keyboard ". Suddenly you heard about him?

It's a mystery to me: why many people prefer text — references, reports, orders, orders and instructions, personal letters — to type on your computer with two or four fingers and at the same time look at the keyboard all the time?

Watching how people interact with the computer, I smile sadly.


Yes, because they buy super-powered computers, install expensive, high-quality monitors, use excellent keyboards (separate for the right and left hands), and knock on them with two or four fingers.

On a set of one page minutes thirty leaves.

I know: you can learn to type the blind ten-finger method in five to six days, and then it will take five minutes to dial one page.

When people propose to learn how to type blindly - they answer: no time for classes, too many things ...

You can’t explain: if a person is really in time trouble, then he just needs to master the blind ten-finger dialing method. One time to spend, then to save hundreds - not dozens, but hundreds! - hours per year.

If you type text without looking at the keyboard, it reduces the load on the eyes. A man takes care of his health.

In the US, computer literacy is 78 percent. And we have about 10 percent. Need any comments?

Where does literacy begin? In order to learn how to type a ten-finger blind method. Is not it?

Let me remind you a parable.

A man walks through the forest and sees a woodcutter. The one with great difficulty is cutting a tree for a long time. Sweaty, dirty, tired ... A man asks the woodcutter:

- What have you been drinking for so long?

“The saw is dull,” the woodcutter replied sullenly.

- So sharpen!

Woodcutter - with irritation:

- No time!

No time!

Is it because we live like this that we don’t have time to sharpen a saw? ..

We are chronophagous. Crono is a time phage to devour. We devour our and other people's time. And the one who knocks two-four fingers on the keyboard, devours time at himself. Let's stop doing chronophagy.

Someone will say: Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan is engaged in advertising. “SOLO on the keyboard” is his brainchild, and now he is promoting it. I do not agree. I personally do not care what program (and there are a lot of them) a person will learn to type with a blind, ten-finger method. The main thing is to learn. And according to our - “SOLO on the keyboard” - or on the other - it depends on the choice of each person.

I wish you all good luck and joy - and that everyone learns to type the blind ten-finger method.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27501/

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