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Hourly ADSL'u be!


I live in the glorious city of Nizhny Novgorod, and we have a local monopoly provider, VolgaTelecom. There is actually no alternative. Of the proposed tariffs available for ordinary users, there are “Fly128” and “Fly256”, which understand the speed of 128 and 256 kbit / s, the limit on external traffic is 3 and 5 GB and anlim on internal resources with a speed of up to 8 Mb / s. The cost of 590 and 890 rubles per month, respectively.

The essence of the topic.
We have been dreaming about Moscow tariffs here for years, and even there were rumors about the introduction of new, faster speeds and lower prices for old ones. And just the other day, VT released itself and issued its new magician offers:

Hold in the period from June 9, 2008. till August 31, 2008 inclusive of a campaign on connecting subscribers-citizens to the data transmission network (DPS) using ADSL technology using the tariff plans "Time5 - 64", "Time10 - 64", "Time5 -128", "Time10 -128" under the following conditions:

1.1 Terms of the tariff plans “Time5-64”, “Time10-64”, “Time5-128”, “Time10-128”:

Name of service
Payment in rubles with VAT
A package of services, including the provision of access to the data transmission network (without setting up the customer’s equipment), the provision of a modem for use, the use of the Internet in the amount of 5 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at speeds up to 64 kbit / s, the first month

A package of services that includes the use of the Internet in the amount of 5 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at a speed of up to 64 kbit / s and the provision of a modem for use for the second and subsequent months

Cost of 1 minute, in excess of the volume of 5 hours 0.30
A package of services, including the provision of access to the data transmission network (without setting up the customer’s equipment), the provision of a modem for use, the use of the Internet in the amount of 10 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at speeds up to 64 kbit / s, the first month

A package of services that includes the use of the Internet in the amount of 10 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at a speed of up to 64 kbit / s and the provision of a modem for use for the second and subsequent months

Cost of 1 minute, in excess of 10 hours 0.30
A package of services, including the provision of access to the data transmission network (without setting up the customer’s equipment), the provision of a modem for use, the use of the Internet in the amount of 5 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at speeds up to 128 kbps, the first month

A package of services that includes the use of the Internet in the amount of 5 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at speeds up to 128 kbps and the provision of a modem for use for the second and subsequent months

Cost of 1 minute, in excess of the volume of 5 hours 0.30
A package of services, including the provision of access to the data transmission network (without setting up the customer’s equipment), the provision of a modem for use, the use of the Internet in the amount of 10 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at speeds up to 128 kbps, the first month

A package of services that includes the use of the Internet in the amount of 10 hours per month without taking into account incoming IP traffic at speeds up to 128 kbps and the provision of a modem for use for the second and subsequent months

Cost of 1 minute, in excess of 10 hours 0.30
1. The method of settlement with the subscriber - advance / credit.
2. The validity period of the tariff plan is from ¬ connection date till August 31, 2008 inclusive.
3. The speed of access to intra-regional and inter-regional content resources (www.j-zone.ru; www.j-net.ru; www.j-play.ru; www.j-info.ru; www.j-radio.ru ) - from 64 Kbps to 8 Mbps.
4.Incoming IP traffic from content resources (www.j-zone.ru; www.j-net.ru; www.j-play.ru; www.j-info.ru; www.j-radio.ru ) Charged according to the terms of the tariff plan.

1.2 To establish that after the expiration of the “Time5-64”, “Time10-64”, “Time5-128”, “Time10-128” tariff plans, the subscriber is transferred to the “Fly128” tariff plan, unless other conditions are specified in the contract additional agreement.
2. To establish that when using the broadband access service for 6 months for Annex A modems or 9 months for Annex B modems from the moment of the conclusion of the contract / additional agreement, the modem becomes the property of the subscriber as a bonus after the specified time.
3. In case the subscriber violates clause 2. of this Order before the expiration of the full 6 (9) months from the date of conclusion of the contract / additional agreement, then the modem cost in the amount of 780 rubles is charged to its personal account. (including VAT 118.98 rub.) - for Annex A modems or 1,100 rub. (including VAT 167,80 rub.) - for Annex V modems

My heart sank from the memory of the dashing 90s with a dial-up ... That's how we live =)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27499/

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