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HL7 C-CDA Rendering Tool Challenge (competition from HL7)

HL7 and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) are holding a competition to develop tools for viewing HL7 CDA documents. Developments can be sent until May 31, 2016.

The requirements for such a viewer or viewer are rather vague and require not only knowledge of the structure of CDA, but also typical problems encountered by doctors when working with them (CSS-based conversion is built into CDA by default).

image Prizes image

1st place - $ 15'000 USD
2nd place - $ 5,000 USD


The HL7 Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture or (C-CDA) standard, based on XML, defines the structure and semantics of clinical documents, such as Discharge Summaries or Imaging Reports (here and then the original names are kept, because the competition is primarily for English-speaking audiences ). According to the CDA standard, the document should have the following characteristics: Persistence, Stewardship, Potential for authentication, Context, Wholeness and Human readability. The contest is aimed at improving the latest characteristics, namely, the readability of the CDA document for a doctor or patient. The process by which XML documents are converted to human readable in HL7 is called, expected, rendering. So, one of the requirements for C-CDA is that all the clinically important components of the C-CDA document must be present (i.e. must be translatable) into human readable form.

Currently, many practitioners are frustrated with the usability of C-CDA documents due to an oversupply of data provided by EHR systems, making it very difficult to sort data by relevance, find relationships between different sections of a document and determine the only event for which C- CDA document was created. Providers of EHR systems, for a variety of reasons, usually convert much more information into a human-readable format than medical practitioners need. In some especially neglected cases, the entire patient's history is placed in the CDA. A viewer that can simplify viewing only relevant information will save a lot of time and at the same time ensures that clinicians will not miss the information needed to make a decision.

The essence of the competition

Participants in the C-CDA Rendering Tool Challenge should develop a viewer to help doctors convert the C-CDA document and provide information meaningful only to that doctor. Accordingly, the viewer should convert and display only the data that the doctor deemed relevant, as a result of which the doctor will be able to quickly and efficiently assess the patient's condition. The viewer should be easy to use, provide the requested data in a short period of time, whether it is sorted, filtered, or in some other way requested sections of the document.

Developers of this type of viewer can implement additional functions, for example, provide not only the data requested by the doctor, but also provide a way to provide data that is repeated in different sections.


Participants must adhere to existing principles and requirements for the conversion of CDA documents (according to the standard):
• a strictly defined method for converting an arbitrary C-CDA document.
• If a title is defined for a C-CDA document, it must be converted.
• If the C-CDA Body is structured, the section labels defined in Section.title must be converted. Absence Section.title means no section of the document.
• if structured content is taken from narrative, the transformation mechanism should be described.
• if the content is taken from structured content, there must be a mechanism to determine the process by which the narrative was created from the structured data.

Additional requirements:
• development should be open source;
• development must meet the minimum certification requirements for C-CDA document viewers according to the 2015 Certification Criteria:
Show data only in a specific section,
◦ ability to sort sections,
◦ ability to specify the number of sections to view.
• Winner development will be available on Github and can be freely used on the HL7 website.
• The winners will receive free registration and the opportunity to participate in the 30th annual HL7 plenary meeting (September 18-23, 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland), where they will be able to demonstrate their designs.

Original requirements, as well as contacts for all questions about the competition - www.hl7.org/events/toolingchallenge.cfm#rules

Update 1 : HL7 organizes a webinar February 4 / 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET to discuss the issues raised. Register for the webinar on the contest page.

Update 2 : And so, the contest is over and the winner is revealed. The winner was Bryn Lewis, PhD, Principal
Software Development Consultant at Intelsoft (Melbourne, Australia). Below, without any translation, a description and links to the C-CDA Viewer Tool from the winner.

The C-CDA Viewer is an easy-to-use view of the complex C-CDA documents, available directly in any web browser. The design of responsive screen space. Users can hide, collapse and move CDA document.

• Document sections can be manipulated via the document Table of Contents;
• Subsequent CDA documents opened;
• Ability to detect and hide / show duplicates;
• The result is an intuitive and user-friendly document layout;
• It can be used on a PC tablet or mobile device. It will also run as a standalone local fileset.

Watch a demo version of the tool: intelsoft.com.au/challenge/index.htm
Learn more about the tool: github.com/brynlewis/C-CDA_Viewer

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274977/

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