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Community DevCamp reports are available.

Records of Community DevCamp reports became available to developers from developers. The main speakers were recognized community experts who talked about how they see, use, or plan to use the latest innovations for developers on .NET — .NET Native, Roslyn, cross- ASP.NET platform development, Docker containers, Azure Service Fabric, F # - and much more.

Records of all reports are available at the link:

The event was supported by the MVP community .


Server development on Microsoft technologies

Evgeny Agafonov, Development Manager, Lingvo Live, ABBYY

Functional F # programming in big data processing and
machine learning

Dmitry Soshnikov, Technology Evangelist, Microsoft, Russia

What does the coming C # 7 prepare for us?

Andrey Akinshin, software developer, JetBrains

Developer Machine Learning - Microsoft Azure Tools

Dmitry Petukhov, Microsoft Certified Professional, Architect, Developer, Big Data Enthusiast

New Azure features to build efficient processes
continuous testing in devops teams

Igor Shcheglovitov, Senior Test Engineer at Kaspersky Lab and Microsoft ALM Ranger

Impact Maping in the examples

Alexey Losev, head of the development team

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274853/

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