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AIR 1.1 released with integrated Russian language support and AIR Update Framework

The main thing in the new version of Adobe AIR 1.1 - support for localized and "international" applications. The runtime itself (AIR runtime) now supports many languages ​​- Brazilian, Portuguese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish, and also supports keyboard input for languages ​​with double-byte character encoding. .

Adobe AIR Update Framework - update correctly

At the same time, a beta version of the application update framework, Adobe AIR Update Framework , is available in Adobe Labs . It provides an API to implement the correct update of AIR applications. This includes features such as:
  1. Check for updates (both periodic and at the request of the user);
  2. Downloading AIR application updates from the network;
  3. Informing the user when you first start a new version or when migrating data;
  4. Confirmation of the user's consent to check for updates;
  5. Display information about the new version for the user;
  6. Displaying download progress and possible errors.
Similarities - on the Adobe AIR Update Framework page.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27483/

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