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Everything goes according to plan? Planning in Bitrix24

You can travel light, without plans, maps, food and water supplies. Provide yourself with this on the road, spend time, money and nerves if you suddenly go astray. But with the map and inventory, it’s simpler, safer, and much less contingent. Does your business have a map, reserves of resources, distributed load? Simply put, how is your planning?

Chaotic movement towards the final goal always takes more time and effort than clearly planned steps. No wonder today, no CRM, ERP, and even no bugtracker can do without the time, task and task scheduling module. A team of experts Bitrix24 collected a brief medical history of companies living off-plan, and developed a method of treatment.

All these problems, unfortunately, do not go one by one and entail a number of serious managerial mistakes, and in the end - a drop in the quality of work and a reduction in profits. The Bitrix24 team knows how to treat these unpleasant corporate symptoms.


It seems that it is illogical in a post devoted to planning, to put the meeting in the first place. However, they deserve this place as the most common killer of working time. Thus, in 2014, VoloMetrix, a company that develops applications for social analytics of enterprises, conducted a study, according to which meetings and unsuccessful correspondence were recognized as the main timekillers, sometimes killing more than 70% of their working time . After these two processes were deducted from the employee’s 40-hour work week, it turned out that he spends only 11 hours a week on the main job, it’s not even two working days!

Bitrix24 has been working in the field of corporate governance for quite a long time, and we know how much working time killing meetings and conferences, which often do not address a single issue. Where does such inefficiency come from? It's simple: there is no clear agenda, orders are not fixed, forgotten, and all important decisions are carried over to the next time. Meetings are too expensive for the company. Let's calculate how much a meeting can cost.

Suppose there is a construction company-developer, in which a marketing manager works with a salary of 25,000 rubles, an accountant-economist with a salary of 30,000 rubles, a salesman who receives 70,000 rubles, and a director with a salary of 100,000 rubles. On average, there are 21 working days per month for 8 working hours, for a total of 168 hours. The marketing manager's work hour was 149 rubles, the economist –178 rubles, sales manager - 417 rubles, directors - 595 rubles, all together - 1339 rubles / hour. Imagine that once a week they hold a meeting that is only 1 hour long. For a year of 51 working weeks, such meetings cost 68,289 rubles. And if they last for 1.5-2 hours, as it often happens, and they involve more people?

With Bitrix24, group discussions can be much more effective. The choice of a time convenient for all participants is a matter of a few seconds and a couple of clicks. Special service "Event Scheduler" will help to find the windows in the schedule of all those invited. The meeting will appear in their calendars, including mobile devices, plus Bitrix24 will send an additional reminder. If someone from the meeting participants is not in the office, he can be connected to the discussion via video link available in the service.

In addition, a special service “Planning and Meetings” allows you to pre-publish the discussion agenda for all participants, so as not to waste too much time talking - everyone can decide whether to attend the meeting and think in advance about the details that are expected of him (documents, reports, figures from statistics, plans).
After the meeting, all agreements can be recorded in an electronic protocol, and the instructions can be converted into tasks and entered into the Bitrix24 service, with deadlines and responsible persons. Then nothing will be lost and will not be forgotten.

The time freed from ineffective discussions can be spent on really important tasks.

Real Affairs: Tasks, Projects, Gantt Chart

The tasks in Bitrix24 are divided into those that the employee initiated, which were assigned to him, in which he takes part and for which he observes. Obviously, both the priority and the time resources for execution are different. All the tasks of the employee are collected in his calendar along with the events - you can easily see what needs to be done, where the overlays have occurred and what is still to be done. In each task, you can see the history of changes and elapsed time. Collected statistics on the time of execution in the future can form the basis for planning the activities of an employee or department, because in any company there are typical, routine processes.

To avoid disrupting projects and deadlines, it is convenient to observe the progress of tasks in the Gantt chart and with the help of timesheets for business operations. The Gantt chart is precisely designed for large projects: it clearly shows the dependencies between tasks, deadlines and resources.

It is convenient to add events to the calendar, as well as the status of an employee on a certain day or time: free, busy, questionable, no. This allows the supervisor to know exactly about the employment of the subordinate (and vice versa) and not to call him back several times with the question whether he was free. Thus, Bitrix24 solves one more important task for each company - the task of controlling the working time and speed of employees.

If personal and team planning in Bitrix24 is obvious, then there are several functions that serve for planning purposes, but not directly. One of them is a sales funnel. The sales funnel is part of a plan-fact analysis and reflects the proportion of transactions at different stages. Evaluating each of the sectors of the funnel, you can predict sales / transactions for the next month, as well as assess the result of the current period to the plan.

When we designed Bitrix24 , we initially realized the importance of organizing time and managing tasks. That is why all entities related to personal and team planning are interrelated and accessible from various sections of the service. In the course of work on a project or task, the elapsed time (time as a resource), time off, breaks are taken into account. Directly from the task, you can access related entities: clients, contacts, employees, etc. The results of the work are visible to the employee and the manager on the dashboards, and you can view both individual and group information for comparative evaluation of effectiveness.

In modern commercial companies, employees are often on the road, on business trips, and work on the client’s territory. With the Bitrix24 mobile app, you are always aware of all company events, and you can also create tasks, monitor their implementation, and monitor status changes right from your smartphone.

Some moral

Of course, someone will definitely not like “the work that is always with you,” and the transition to planning is often very painful. There was such a case in our practice. The company was engaged in the provision of communication services. The new commercial director found serious shortcomings in the planning and organization of working time. If not to say worse, the regional managers did not even know how they fulfilled the plan and at what stage are several of their joint projects. He forcibly introduced MS Excel spreadsheets, which were put on a network folder on Monday and Friday. On Monday - with plans for the week, on Friday - with the results. A little later, the idea was adopted by the testing department. However, after a couple of months, reports in the folder stopped appearing. An analysis of the situation that has emerged showed disappointing results of the action on tightening the screws:

What is good in this regard, corporate information system (the same Bitrix24 )? First of all, the data in it are entered in the course of work. In Bitriks24, labor costs are considered automatically and the manager will see the processing to which it is worth responding. Also, all tasks are visible in the system, including suspended and related ones. Sooner or later, the use of the corporate system becomes a good habit, and planning becomes a way of life. As a result, there is greater organization and productivity of staff. And this is the key to successful business operation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274951/

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