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WordPress. Free course from GeekBrains

In November 2015, a recent review of Venturebeat.com and W3Techs was released. It turned out that every fourth website on the Internet is based on an open content management system (CMS) WordPress . Only sites from Alexa TOP 1.000.000 were included in the study, which suggests that these were not some resources made in a hurry or for educational purposes, but really large projects. The runner-up CMS Joomla gained only 2.8%.

WordPress met its 8th summer mark in 2011 with a score of just 13.1%. Then four years of continuous growth smoothly, without jumps or other sharp shocks, and as a result the 14th year of existence of this CMS brought her absolute leadership: 25% of all sites in the world gave it preference. It should be noted that the WHOIS service awarded her the 1st place in his rating: 36% of checks for the type of CMS by its users, he issued the answer: WordPress.

Nobody needs a cesspool instead of a blog.

WordPress is the successor of the b2 blogging platform, which had a bright but short biography at the beginning of the century. WordPress has inherited the concept of a self-contained platform designed for easy and convenient personal blogging. CMS uses PHP and MySQL and allows you to create dynamic sites without specific knowledge, without any difficulties, change information on the pages, manage the hierarchy of posts, and so on.

The engine out of the box provides solid functionality, which novice bloggers have enough. Over time, when experience and desire to stand out from the crowd, the blogger can easily extend the capabilities of the CMS and the appearance of the site by installing plugins.

The most popular plugins over the past few years are those that improve SEO optimization and integrate a website with search engine analysis services. One of these plugins is Yoast . In addition, this plugin contains a lot of chips that help make the resource more friendly to visitors. No less popular are plugins that provide an additional level of information security of the site. For example, Akismet , a quality anti-spam tool in the comments. Otherwise nothing - who needs a cesspool instead of a blog?

Ubiquity. Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of WordPress has led to some notable features. Around the platform formed a huge community of programmers and users. Enthusiast-wide conferences on WordPress: Wordcamp (large scale) and Meetup (local character) are held all over the planet, where you can easily meet one of the WordPress gurus and listen to his reports. These events have been held in Moscow for several years, collecting full halls.

But the breadth of spread is not only a plus, but also a minus. On the one hand, the largest search engines, for example, Google, have special mechanisms for indexing sites on WordPress. Therefore, in the USA and other English-speaking countries, this platform looks especially attractive. But there are no pros without cons. The flip side of popularity is the undoubted attention of cybercriminals and scammers.

Why spend money and time learning WordPress?

The main phenomenon of WordPress is the huge demand all over the world for specialized courses for its study, both beginner and advanced. After all, all the above-mentioned advantages of the system are nothing in the “crooked hands” of untrained users, and the minuses can lead to a complete collapse of young projects. A thoughtful reader will ask: if this CMS works out of the box, why do we need to spend money and time for additional study? Why not read the forums at your leisure?

Let me answer the question with a question: why do you need a personal blog site?
Why not take advantage of social networks and free blog services? Experience shows that starting with the latter, people understand that there they are simply lost against the background of millions, or even billions of pages of other users, often of a commercial and political nature.

So there is a desire to create something unique, your own . A short search leads to the purchase of the first advertised hosting, download and installation of WordPress. Most often, everything works from the first attempt, but over time comes the understanding that another soldier appeared in the ranks of soldiers, no different from other sites.

Attempts to fasten something to the design often only aggravate the situation, because you need to learn this. And ignorance of the basic principles of the CMS architecture leads to the fact that the necessary plugins are not installed and the most obvious holes are not closed. As a result, blog owners begin to spend time not on filling the resource with content, but on fighting bots, and in addition they are wasting money on promotion.

Learn, learn and learn!

It is not surprising that newcomers in this situation is difficult. Yes, there is a huge WordPress community ready to help with advice. But the problem is that at this stage novice bloggers can not clearly articulate their problem. But the correct question contains half the answer.

More advanced users, having passed this stage, need other knowledge. Wordpress, although it was originally intended for writing blogs, is also good for creating online stores, corporate business cards, and so on. And it would be nice to integrate several of its resources into a single whole with social networks and other network services. There are problems and questions, which are not easy to find in technical documentation.

Therefore, there is a demand for courses. Our advice - when choosing courses, pay attention to the personality of the teacher, his presentation format, as well as the integrity and quality of the material . And, not least, correctly evaluate your level in order to choose the right course.

A holistic view of the world is more valuable than fragmentary knowledge.

For those who want to create their own blog or website, but do not have the skills and knowledge of web technologies, we can recommend a free video course on the basics of working with Wordpress . Even without knowing anything about html, at the end of the course, everyone will be able to create their own blog, which will be not just a page on the LiveJournal, but an independent site, ”said Yegor Shubin, a teacher at GeekBrains educational portal.
Egor works as a web programmer and designer in a software implementation company, and now opens his own Internet agency with partners.

What will the student learn in the course « Wordpress. Personal blog ":

Knowledge of what a hosting, domain and web server are, and why they are needed, as well as options for placing your blog on the Internet, will not be superfluous. In addition, many people choose this course because of the opportunity to learn the basic concepts of usability, i.e. how to make the site really convenient for users, and not just a beautiful, but absolutely useless set of widgets, buttons and hyperlinks.

Nail Maksudov and Yuri Zhayvoronok, teachers of GeekBrains, continue the theme raised by Yegor Shubin: “Having mastered the basic skills, very few people stop at this. After all, programming is real magic, when a few lines of code turn into an animated picture or forum on the monitor screen. For such people, the course „ HTML and CSS. Basics of creating websites "is the first and absolutely necessary step in learning the profession of a web developer ."

It is during these classes that future bloggers and programmers come to understand how the Internet works, how websites are structured, why they may look different in different browsers, how the programming and design process takes place, and what development tools to use. By the end of the course you will be able to create simple static sites using HTML and CSS.

The logical conclusion to understanding the subtleties of WordPress and other popular CMS is immersion in the PHP programming language in which they are written. Very desirable and knowledge of the basics of working with the database MySQL.

Perhaps this way of learning WordPress will seem long and partly unnecessary. His fullness is the choice of each listener. Our task is to teach thinking in a complex way, to think and understand how things are arranged, and to ask questions correctly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274943/

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